Jan 20 transition of power,”Dark Night of the Soul”

A large coronal hole on the Sun has been spewing out a solar wind stream of plasma, which is energized, charged particles, primarily electrons and protons, flowing outward from the Sun, that is now affecting the earth. See http://spaceweather.com/

These Solar winds affect electro-magnetic fields in the earth’s ley lines and in our bodies. We are really electricity in the flesh. If you have been feeling tired dizzy and kind of “out of it” that is my experience of how these solar winds and CME’s affect us.

I was downtown today going to two events and people seemed to be really in a weird energetic space. Many seemed to be really somnambulistic. How were you feeling yesterday?

Anti-Trump protesters were very angry under that Mars-Saturn square as would be expected

I don’t condone violence. One protester assaulted a Repub supporter and hit him in the head, he needed stitches. I find it laughable that Trump protesters are being referred to as leftists. But Trump actually becoming President is a totally insane idea but there are some good things in there too. Who pushed the button and we all ended up inside a reality TV studio? Do you feel we are all suddenly living like Jim Carrey in that movie The Truman Show?  Only we haven’t figured out its all a set yet.  The reality may or may not be coming to a theatre- your own life, soon.

And now its Inauguration day. Trump is a #22/4 The Fool/King

Yes CNN did a story which was a not so secret plant to inducing some maniac to off Trump and Pence scenario which was very weird.  Or they were revealing their plans out in the open.  The tension is still in the air.

The nice energy today is VENUS SEXTILE PLUTO @ 17+ degrees Pisces/Capricorn

VENUS in PISCES, the Goddess of unconditional love, blurred lines, martyrdom, delusion, debt and romance is blessings the corporate conservative inauguration of Trump who is PLUTO in CAPRICORN at this point embodied. Values are dying and being reborn. This is especially important for women to hold a position of power now.

I know that still seems hard to wrap our heads around. PLUTO is still PLUTO though, yes the PLUTOCRACY. And he is still LORD of the UNDERWORLD, the shadows, the scapegoats- “Mexicans, Muslims terrorists, Jews. ” He wield incredible power and control, secrets, sex, scandals, cabals. It is SCORPIO energy under a Scorpio Moon.   Trump as much as he keeps foisting that he is on the side of the ignored, the Pisces underdogs, has hired the richest of colleagues to be in his crew. It is shameless 1% ers all the way. Republican Democrats its all the same show. But the deplorables don’t seem to get it.

Venus in Pisces is illusions and delusions so be very careful what you project onto TRUMP. Everyone sees something else. He is a showman, a manipulator, yes he is bringing change, but what kind of change and who really benefits? The poor Venus in PISCES person roots for the underdog and then gets martyred in the process. Venus in Pisces is also all those who quote the bible, want to control women, poor me, victims. The anti-Trumps are campaigning for women’s rights, for LGBT rights for anti-rascism, anti-fascism, freedom of speech.  These are democratic, secular, higher consciousness values.

We shall see. I know the revolution is simmering in the background already. I was looking ahead to 2020 and OMG. You ain’t seen nothing yet. Either Saudi Arabia is nuked off the face of the earth or they start WW3.  Big new long-term cycles kick off in 2020. Trump may still be there.

The last aspect of Jan 20 is SCORPIO MOON trines NEPTUNE in PISCES

The Plutonic theme continues. Yes they will be celebrating in Washington. But all is not what it appears at all. Neptune in Pisces is like the whole world drank the kool-aid. Scorpio can secretly exercise its need to control using those addictions, or distractions, entertainment, the internet, etc.  It is time to wake up to see how monitored everyone’s lives are, how controlled the media is and this isn’t just Democrats. The secret government who runs the Presidency have been brainwashing everyone for years. That is advertising and big banks, and culture, and religion all of these are tools to control huge populations.

There are secrets, illusions, delusions, projections, deep emotions, obsessive fantasies, sex, big money, death, rebirth, spirituality, debt, lies, banking, deception, scandals and BIG False gurus.

 The Tarot card of DEATH #13 is SCORPIO energy and Pisces 12th house spirituality, magic, source energy, surrender, drugs, illusions, escapism is The Card of the Moon #18 in the TAROT.

A dangerous cocktail indeed. it’s tinged with S & M, depression, addictions, suicide, danger, false paths and unconscious shadows taking over.

There is a need for white light angelic spiritual protection.

The positive side of this it’s very creative, very imaginative, good for artists musicians and doing any kind of creative work.

It is a good energy to do rituals with especially with water. It’s good for meditation, visualization, and deep soul connections and inner visions. Scorpio brings courage and daring, fearless, death and change. This energy heightens your deepest psychic energies with the desires of the soul. This is deep shadow country.

It’s also excellent for doing Tantric sex magic rituals.Be careful with this energy, you must always use it for positive energy and white magic. Use only with a beloved, to reach states of enlightenment.  Do not be dragged down into Scorpio’s lower chakra nature, you could be eaten by demonic forces easily or your own unconscious need for power and control.

Faith is important at times of major transitions. You may feel you are going through the “Dark Night of the SOUL” but it is all part of the rebirth process. Trust and connect with Source to guide you.

PUT On your xray specs like in the famous 1988 Jon Carpenter film THEY LIVE

 “You see them on the street. You watch them on TV. You might even vote for one this fall. You think they’re people just like you.  You’re wrong. Dead wrong. “

All really great sci-Fi is tuned into the future and is prophetic. I believe this movie certainly was. It doesn’t have to be literally about aliens. The message is very much about waking up to the control brainwashing and consumerism. The corporate 1% are alien in that they are separate different for the rest, they can be metaphorically seen as reptilians because they are cold. Which is a popular conspiracy theory and alt view of the world.

Trump, wake up, Astrology



on the right is Shepard Fairy’s 2011 show honoring the original John Carpenter film.

Note how it says THIS IS YOUR GOD OBEY YOUR DICTATOR. on it.

“One of my main concepts with the show, and the [Obey] campaign as a whole, was that obedience is the most valuable currency. People rarely consider how much power they sacrifice by blindly following a self-serving corporation’s marketing agenda, and how their spending habits reflect the direction in which they choose to transfer power.” says Fairey.

Donald Trump is a total capitalist. It’s all about giving people jobs so they can consume more, frack the hell out of the earth for more oil, to create more industry, pollution, and to hell with the environment.  It’s all the same show, democrats Republicans blah blah blah.

It is time to wake up to see how monitored everyone’s lives are, how controlled the media is and this isn’t just Democrats. The secret government who runs the Presidency have been brainwashing everyone for years. That is advertising and big banks, and culture, and religion all of these are tools to control huge populations.

My husband and I started watching  RT a few months ago and found it refreshing. It is more open and more about the world, Larry King is on it. Their anchor people look real not all plastic.  They showed some truly hideous footage of poor malnourished Arabic children in Yemen who Saudi Arabia is trying to obliterate. The Humanitarian organizations asked that the U.S. and Britain stop selling arms to Saudi Arabia.  Remember the House of Saud was part of the 911 plan and protected by the U.S. Government. What is really going on is the arms manufacturers only want to make a profit. They don’t care about poor little kids who are Muslims or Whatever they are. They are happy to support their obliteration. So take a long look at how this planet has been played out. Scorpio brings the gift of X-Ray vision. See beyond the fake show. Its all fake. Trump calling CNN Fake is partly true and partly a reason for the Repubs to control the media and absolve themselves.

We need to pray for a real spiritual awakening.

In the meantime, the best we can do is work towards being enlightened ourselves. The split in America is a split in the culture, a split in what really goes on and the denial or ignorance. The split, is a crack which opens up so that hopefully positive change can emerge.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com





Serious sex tiles, the Bitch Goddess

The Sun was squaring Juno Goddess of wisdom/the long-suffering wife archetype. Is that why Hilary barely squeaked by? I found the energy to be intense and chaotic yesterday. We did a very simple but effective Imbolc Ritual. I had a lovely interview on the Xzone radio show which I have been on since 2008. will send link.

Feb 3. There is a lot happening to me and my husband today.  Lets look at whats going on.

Serious sextiles prevail today which are easy 60 degrees aspects, always sweet. 

Sagittarius moon gallops into the AOK Corral and is confronted with Neptune’s trident in a reality vs fantasy showdown.  Yes a recount is in order. This aspects fuels the imagination, the travel bug, the romantic escape fantasy,

MARS in Scorpio sextiles PLUTO in Capricorn, Move your soul.

Both rule Scorpio, so you can easily tap into your X RAY Scorpionic visionary insight powers today to peel back the layers of  what is really going on within your soul and others.  Have you ever seen that movie “THEY LIVE”? a 1988 John Carpenter movie starring former wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper  who discovers a pair of sunglasses that allow him to wake up to the fact that aliens have taken over the Earth. Kind of a pre- Matrix sci-fi film. It’s good. 

X Ray vision, Astrology, Tara Greene

You can also expect to see deeply layered, heavy, aggressive, secret, ruthless corporate deal going down.  Beware of manipulative  people and their shadows.

As this aspect forms at night in PST and EST it can produce nightmares. The shadow is  both a psychological and a real negative entity or “hungry ghost.: Sneaky demonic entities lurk around and can glom onto you. The Sagittarius Moon’s energies are notoriously naive and trusting.Protect yourself energetically. 

Mercury in Capricorn sextiles Chiron in Pisces  

Those in power must learn to be truly compassionate and vulnerable. 

AQUARIUS SUN sextiles SATURN and Sagittarius Moon Sextiles Sun   @ 14+ Aquarius. 

This is a good very positive aspect to push through new more humanitarian laws, bringing hi tech into higher education making it more accessible to the many, It’s good for organizations to think tank new options. Revolutionary politics is the way to go, GO BERNIE. You will have to pay more and more for info on the Net. Good for innovation in travel industry, foreign affairs, teachers, publishing and good for everyone with planets at 13-15 FIXED SIGNS. TAurus Leo Scorpio Aquarius. 

Uranus is almost exactly opposite BLACK MOON LILITH and almost conjunct to Vesta, the priestess of Investments, investiture and Tantric Sexuality. The Dark Goddess energy is awakening BIG TIME> This is where the Revolutionary ENERGIES of the DARK GODDESS RECLAIMING her powers that is the big game changer. This is literally a stock market chaos energy..

Dark Goddess, Tara Greene

THis is part of the EVOLVING Grand cardinal cross of Pluto and Mercury in Capricorn as well.The energy will build for the next two or three days. 

When VENUS conjunct PLUTO and Squares URANUS  on Feb 5 and 6. 

WHAM BAM THANK YOU MA’AM will take on a whole new meaning indeed. I’ll write about that separately. 


I believe that JUNO is the Feminine Form of Genius. She is usually seen in her Patriarchal guise as Hera, Zeus’s long-suffering wife. A not very positive role model in my eyes and one that is there to mold women to put up with cheating husbands just to keep the family together. Venus in Capricorn is a hard-headed businesswoman who knows how to work and hold power. This aspect is for all the women who have been afraid to speak up to speak out to defy the cultural roles which the Patriarchy has laid out for every female. There is a lot of talk about why women don’t report being raped or sexually abused. It is because every aspect of our western culture is set up to blame the victim, blame the woman, blame the mother. JUNO is much wiser than that. Women get stronger, hold your ground, don’t buy into those cultural stereotypes anymore. Find strength in yourself and from the earth and your intuition. Capricorn is a Feminine sign, ruled by Saturn who was once the Great Mother and not Saturn Father Time. I am writing a book about the Feminine Zodiac, even though we need the balance of opposites, seeing the signs through a Feminine lens gives them a different shape. 

Moon conjuncts Saturn @ 2:31 pm EST – You may feel an energy low as Saturn kicks in.  Emotional maturity can give you confidence.

Moon trines URANUS in ARIES 

this is a positive upbeat fiery day, act on long-term goals. Be the change. Wake people up.

Moon squares Chiron at days end

As you look over your day give thanks for all that has transpired. YOu may have picked up other people’s issues and emotions so make sure you thoroughly cleanse off their energies before retiring. Wash you hands, take an epsom salts bath, use crystals and smudge to cleanse your energy field. 

Please share widely 

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

Get a reading from Tara http://www.taratarot.com

Suffragette City-David Bowie 1990