Archie Harrison-Mountbatten-Windsor Astrology

Happy Solar Return 1st Birthday to #ArchieHarrison who actually turns one year old on May 5th at 3:15 am in L.A. PDT. Yes, his calendar birthday is May 6th but the Solar Return is the actual #birthday when the Sun returns to the exact degree it was when you took your first breath. This little boy has already lived in 3 countries and visited South Africa in his first year.

To read all about Archie’s Natal Chart which I have updated it as it was initially written the day he was born.

There may be more moves for him in 2021 as Uranus crosses his Rising in 2021 and the North node conjuncts his Mars in Gemini and opposes his Jupiter in Sagittarius in that year. 

His Natal chart indicates that the Historic leave-taking Prince Harry announced in January 2020 from his Royal family was clearly marked by the January 10 Lunar eclipse at 20 degrees Cancer opposite to Archies Saturn and Pluto and squaring his Natal Venus in Aries indicating a sudden restricting Saturn/Pluto change in values on both his Saturn/Pluto in his 10th house of worldly fame. 

Archie’s natal chart indicates a very smart female sibling with JUNO in his 3rd house of siblings. His mother Meghan Markle is going through powerful transits from Jupiter Pluto and Saturn right now and throughout 2020. Meghan could easily get pregnant now as Saturn crosses her South Node or on or around December 21, 2020, which is more favourable when Jupiter planet of fertility and Saturn planet of karma and maturity conjoin at 0 Aquarius in her 7th house of marriage. But this is also a difficult transit.  Meghan and Harry need some time to resettle themselves. 

The only TOTAL Solar Eclipse in 2020 occurs December 14 exactly on Master Archie’s Jupiter in Sagittarius indicating another move or travelling or to spend Christmas with his royal grandparents and extended family and his own family could be expanded at this time too.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene 

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archie_harrison_mountbattenwindsor Solar return 2020

Royal Baby Sussex Astrology

Ed Sheeran Solar Return and song data

Ed Sheeran Creative Commons

Happy Birthday to Ed Sheeran the flaming ginger haired totally Aquarian Brit individual who has become one of the most successful pop artists of the last 5 years. 

I wrote about Ed’s astrology in 2013 as my daughter has listened to him since then. Read article about Ed here.

Ed just turned 28 in 2019 and congrats. Ed will be having his 1st Saturn return very close to the Great Conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius on December 21, 2020. This point could mark a big change and expansion in his career.

Ed’s Solar Return chart here. This is an annual chart which shows the Sun returning to where it was when you were born every year. This shows where the planets are in respect to his Natal Chart. Transiting Saturn conjunct his Neptune indicates he is getting more mature and serious in his relationships and his work. Chiron the Wounded Healer will be crossing his Natal Moon at 1-degree ARIES in the next while. He may feel more vulnerable and want to take action in initiatives to help those suffering from emotional problems. 

Ed’s Solar Return Moon is in Cancer at 24 degrees conjunct the North Node at 26 Cancer which is conjunct his Natal Chiron. His Natal South Node is 27 Cancer. This is a Nodal reversal. This indicates he is very powerful synched into the emotional Tone of women and the world. His vulnerability in his songs will be more raw and open. He would want to have children and could also become a father. 

Ed Sheeran Astrology and Solar Return chart

ED Sheeran natal and Solar Return chart

Here’s interesting data about all the words in Ed’s songs schemed out using science.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise indicated.

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