August 22 Very Virgo Times,

It’s VIRGO ♍️ time ! Sun enters Virgo August 22 at precisely 11;16 pm EDT. There’s a VIRGO New Moon August 27 at 4:17 am EDT.

Virgo season is here, already. The earthy, practical, mutable 6th sign is the sign of the Virgin Mother, Ceres, who is pictured on the Constellation holding a sheaf of wheat or corn from the Ancient Eleusinian mysteries. Virgo is also the largest Constellation but we all know Constellations have nothing to do with Astrology signs in modern astrology.

Virgo is the sign ruling Health, harvesting the fruits of the earth, servants traditionally and being of service, a very powerful topic these days especially when Prince Harry stated it so perfectly. “We can all live a life of service. Service is universal.” Virgo is humility, hard work, accountability, criticism, and perfectionism. Virgo also rules pets and the community.

The 6th sign is known for Virgoian accountability, order, mental discipline,  the go-to’s for how to do anything to perfection, how to get your shit together, be punctual, organized, balance the budget, stay healthy, steward the earth, and be HUMBLE- Virgo is anti Selfie.  Virgo can also tend to be O.C.D.’s and the master’s of self- criticism. Virgo works hard and loves to be of service. They are usually health conscious and need to be disciplined with their diets as they tend to have upper digestive issues. They can be hypochondriacs too. Their fear of never being perfect enough and neither is anyone else can prevent them from having relationships.

Virgo is all about the Harvest. It’s time to reap what you have sown on all levels.

IN The TAROT VIRGO is Tarot Major Arcana #9 THE HERMIT

The Hermit Visconti-Sforza Tarot
the Hermit #9 Virgo the Visconti Sforza tarot

Everyone has Virgo somewhere in their astrology chart. Check out which house or houses Virgo rules in your natal chart.

Are you a Virgo? Do, or have planets in Virgo?  Virgo is mutable earth. There’s a whole generation of you with Pluto in Virgo. If you were born August 19, 1957 – October 5, 1971, and  April 17, 1972 –  July 30 1972 you are part of that ecological generation.

Virgo’s love to question, and analyze it’s their keyword. They are analyzers and organizers of life’s details. Like Gemini’s they are ruled by Mercury newly direct.

MERCURY Virgo’s ruling sign is travelling in its home sign August 3/4- August 25/26

Virgo Season

The 6th sign has 6 keywords and questions for all of you as Jupiter in Virgo is magnifying these issues. Now do your homework

  1. Simplicity- How can you simplify your life?

Yes we’re all waaaaay too busy these days. Zen-like simplicity keeps mind-body and spirit clear. A Virgo’s dream is de-cluttering 24/7.

2.  Organization and Analysis

Is your life a big mess of clutter that is if you’re not a Virgo.?  

3.  WORK

are you happy with what you do or is it just a job?

4.  Devotion to service to others and Self-

How much of that have you done lately? And how much do you serve yourself?

5.  Allowing oneself and others to be imperfect

Virgo always has an incessant inner critic in their heads. You are usually your own worst enemy because of your you and everyone else is never good enough. Here’s a brilliant piece of advice someone told me.  Just say “thanks for sharing” to your inner critic and be free to be.

6. Harvesting and health

What have you harvested in your life? What do you want to harvest?  Goal plan for what you want to harvest on any level.


Queen Elizabeth, I was a Virgo born September 7, 1533 She was known as the Virgin Queen. another modern Queen Virgo is

Beyonce September 4, 1981

Prince Harry September 15, 1984

Michael Jackson the King of Pop August 29, 1958

Keanu Reeves September 2, 1964

PINK September 8, 1979

Amy Poehler September 16, 1971

Colin Firth September 10, 1960

Salma Hayek September 2, 1966

Padma Lakshmi September 1, 1970

Actor Michael Keaton September 5, 1951

Amy Winehouse  September 14, 1983

Idris Elba September 6, 1972

actress Taraji P. Henson September 11, 1970

Kobe Bryant August 23, 1978

Rupert Grint from Harry Potter  August 24, 1988

Adam Sandler September 9, 1966

Director Tim Burton August 25, 1958

Writer Stephen King  September 21, 1947

Zendaya September 1,1996

Do watch your digestion during this time, it tends to go awry with planets in Virgo. As an earth sign eat more plant-based now. Get out in nature, Virgo’s need the earthiness to help calm their usually over-anxious selves.

August 27 is a NEW MOON in VIRGO at 4+ degrees. This is exactly on my South Node. check out where the New moon degree is for you. I will do a live video on this

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading hire me for a workshop or class.


VIRGO its’ your Year to shine.

It’s VIRGO TIME! August 23- Sept 23.  This is your year Virgo! Yes with Jupiter in your sign you are the one to go to, the big kahuna of all things Virgoian, accountability, order, mental discipline,  the teacher of how to do perfection, how to get your shit together, be punctual, organized, balance the budget, stay healthy and disciplined, steward the earth, and be HUMBLE-anti Selfie.  You are also the O.C.D.’s and the master’s of self- criticism. You work hard and love to serve. Everyone has Virgo somewhere in their astrology chart. Check out which house or houses Virgo rules in your natal chart.

Are you a Virgo? Do, or have planets in Virgo?  Virgo is mutable earth. There’s a whole  generation of you with Pluto in Virgo and Jupiter will wake your soul up this year- 2016.

If you were born August 19, 1957 – October 5, 1971 and   April 17, 1972 –  July 30 1972 you are part of that Gen Perfection. You would benefit from a reading- see below to  see how Jupiter can be your best reward this year.

Saturn will also be squaring and testing Virgo’s born up to the first 11 days of the Sign by this year’s end. Many of you are ready to be more mature. Those born in the earliest part of that Gen may be thinking about retirement. Those on the late end of it Have just gone through their mid-life crises. Also Virgo will be in the square from Saturn in Sagittarius to Neptune in Pisces which is exact November 26 2015 and majorly affects Virgo’s born August 28. 

Virgo’s love to question, they are analyzer’s of life’s details. Like Gemini’s they are ruled by Mercury so when Mercury goes Retrograde September 17-October 9th you feel it. I’m telling you this so that you can be totally prepared of course. I have my South Node of the Moon in Virgo.

for the 6th sign we have 6 keywords and questions for all of you as Jupiter in Virgo is magnifying these issues. Now do your homework

1. Simplicity- How can you simplify your life?

Yes we’re all waaaaay too busy these days. Zen like simplicity keeps mind-body and spirit clear. A Virgo’s dream

2.  Organization

Is your life a big mess of clutter?  Do de-clutter over the next 2 week period- I need to hear and do this myself.

3.  WORK

are you happy with what you do or is it just a job?

4.  Devotion to service to others and Self-

How much of that have you done lately? And how much do you serve your self?

5.  Allowing oneself and others to be imperfect

Virgo’s always have an incessant inner critic in their heads. You are usually your own worst enemy because of your you and everyone else is never good enough. Here’s a brilliant piece of advice someone told me.  Just say “thanks for sharing” to your inner critic  and go one being free to be.

Inspirational Daily Card

Nine of Swords Tarot Tara Greene

A visual description of Virgo perfection to the 9th degree

6. harvesting

What have you harvested in your life? What do you want to harvest? 



SEDONA sacred ceremony Sept 13- 27  join me for a day a weekend or more. Email to register for ceremonial rituals on the Eclipses, the Blood Moon, Shemitah, Autumn Equinox and more.

Mr. Virgo Amy Winehouse and Nas