VENUS Trine NEPTUNE Deepwater soul sex tips

After the LIBRA Black Moon which is all about beginnings in balanced love relationships. there will be a wonderful VENUS Goddess of Love, beauty, luxury and WOMEN in Sizzling sexy Scorpio, ruler of LIBRA, in a beautiful trine to NEPTUNE in PISCES on October 1st the New Moon date in GMT. 

This is a beautiful aspect for deepwater, oceanic, orgasmic, soul sex. A combination of Scorpio’s intense sexual passion with PISCES sublime dreamy, melting into one another energy. This aspect enhances all intuitive, psychic, telepathic, dreaming, 6th sense, oracular energies. A great time for divination and lucid dream work. 

If you are in a relationship use this energy to prepare a special romantic evening. Luscious foods, mutual massages, and plenty of time for tantric sexuality. Plan this carefully, it is a ritual of honoring each other, with men especially intent on pleasure the Goddess. Have lots of sensual beautiful rich delicious delights, aromatherapy, raw organic chocolate, fine wines, and natural aphrodisiacs. You may want special consciousness-expanding enhancements but really you shouldn’t need them. There are natural marijuana vaginal sexual enhancements available in states that legally allow medical marijuana.

You want to merge not just on the physical but on all levels, spiritually, emotionally, mentally merge into one empty orgasmic energy, and melt into the source.  It is sex as prayer, sexuality as meeting God in each other. Seeing your beloved for their true essence. 

This is communing with the natural love force of the Universe. The continuous love making of the Masculine and Feminine together. That is how universes, planets, stars are created.

If you are alone you can also use this energy for self-pleasuring. It’s the latest trend. 

Tap into this highly creative energy to dance, art-making, singing, toning, improv, any creative pursuits as Neptune will enhance the creative vibes.  

Excellent used for visualization and meditation.

 Create a dream or vision board as this is still on the NEW MOON energy. 

If you have planets at 4-14 degrees of CANCER you benefit from this energy as a Grand WATER TRINE.

This also involves the U.S. Sun at 13 degrees CANCER. 

Neptune is the planet of delusions, illusions, debt, addictions and oil. Neptune and Venus also rule the stock markets, banks, credit of individuals and the world. In spite of the continued bubble in the markets it will crash shortly as it does every October.

Mercury in Virgo also opposes CHIRON in PISCES

Mercury is accounting, the numbers, the organization of information. Are you aware that the U.S. has signed over without consent the control of the Internet to ICAAN today? Bye Bye Internet as we have known it and the freedom that the U.S. Guaranteed. Apparently, the U.S. owes so much money to China that it has had to hock the internet to keep going. This is an unconstitutional act. It may leave the Internet open to Russia, China, Iran, and other dictators to control their country’s access and censor any information. The ICANN may eventually be put under UN jurisdiction which is NWO.  see article below.

Information will hurt.

This aspect also good to take account of deep emotional wounds and traumas which linger in your psyche. Talking about it helps it heal.

Libra moon ignites Cardinal Cross energy between the Moon, Pluto, and Uranus which produces tension.

It’s Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, one of the Holiest Days of the Year  in the Jewish Calendar and Islamic New Year Oct 2.  Happy New Year to both Jews and Muslims who are more alike and come from the same DNA.  I wish they would get along. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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VIRGO its’ your Year to shine.

It’s VIRGO TIME! August 23- Sept 23.  This is your year Virgo! Yes with Jupiter in your sign you are the one to go to, the big kahuna of all things Virgoian, accountability, order, mental discipline,  the teacher of how to do perfection, how to get your shit together, be punctual, organized, balance the budget, stay healthy and disciplined, steward the earth, and be HUMBLE-anti Selfie.  You are also the O.C.D.’s and the master’s of self- criticism. You work hard and love to serve. Everyone has Virgo somewhere in their astrology chart. Check out which house or houses Virgo rules in your natal chart.

Are you a Virgo? Do, or have planets in Virgo?  Virgo is mutable earth. There’s a whole  generation of you with Pluto in Virgo and Jupiter will wake your soul up this year- 2016.

If you were born August 19, 1957 – October 5, 1971 and   April 17, 1972 –  July 30 1972 you are part of that Gen Perfection. You would benefit from a reading- see below to  see how Jupiter can be your best reward this year.

Saturn will also be squaring and testing Virgo’s born up to the first 11 days of the Sign by this year’s end. Many of you are ready to be more mature. Those born in the earliest part of that Gen may be thinking about retirement. Those on the late end of it Have just gone through their mid-life crises. Also Virgo will be in the square from Saturn in Sagittarius to Neptune in Pisces which is exact November 26 2015 and majorly affects Virgo’s born August 28. 

Virgo’s love to question, they are analyzer’s of life’s details. Like Gemini’s they are ruled by Mercury so when Mercury goes Retrograde September 17-October 9th you feel it. I’m telling you this so that you can be totally prepared of course. I have my South Node of the Moon in Virgo.

for the 6th sign we have 6 keywords and questions for all of you as Jupiter in Virgo is magnifying these issues. Now do your homework

1. Simplicity- How can you simplify your life?

Yes we’re all waaaaay too busy these days. Zen like simplicity keeps mind-body and spirit clear. A Virgo’s dream

2.  Organization

Is your life a big mess of clutter?  Do de-clutter over the next 2 week period- I need to hear and do this myself.

3.  WORK

are you happy with what you do or is it just a job?

4.  Devotion to service to others and Self-

How much of that have you done lately? And how much do you serve your self?

5.  Allowing oneself and others to be imperfect

Virgo’s always have an incessant inner critic in their heads. You are usually your own worst enemy because of your you and everyone else is never good enough. Here’s a brilliant piece of advice someone told me.  Just say “thanks for sharing” to your inner critic  and go one being free to be.

Inspirational Daily Card

Nine of Swords Tarot Tara Greene

A visual description of Virgo perfection to the 9th degree

6. harvesting

What have you harvested in your life? What do you want to harvest? 



SEDONA sacred ceremony Sept 13- 27  join me for a day a weekend or more. Email to register for ceremonial rituals on the Eclipses, the Blood Moon, Shemitah, Autumn Equinox and more.

Mr. Virgo Amy Winehouse and Nas

May Day specials/Mercury Retrograde/Mother’s Day

May Day Specials on Readings -go to

If you’ve been biting your nails and keeping those midnight fires burning pouring over all those numbers, sorting through receipts, trying to remember just what you did last year, what you can write off or not, well your deadline approaches Thursday at midnight. The end is in sight, no more thinking about all that and dealing with your accountant for a whole year again, whewh, for most of us.

Mercury also enters Gemini that day the 30th of April at 3:29 pm PDT/ 6:29 pm EDT/ 11:29 pm GMT it’s home territory, but, not for long, Mercury-the messenger, the hermaphrodite, that fleet footed communication, computers, consciousness ruler is exiting stage left, that is backing out of the driveway on May 6th @ 9:55 pm PDT/ May 7th @ 12:55 am EDT/May 7th 4:54 am GMT for it’s 2nd time this year.


This is a bumper crop year for Retrogrades this year , 4 mERCURY Retrograde periods this year, usually there’s 3. Venus and  Mars both take a spin and there are additional Eclipses USUALLY 2 SOLAR AND 2 Lunar

this year-2 Solar and 4 lunar eclipses!


Heading from home territory back to Taurus turf,I guess Mercury in his usual unable to make up his mind, forgot his clothes, I-Pod, a favourite desert dish, to smell the roses, liked lazing around in bed for a change because what with the Internet Mercury’s working waaay overtime but of course he loves it! needed to think about making money what with people’s consciousness of the Economy these days, write a song, etc.

Anyways thinking should be more practical,grounded, earthy, sensual, while Mercury hoofs his way through Taurus territory-that’s May 6th until MAY 30th when he stops and turns direct again, and then things start to go forwards.


Will it be a BULL market?  Seems likely,as Mercury just spent almost 3 weeks in Taurus already bringing that dismal March stock exchange up since April 9th. But temporary, food prices up, possibly mad cow disease rearing its ugly head again, swine flus, animal diseases coming up in the news. Try becoming a vegan, Mercury retro means changing reversing all the usual trends. I forewarn you to expect the usual snafus, computer viruses, miscommunications etc., It’ll take until June 16th till Mercury gets back up to 1 degree 45 mins where he last turned direct so in fact not much moving forwards till then.

So whatever you thought you missed, glossed over, didn’t say or do,  regretted should be revisited with a clearer review and intentions in mind.  We’re all getting a repreive, another Re-tro word and Spring is finally here so take this Mercury Retrograde in Taurus time to let your brain have a rest, this gives us all time to get grounded in our thinking, be practical, enjoy life in all its sensual power and beauty, refuse to be bossed around, there’s more important things to do like revel- another of those re words in natures abundance, sip fine wines, enjoy the feelof the sun and spring breezes on our bare skin.


What does this mean? All things old will be new again, think gingham, apple pie, traditional, apple cider, home cookin’, sock mending,roast beef dinner on Sunday, pot roast, sausages, hey-what happened to that vegan idea? -turnips,kraft dinner, cheeze whiz, spam, Goodwill shopping, crocheting, needlepoint, pancake brunches, etc. O.K. i’m overdoing this a bit. Mercury is still in Gemini so…

The Moon will be in Sagittarius on Mom’s Day meaning that the emotional tone, the “planet” that rules women on  this special Women’s day  will be firey, gypsy-ish, she wants to travel, see exotic new things, be philosophical, get her some new books to read, enroll her in a new course on meditation or yoga, take Mom out to eat something she’s never tried before, and definitely most definitely take Mom to have her Tarot cards read!

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