Crazy love, up Uranus,mirror world Astrology,Tara Greene

“FASTEN your seatbelts it’s going to be a bumpy night” is a famous Bette Davis quote from All About Eve.  

Must do for a few nights and especially for all Sagittarius & Aries,

Oct 16 VENUS in Sagittarius squares Chiron in Pisces the wounded healer

watch out for Sag’s tendency to hoof in mouth disease, klutziness and being a gypsy, slightly unbred.

More importantly VENUS TRINES URANUS in ARIES  -zoot alors!   Trines blend easily 

UP URANUS is the literally astrology symbol of this Sagittarius symbol

a pointed 45 degree arrow PHALLUS  aiming for the Galactic Centre, the cosmic vagina. cosmic intercourse- ALCHEMY

Moon enters ARIES on the 16th  new EMO cycle

Makes a quincunx with Mars in Virgo- sex and realtionships are fugged up!

Aries Moon also Squares PLUTO- another bash to the head, groin, pocketbook.

and then the REVERSE mirror image aspect happens the next day!

Uranus in Aries Pluto in CaPRICORN nAPOLEON bROUSSEAUVESSELS FOR DECEPTION- Painting by Napoleon Brousseau 


Emotionally all shiny and new -freedom revolutionary, wild, crazy, erratic, lightning bolt’s, ZAPPED!

Aries Moon then TRINES VENUS in Sagittarius- a fast track ride off into the sunset with a new lover, anything

Many relationship reversals, renewals, break downs, break ups, crazy love, skinny love, wild voodoo child love,

could be the Kiss of Death or the Kiss of Life

Burning down the house, all is up for grabs. This also pertains to the economy.

The U.S. Ascendant is at 12 degrees of Sagittarius. These Trines happens at 10 degrees Sagittarius/Aries.

A wild and CRAZY ride, revoltuion is fomenting. fermenting. We may not see it on the surface. 

Aries Moon does TWERKING QUINCUNX’s to Saturn in Scoprio

 I am not expecting a break through in the shit down yet.

this is the foreplay to the Aries LUNAR Eclipse on Friday.

You need a card!

I pulled ART / TEMPERANCE # 14    Sagittarius 

Leonora Carrington la Maja del Tarotya

La Maya Del Tarot painting  by Leonora Carrington 1965

Not the tradition Tarot Trump # 14 but I feel it suits these times and the astrology perfectly.


turning lead- trouble – Karma- Saturn into GOLD- the SUN- LIGHT- the SOL/SOUL.

caterpillar into butterfly  hardness into bliss  the silver lining

birth is not such an easy process

Everyone is getting  hit with this energy. YOU ARE NOT ALONE

It will get earthier and dirtier with more Trines Taurus Moon to MARS and PLUTO -the fella’s will get it on their own way on the weekend.

So just stay cool calm centered, temperance, the middle way.


all writing copyright Tara Greene

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