July 4, Oceans of love, Cancer New Moon,

The New Moon in Cancer July 4th at 4:00 am PDT/ 7:00 a.m. EDT/ 11:00 am GMT is conjunct to the very famous and brightest star in the Heavens, SIRIUS. This Star is famous in the myths of the Ancient Persians, Indians, Polynesians, Chinese and Dogon people in Africa. The great star heralded the flooding of the Nile to the ancient Egyptians where it was worshipped as Sothis and associated with the Great Goddess of the cosmos ISIS. Sirius is also known as the Dog-Star in the Constellation of Canis Major.  Native Americans call it the Wolf or coyote star.  Dogs are mans best friend and wolves are considered teachers and connected with the moon. 

Cancer New Moon July 4, Tara Greene astrology

SIRIUS is considered to be a very spiritual star. According to Theosophy it is believed that the seven stars of The Pleiades transmit spiritual energies of the seven Rays from the Galactic Logos to the Seven Stars of the Great Bear then to Sirius. 

July 4th is also America’s 240th birthday!  The Sun at 12+ degrees Cancer is almost on the U.S. Natal Sun at 13+ degrees Cancer. July 4th was symbolically chosen as the Nation’s birthday by the founding father’s who were Masons so that the important Star SIRIUS would empower the U.S. identity. 

240 is an important number because 3 x 24 or 240 = 72 which is a mystical and powerful number in astronomy. It takes a “Fixed Star”  72 years to move one degree. The Sun is 2 degrees wide. The symbolic number 144,000 is a doubling of 72.  240 is also twenty, 12 year archetypal Jupiter cycles. 

Coinciding with the New Moon is also NASA’s historic unique spacecraft JUNO which will get very close to JUPITER for the first time ever on this day. It is hoped. There will be live broadcasts of Juno’s findings. Juno is the Roman name of Zeus’s wife and an Asteroid which is presently at 29 critical degrees of LIBRA opposite Uranus and Eris and Ceres. Things may not go as planned.

This a very watery, emotional, sentimental NEW MOON. The U.S. has long been associated with Mom, apple pie, patriotism, home and “family values.” 

There are a total of 9 planets The South Node, and an asteroid in WATER SIGNS. 

The SUN and NEPTUNE are in an exact trine July 3rd and that energy is still in effect. It will feel very spiritual, dreamy, romantic, sentimental, warm and fuzzy. This is very creative energy for Hollywood, image makers, musicians, and artists and everyone who tunes into the subtle flow of loving energies.. 

The SUN MOON MERCURY and VENUS are all within 11 degrees of each other. This is a quadruple Cancerian energy. Mars now moving slowly direct is in Scorpio at 23 degrees, trining Venus. VENUS and MARS trine exactly on July 6th.  Athena, Goddess of wisdom and war strategy is in Pisces conjunct to Neptune, the South Node of the Moon and Chiron spread out over 19 degrees. They all form a very very powerful GRAND WATER TRINE.

We may feel totally awash in feelings, in that kind of shiver that I just felt when I tuned into the power of the unconscious emotional Karmic connection that all humanity shares.  Drink lots of water to aid the process of washing away anything sticky, gritty or unecessary.

The South Node in Pisces indicates a time of letting go, of surrendering, of releasing old outworn self-sabotaging unconscious habits, of addictions that keep us bound by fear, of old patterns of martyrdom and co-dependency.  

JUPITER and the NORTH NODE in VIRGO are sextile to the SUN And MOON in CANCER + Mercury and Venus. This is where we need to aspire to, the North Node, in earthy, practical,humble, budget conscious, hard working, being of service to the earth, to our harvest, our health, our food and our work. 

SATURN Lord of KARMA is inconjunct to the Cancerian New Moon and square to Neptune Athena and the South Node in PISCES, indicating that there is some heavy challenges from the past to be dealt with which we cannot overlook. We must take responsibility for any addictions we and the culture has been using to avoid dealing with the truth at hand. We cannot drown out through any means, by consumerism, mass media brainwashing, sex addiction or eating our way to numbness to ignore them. Saturn in Sagittarius insists on the truth, of the highest ethics, of going to the highest courts of spiritual law and true justice. The square to Neptune indicates secrets, hidden subterfuge in organizations, addictions, smoke screens, false trails and delusion, false idol worshipping which will come out in the wash from the dirty laundry. 

ATHENA can help us be brave as she is squaring Saturn in Sagittarius. Interesting that the focus is on the largest planet in our solar system JUPITER, as Athena was the first goddess to be born not from a woman but birthed fully grown and armored from Zeus’s head. This is a symbol that she was an idea, a thought form, definitely a father’s daughter, usurped by the Patriarchy from an earlier myth.  If we need to stand up to the Patriarchy in its hundred fold armed grasp then Athena is ready to do battle. 

ERIS the Goddess of shit disturbing and Uranus and Ceres the earth Goddess are in another posse aligned in ARIES and squaring VENUS and very widely squaring the SUN and MOON.

Eris and Uranus are ensuring that chaos reigns every day, their purpose is to provoke change.Ceres on the other hand is the Great Mother and very much aligned with the sign of CANCER, symbol of the personal mother. Ceres square Venus is seeing how much power and strength women have. The power of love and unconditional nurturing and support is the most powerful tool we have.


These two outer planets are still in a square aspect even though their seven exact squares between 2012-2015 are over they will remain within 10 degrees of a square until 2020.  They are in a separating square which will be less than 4 degrees apart at the end of 2016.  

From June 30- July 7 VENUS in CANCER is in a T-square with Uranus and Pluto adding an economic and very feminine clout to their square.  

MERCURY in CANCER also squares Uranus and opposes PLUTO from July 7-11.the SUN in Cancer also does the same from July 7-16.

If you remember those exact squares and T-squares with other planets you will recollect how much more intense the energy of each planet involved becomes. 

If you have NATAL planets or angles between 16-24 degrees ARIES, CAPRICORN, CANCER and LIBRA you will be feeling the evolutionary pressure of the changes impinging on you in a myriad of ways.  

I have noticed with my own clients that some have not already gone through the major “slash and burn” of a Uranus in ARIES Pluto in Capricorn square yet. This extra ingredient of Venus the Sun and Mercury may be the straw that breaks the camels back. This is a good thing.

Our feelings, relationships, homes, emotional security needs and families are being challenged as Venus enters the Mix. Women in general are called to step into the Divine Feminine power. The SUN in Cancer challenges our identities in the world and Mercury in Cancer challenges us to open and to change our minds and our ways of thinking.

Water is receptive, with all of this water. Make sure that you are near water, in a big soak at the New Moon or using water in a ritual of going back into the Divine WOMB.  Spend time receiving, listening and attending to your innermost feelings and intuition. Let the spirit of water wash you clean in a cosmic Baptism in a rebirthing time.

Connect with the Divine Cosmic Mother of us all and feel her unconditional love for every man woman and child, creature and living thing in existence. Sit with this energy until you feel totally cleansed and renewed.

I will be meditating by the Lake here in Toronto. There is three days from the New Moon when the Moon is not visible which is considered to be sacred Red Tent time, a real and a metaphorical bleeding time. Let old things pass away. Listen to your dreams over the three nights.  The Moon remains in Cancer until the 5th. Stay as still and quiet as you can for three days.  Send healing energy to all the waters of the earth as the Oceans are endangered.

Please share widely, all writing is copyright of Tara Greene,

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Composer Karlheinz Stockhausen who wrote a piece called Sirius, has been claimed to have said on several occasions that he came from a planet in the Sirius system.To Stockhausen, Sirius stood for ‘the place where music is the highest of vibrations’ and where music had been developed in the most perfect way.

Karlheinz Stockhausen- Sirius  1975/1977