LEO, Go for the Gold

The SUN enters fiery passionate noble Leo July 22 @ 2:30 am PDT/ 5:30 am EDT/ 9:30 am GMT. The Sun God, Apollo, rides his golden chariot into his own HOME sign, where he is happiest to shine the brightest. The Sun is a Star.

“Every man and every woman is a Star. “-Aleister Crowley from the Book of the Law 1904.  We need to realise our own star stuff in the cosmic circle. 

LEO is the 5th sign, the KING and Queen of BEASTS. Female Lions really rule their prides.  LEO rules the HEART, love affairs, children, creative self- expression, will power, pride, courage, EGO, DRAMA, actors, leaders, the ROYALS, luxury, gold and red, orange, yellow, excess, strength, Bohemians, Damascus, Syria, the stage, heart attacks, brokers, movie theatres, government, the spine, bright yellow stones citrine, yellow diamonds, sapphires.

While the Sun is in LEO it is a very good time for love and romance especially with MERCURY in LEO-we are thinking like a LION,until July 30 and VENUS in LEO, big dramatic heart centered, until August 5th.  

This is the time for  going for the Gold!  The Olympics begin in RIO during LEO times. How synchronous. 

The 5th sign is akin to the ancient 5th element which is SPIRIT,  always symbolized by the SUN.  Ancient Egyptians and many indigenous cultures, the Inka in Peru, still worship the Sun God as Inti.

For the Leo month 10 things to ROAR about.

1. SHINE YOUR LIGHT.  You are the source, shine your light for all to see. You are the main player, the director and the star of your own life. Be Proud of who you are.

2. DRAMA:  Be aware of all the dramas you create or allow into your life.  Why do you need them? What does it feed in you? You have the will to change it.

3. BE THE STAR. Act like you are someone you admire and want to be like. Get your courage up and really GO FOR IT. Take charge of your  life. You have the will. 

4. HEART CENTERED: Stay in your heart, be in love with the world, and with yourself. POSITIVE SELF-ESTEEM. Treat yourself well, healthy pride based on positive self- esteem is good. 

5. EGO: It is important to have a healthy ego. The banishing, torturing and negating the ego in many spiritual and Christian teachings is a twisted Patriarchal shadow. We need our egos as they are our identity but they must not be what we identify with, or all ow the ego to run our consciousness. The ego is really the little, fearful, mortal ” I” acting like he is a king. The Emperorer’s New Clothes is a fairytale teaching story about not letting your ego control you. Keep you ego in check like you would a stubborn dog. In an Age of vanity and superficial Selfies you need to be aware of how your Higher Self, your Soul Star is your real identity. The more selfless the healthier. The more you give to others, the happier you will be.

6. PLAY – your inner child needs to play all the time. When is the last time your did finger-painting, or made sand castles?  I know the world is pretty heavy, but you can still take it lightly. 

7. CHILDREN: Do something nice for an underprivileged child, so many are denied the most basic of life’s necessities while we mainly live like King’s and Queen’s here in the West. Good time to focus on the question, Do i want to have a child? Be a parent? Why yes or no? 

8. GET CREATIVE- It’s our natural state. Our ancestors always painted, danced, sang.  Be Happy. 

9.  STAY POSITIVE, Practice positive thoughts and affirmations. Banish negative thoughts. Bring down the Light. You have the power in your response to everything that is thrown at you.

10. BE CONSCIOUS of everything you do. The LIGHT symbolizes clarity of consciousness. We were all originally made from LIGHT, we are the LIGHT. You are the source of your life. No one has any real authority or power over you.  Spread your light.  This BIG LIGHT Of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.

LEO is the Card of STRENGTH in the TAROT #11 or #8 

The card of STRENGTH traditionally has a woman opening the jaws of a lion. She has a LEMNISCATE or INFINITY symbol hovering over her head. There are thousands of variations on this symbol. Sometimes it is #8 or #11. Too complicated to get into now.

The Card symbolizes the will over the beastial, lower animal nature, greed, survival, vanity, jealousy, and everything which LOWERS one’s consciousness.

That ability of the Feminine- the Soul, LOVE to control the lower animal nature is a mind/heart/spirit focus which is called KUNDALINI energy.  

The highest SOLAR consciousness is available to us at this time. The  SOLAR LOGOS as Theososphist Alice Bailey referred to it, is the highest Light Master teachings available the same as Buddha, Christ etc.  


President Obama, President Bill Clinton, Director James Cameron, Lucille Ball, Coco Chanel, Madonna, Mick Jagger, Arnold Schwarzenegger


Amelia Earhart, Aldous Huxley, Stanley Kubrick, George Bernard Shaw, Henry Ford, Emily Bronte, Percy Schelley, Herman Melville, Andy Warhol, Alfred Hitchcock, Napoleon, Cecil B. Demille, Sri Aurobindo, Robert Graves, Madame Blavatsky,


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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