Aries Full Moon fire initiation

Reclaim Friday the 13th, Witches Sacred Goddess number

Do you have triskaidekaphobia?  Fear of the number 13? or paraskevidekatriaphobia, which means fear of Friday the 13th? 

Apparently, 17 to 21 million Americans are affected by a fear of this day, making it the most feared day and date in history. Some people are so paralyzed by fear that they avoid their normal routines in doing business, taking flights or even getting out of bed. “It’s been estimated that $800 to $900 million US dollars are lost in business on this day, according to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in Ashville North Carolina in 2004. 

The fear of the #13 was created by the Catholic Church. The number 13 was a sacred number as it is the number of  lunar cycles each year. Womens’ menstruation is governed by the Moon and so women = 13. All the ancient ties to and worship of the Divine Feminine, and the Goddess were persecuted and made into something evil, bad  and to be feared and banished through out the churches history. The Moon symbolizes the mysterious, the magical, mystical, intuitive, nature;s cycles herself and where women are the most in touch with their own psychic powers, when they bleed. Menstruation and the lunar cycles, symbolizes death and rebirth which the Church wanted to control through their own belief system of rewards in Heaven after life only through following Christ. A totally stolen story. 

Do not fear the #13 or anything else. If you give your power away to any fear, you are choosing to allow it to control you. You are creating your own powerlessness. Fears are in the mind based first, they are connected to the emotional body and many may be past life fears. Hypnosis, NLP and Past Life Regression can easily remove most fears and phobias. 

Positive affirmations help but the underlying connection in the brain/emotional body must be heard and felt and then assimilated and let go of as the phobia or superstition is healed. 

Remember you create your own world. Fear feels real but it is just an illusion. Fear is the illusion that we need in order to find our own inner power. Fear is the Devil in the tarot, the illusion of the material world controlling us. Nothing controls you if you are aware and conscious enough to realize that. You are totally at cause in your life. You create your own destiny. 

See Eckhart Tolle’s book The Power of Now. 

Black cats are beautiful instinctive creatures as are all cats. They see and feel energies that we do not. That is why women who were/are healers, seers, divination experts,what others called a  “witch” always had cats around, not necessarily a black one. Black is associated with stealth, the night,mystery. 

Don’t worry about broken mirrors, stepping on cracks, opening umbrellas in the house, walking under ladders.


Or on the positive superstitious side, you don’t really need lucky horseshoes, or crossing one’s fingers for luck, wishing on a star, lucky clovers, rabbit’s foot, etc. If the positive symbols  make you feel better, OK but the symbol or image is not what creates luck. It is simply your own projected belief and your positive intentions which creates ” luck.” Certainly there are times when people go through beneficial periods in their lives and challenging times at others. I would see this as studying astrology to find out when you are in better resonance with certain planets. That is not luck but understanding how astrology works. 


Don’t believe in curses, that is another superstition. NEVER pay exorbitant amounts to fake psychics or anyone else who is promising to remove these for you, or CHANGE YOUR LUCK or HEX anyone else, or reunite lovers through candles, prayer, rituals, spell casting or whatever. This is all manipulation.  You become even more powerless in the interaction and the “gypsy”or fortune teller, spell caster, witch or whatever they refer to themselves as. Takes your power away, it is a form of psychic vampirism.  No one has the power to do that for you. Again it is only the suggestion that you can change that works or not. Nothing any one else does can really work unless you choose it and make it happen. You are sovereign in your life. 


Go to a counsellor or adviser who will help you take responsibility for what you have created and attracted into your life. They will help you understand your own psyche, karma, and bring you self-awareness. ONLY YOU are responsible for yourself. No one else is. Therapy, and psychological Tarot reading, this is what I practice. Is recommended. The choice to be empowered and enlightened is yours.

here are 25 most popular world superstitions: 

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene unless otherwise stated

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International Women’s Day, I’m a proud Feminist

This was how I became a conscious Feminist. It was in a Grade 11 Art History Class when I first saw this statue of the Cretan Snake Goddess that I felt I was literally struck by lightning and awoke! I saw her again. I remembered who I was and the Great Goddess and how I had worshipped Her and how all women were Goddesses. This was my trail to becoming a Feminist. I was hurt and angry to  see how women were now denigrated, feared and stamped on by men. I saw women cowering in fear, powerless as they were portrayed as second class, and meant to feel dumb, stupid and unimportant.

Snake Goddess women's liberation Tara Greene

Cretan Snake Goddess


 I was a tomboy as a kid. I was difficult, I refused to behave and co-operate about almost everything that my poor mother, may she rest in peace, tried to get me to fall into line with about being Feminine. I was wild, unruly. I fought, I was outrageous. My nickname was “witch” at public school.

I always knew I had been a High Priestess and honored for being a woman. I became a feminist at a very young age, before I knew the word or its meaning. I just knew at 11, when I experienced my first  that  my wonderful life as I had known it,of being totally free and equal to the boys was over and I was immediately a second class citizen. That made me so angry.

The Birth Control Pill brought women’s liberation into the culture more than anything else. Women were burning their bras. I heard of and read writers-Virgin Wolf, Sylvia Plath, Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem and then in my 20’s I discovered women artists- Georgia O’Keefe, photographer Dianne Arbus, Frida Kahlo and Judy Chicago who totally inspired me.

At O.C.A. there was a Women’s Feminism Course which I attended and I was part of the first Women’s Art group and show at OCA{D}  in 1972. Many of my art works were smashed and disappeared as they were considered dangerous, too erotic and insulting to some people. 

My heart still breaks every time I hear of women being tortured through genital mutilation in the Muslim religion. There are millions of women living without a clitoris. Or Chinese female babies being tossed into the garbage. Indian women aborting female fetus because girls are useless. Women sold as sex-slaves. Breastfeeding being still considered taboo or offensive. The wholesale brainwashing and programming of women to now accept and to desire being sexual abused, through violence labeled as erotic, freeing, “liberated” and being connected to love as in 50 shades of Grey. “Please torture, abase and violate me more, I love it when you hurt me.”-this keeps women even more enslaved than ever. The list goes on and on.

The Dalai Lama said “The world will be saved by the western woman.” Wow.

The changing of our present denigrated male female relationships into balance will take ALCHEMY. 

We must empathize and know that each of us has both with us. We must  become the “other.”

In the Tarot the symbol is Trump #14 TEMPERANCE

Alchemy sex Tarot Tara Greene

Emma Watson, the famous Harry Potter actress portraying the”the brightest witch of her age” is using that image to make real magic happen in the world. The He for She campaign has over 230,000 people. She is hosting an International women’s Day event on Facebook  Sunday, March 8th at 1 pm EDT/5pm GMT you can tune in.

IN INDIA the festival of Holi is on this article is about widows in India.

What do you think about Feminism?

A little Astrology for IWD

Moon is in Libra on International Women’s day – really time to balance out sexual  relationships

Moon quincunx’s Chiron-

time to wake up and feel how shocking it is that women are still 2nd class citizens, disempowered in so many ways.

The moon quincunx the SUN-

the Feminine and the Masculine Sun really don’t see eye to eye

Moon opposes Venus   –bringing in powerful Female Strength energy

Moon trines Mercury in Aquarius

which is where we do create a world of equality between men and women.

I will be doing ceremony March 8 from 4:00 pm- 5:00 pm at the Sacred Arts Centre for the benefit of the women of the world and the men too. Please tune in by meditating on the image of this snake Goddess. She symbolizes both women’s power, transformation and the snakes in her upraised arms symbolize transformational kundalini magical powers for the masculine and feminine.

MEDITATE and repeat the mantra I am the Goddess.- play video and Listen to song below.

Ask what you can do to help other women and yourself to become fully liberated and mepowered..

Get a reading with Tara


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene



Discordia in effect! Eris square the SUN

Jan 13 2015

Eris is in an exact square, a 90 degree tense angle to the SUN today. DISCORD CHAOS and TROUBLE is on HIGH ALERT! Eris was discovered on Jan 5 2005 in California, the dwarf planet which was supposed to be a 10th planet in our solar system. She was almost names Xena for planet x and for the Tv show.

Eris is named for the Greek Goddess of CHAOS, STRIFE and DISCORD contention and rivalry. 

STATUE OF ERIS, and the golden apple, Caesar’s Palace  Las Vegas 

Beware the chaos. Eris symbolism is much like Uranus’s chaotic energy. We have seen how Uranian and Plutonian energies have been rattling the world these days. 

What to do in the chaos? Stay centered, breathe, radiate love. “Blow love” at people as Stuart Wilde used to say. 

She was thought of as a bloodthirsty Goddess haunting battlefields to drink blood. This reminds me that originally she may have been a Kali-like Goddess.

HESIOD described her in his Theogony as a Goddess who gave birth to many ghouls and demons to plague humankind such as Ponos- Toil, Limos- Starvation, Algea- Pain, Hysminai- Fightings, Makhai- Battles, Phonoi- Murders, Androktasiai-Manslaughterers, Neikea- Quarrelers, the Pseudo-Logoi -Lies, the Amphilogiai-Disputes,  there are more horrid children she birthed but you get the picture.

Eris was directly connected to PANDORA and her box of ill repute and dangers. A feminine metaphor for a dangerous vagina. 

She was not invited to the wedding and to get her revenge she threw a Golden Apple inscribed with “to the fairest” at 3 goddesses, Hera Athena and Venus/Aphrodite who battle it out. This eventually led to the Trojan War and much loss.  The apple relates her to VENUS and the Number 5. All Ancient Goddess are covered in Patriarchal references so her origins would place her closer to Lilith.

Eris was discovered at 19 plus degrees of Aries Tropical when she came into our consciousness again. She entered Aries in March of 1925. Her orbittal period is 558 years, twice as long as Pluto’s. She is now at 22 + degrees ARIES. She is the 9th most massive body known to orbit the sun.  We don’t know that much about her but we will soon when the New Horizons probe arrives on  Pluto on 14 July 2015 carrying Clyde Tombaugh’s ashes. He was the one who discovered Pluto in Flagstaff Arizona in 1930. 

The SUN  squares her twice a year when at 22 degrees Cancer and 22 degrees Capricorn and opposes her at 22 degrees of Libra.

Of course we can see how since we rediscovered her archetype that there is much too much discord and disagreement these days with people shooting all kinds of vile vindictiveness; terrorism, racism, gay bashing, bully’s, and internet shout outs. 

There is more  prominent Goddess symbolism.

LILITH the original WOMAN is at 3 degrees of VIRGO, sign of the harvest.

Showing us that we have thrown ourselves out of  Eden, the earthly paradise. We have  despised, humiliated, spit upon, raped, and rejected the Earth as the Patriarchy did to Lilith/Eris herself. As the Patriarchy continues to do to women. We have got to get back to the Garden from where we originated.

Lilith is opposite Neptune at 5 degrees Pisces-

This is our delusions about woman, our addictions to sex, drugs and denial as an escape from pain and refusing to face these deeply wounded archetypes of ours. And what about the Oceans we have messed up? Or the dreams we have left in the wilderness?

Lilith is square to Goddess Athena at 2 degrees Sagittarius.

ATHENA is the warrior and wisdom Goddess, who was originally an AMAZON from Libya.  Her wise owl, is one of Lilith’s symbols as well. She is a seer, one who sees in the dark.

This aspect symbolizes the anger, vengeance and warrior aspect of the Feminine Psyche in the masculine. Athena in Sagittarius is going to re-educate the world about women’s intelligence. She is aiming arrows higher, telling the truth, being optimistic, and will introduce new laws and education.

Athena is conjunct to Saturn in Sagittarius

Athena was patriatchalized ,born fully grown and armored from her father Zeus- Jupiter’s head. Jupiter rules Sagittarius and Pisces. Saturn is the Father Time, the architect. Saturn structures, limits and is karma.  Another symbol of the Feminine fighting back from patriarchal karma.

One of Sagittarius symbols is the Rainbow. The Rainbow is traditionally a symbol of a blessings from Heaven. An open chakra bridge between heaven and earth. Lets us walk on that path. Let us build the Rainbow bridge.

Please share widely

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara

If you are in the Toronto area come to my intimate astrology workshop Saturday Jan 24 

email me for details