Lucky 17 sweet sextile Astrology by Tara Greene

JUPITER in LIBRA, sign of relationship, fashion, and socializing to the max, is now kissing the planet of serious commitments Saturn, softly with a sweet sextile at 17 degrees LIBRA/ SAGITTARIUS. Jupiter is the planet of expansion, optimism and feel-good energy. 

MARS in AQUARIUS which was just Trining JUPITER is also kissing Saturn softly with a sweet sextile also at the LUCKY 17 degree, will be in effect until Dec 3 and after..

Lucky 17 astrology Tara Greene

Sextiles are easy blends of energy. These aspects combine optimism and creativity, with the charm, grace, and co-operation of Libra with fast-moving, sexy, macho, impatient Mars in brilliant ideas and freedom loving Aquarius with Saturn’s practical, slow, testing energy of building physical substance to Jupiters tend to promise more than it can deliver. You’ve heard that one from Jupiter haven’t you?

This fire and air aspect is good for all other fire and air signs too. Aries, Gemini, Leo all benefit. Check out where 15-19 degrees of all fire and air signs are in your natal chart to see how you will benefit.

Now its  “walk your talk” and sign on the dotted line time. 

there will be serious peace talks, foundation building,and negotiations being made under this aspect which will have long lasting effects. This aspect doesn’t occur very often with these planets in these signs.

SATURN IN SAGITTARIUS symbolizes VETERANS treaties, respect

about 2,000 Native veterans have arrived at the STANDING ROCK camp to help the water protectors there who are attempting to stop the Dakota Access PIPELINE. The Governor of North Dakota has issued a Dec 5 end date for the protestors to leave by. These protestors have been fired on with rubber bullets, tear gas, and water cannons in frigid weather by militarized police hired by the oil companies, funded by Wells Fargo, the TD Bank of Canada and other banks. Sunoco Oil is one of the main companies behind this and the oil pipeline is a danger as a pollution threat to the waters for millions of people who depend on the Missouri river. The oil is destined for foreign markets to build the profits of the oil companies. The land is also sacred native land that is being ignored.  

 Hopefully, some help from these planets will bring a quick innovative settlement and justice will come to a peaceful resolution. Millions of people are watching this tense important stand off as these brave peaceful water protectors are attempting to honor and protect the environment from the bullying illegal tactics from police and government. The mainstream media has only lately begun to cover this story.

Mercury enters CAPRICORN Dec 2-Will RETROGRADE DEC 19 

and backs into SAGITTARIUS Jan 4, 2017.  MERCURY Turns DIRECT January 8 @ 28 degrees SAGITTARIUS.

A solid serious MERCURY Retrograde makes us take care of business as we leave 2016 and into the beginning of 2017.  This Christmas, sales may be slower or less than expected. Traditional gifts and shopping may be popular or will go south as on-line sales dominate. 

This aspect keeps us sober and thinking practically and we will need it, as..

NEW YEARS 2017, the special night has MARS conjunct NEPTUNE in PISCES @ 9+ degrees!!!

 Looks like the year end with us going out with a puff of smoke, as many states legalized marijuana, we will be punch drunk in love with our hopes and dreams, our soulmates, twin flames, fave crystals,magical spells and incantations, our yoga mats, past life regressions, raw foods and smoothies, and our illusions, confusion, and our martyrdom, our addictions, delusions, avoidance, shadows,losses, grief and worship of false gurus flickering on the screens of our consciousness. 

2016 has been a hell of a year. It went by like lightning it feels to me. Total turmoil in politics, Brexit, Trump’s election, Syria.  Many huge music stars passed away. Bowie, Prince, Leonard Cohen.

2017 will be another doozy year the energy shifts a lot. It is a universal #1 Year of the MAGICIAN. Get your magic wand in your head ready to create with your intention. more about that sooner.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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