Healing the Great Mother

July 21 The CANCER SUN symbolizes the love of the GREAT MOTHER, ALMA MATER, PACHAMAMA, Ceres, Demeter, Goddess Tara, Isis, Gaia, and all Goddess mothers of a thousand names. Billions and billions of women have given birth to children on this planet over the millions of years. We are all children of the Great Mother archetype.

# 3 Empress, Great Mother, Cancer, Tara Greene

Woman, mother, sacred source of all. Being born from a woman/Mother is the ONE thing that all humans who have ever lived have in common beyond race, religion, and sexuality.

The Cancerian SUN, the symbol of all LIGHT and life trines CHIRON the Wounded Healer /shaman at the 29th degree of CANCER/PISCES today. We can feel a powerful healing light thrown onto the deepest emotional wounds and shame, which needs to end now- with CHIRON at the last degree of the ZODIAC. 

This is a powerful potent day to heal the wounds of the womb, the wounds that have been conscious, and ruthlessly created by the Patriarchy, all three of the world’s major religions to control, shame, put down, rape, and dishonor all women and the Divine Mother Feminine force of love, sexuality, beauty, creativity and family. 

The Moon is Void of Course early in the day allowing our minds to drift easily into our unconscious cellular memories of our mother’s being limited by the organizations of religious culture and stereotyping. We all have our grandmother’s memories and lived experiences in our cells too. We have every ancestors experience and memory in our emotional bodies. We have all been our mother and lived within the experience of the Divine Feminine whatever sex you are. Of course for women, there is a much deeper bond and similarity through mirroing of experience. 

Spend today tuning into and witnessing how the Divine Goddess and her natural mothering, whether literal or the mothering of anything, care for family members, a pet, a significant other, and the need for relationships, to create emotional safety, security, beauty, peace, and connection are the most essential “things” needed in life.

The Native American people have two sacred laws that I was taught. 1. Everything is born of the Feminine.  2. Nothing should ever harm the children. This means literal and our inner child. If we lived by these two very simple sacred laws as opposed to man-made laws, and they have all been made by men 99.9999 % of the time; we would live in a totally different way, a different culture, worldview, spirituality and family life. Men also have an inner feminine or soul called the anima in psychology.

The MOON enters her home sign of CANCER @ 1:09 am PDT/ 4:09 am EDT

The Moon and SUN bookend the sign of Cancer early today further highlighting the emphasis on receiving Divine Healing Love from the SUN which is a STAR. According to ancient Egyptian cosmology, every star is a drop of cosmic sustenance, breast milk from the Goddess Herself. 


Cancer is the sign of receptivity. Make sure you take a deep ritual healing cleansing bath today. Add pure organic lavender and or rose oil to it. Use Epsom salts or Himalayan salt,  goats milk or organic cow’s milk to the water. Light a candle and soak in the bath, as you do allow yourself to return in your heart and imagination to the womb of the Great Mother. Ask to feel her unconditional love for you, her child, to bring you healing, peace, safety, and security. Bask in the feeling. When you feel Her love send the healing energy to your womb especially if you are a woman and to your heart for both women and men. 

Then send this healing energy out to the millions of women in the world who are still seen as chattel, sold as children into sex trades and pornography, women who are poor who don’t have enough to eat or to feed their children properly, send love to battered and abused women, to the millions of women who have been raped and also to the oceans, the waters of the earth which is all life on earth’s mother.  

The Healing energy of CHIRON in PISCES is incredibly potent. The presence of this shamanka or bruja over the next year and a half is there so that as many people as possible become conscious and aware. We need to do the real work and to access our deepest shadows and unconscious feelings through our emotional bodies to complete our own personal emotional clearing which will help to clear eons of karmic baggage. It is not by splitting off and away from feelings and detachment that any true healing will occur. Buddhism as much as I respect its intellectual and spiritual path is patriarchal and denies the feelings and deep feminine values of being embodied as karmic bondage rather than as the beautiful resource of genuine love. We are human Stars as well. Spirits in human bodies and we come to earth for the precise reason of being able to feel emotions. The greatest healing is having compassion for yourself. This is what this aspect offers us. 

Moon trines NEPTUNE in PDT/ early EDT and GMT

Aclepios Dream Temple Astrology Tara Greene

to help us go the Dream Temples of healing. This is how the ancient Greeks performed their psychotherapy and healing. Before you go to sleep at night tell yourself that you will go to the Asclepios and receive a healing dream. Tell yourself that you will be awake in your dreams and will remember your dreams. Ask for healing from the Source.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

Get a reading with me http://www.taratarot.com



Karmic Cosmic Healing Crisis, Saturn Square Chiron

Yah, I am feeling pretty overwhelmed by SATURN, sitting at the Galactic Center, the great black hole, the void, moving up to an exact square to CHIRON the Wounded Shamanic Healer on April 30 at 27+ degrees PISCES. We have been feeling this approach for weeks now.

Saturn the TAX MAN, Father Time, the PATRIARCHY, D. Trump and his ilk, planet of limitations, earth plane reality, testing, obstacles, maturity is hitting me pretty hard. CHIRON is where we are the most vulnerable and also where the greatest healing is.   That’s enough thanks. 

If you have planets at 27 degrees SAGITTARIUS or PISCES or VIRGO or GEMINI you are feeling this affect the most intensely. My Natal Mercury is at 27 degrees SAGITTARIUS.  The whole cosmos is being affected. 

Saturn square CHIRON

every thought I think is being weighed down by Saturn’s heavy- literally leaden, weight. It is depressing. I can’t pretend to be up when I am not.  

Saturn in Sagittarius governs the truth, higher truths, courts, teachers, higher education, traveling, foreigners, its all in the news. 

Saturn and CHIRON are bringing us a KARMIC COSMIC healing crisis. Chiron in PISCES is also very empathic and expands our natural telepathy. We are dreaming each other’s dreams. 

Chiron in PISCES is also very empathic. We are feeling the wounds of everyone who is hurting. All the children who were stolen and traded in sex trafficking, the child marriages, the beheaded gays, the stoned women, those killed by terrorists, any kind of violence, rape, bullying, abuse, emotional, physically and spiritually, we are all one and feeling each other’s pains. The laboring women, the dying, the sick. Any religious intolerance is spiritual intolerance. Any harming of one harms all. It is enormous.  I just want to cry and cry. 

The crying helps us to make real, to contact, to hold, to touch, to feel our pain personally and collectively. That is SATURN’s job. The spiritual and the physical are two halves of the same coin.

Justice needs to happen. There are dark evil forces in the world. Some people are psychotic. Some hold grudges for lifetimes and lifetimes. Those who torture were themselves tortured. Forgiveness is important but not until the grief is fully allowed to run its course. Making amends is necessary. This is like a Humans anonymous crises. We can’t understand it all. But we must look to the higher teachings and higher spiritual realms for answers. 

My husband was talking about the Lords of KARMA, Saturn’s realm. He was saying that when you die your life review is a trick by the Lords of Karma to make you feel guilty so you will be fooled to re-entering the earth plane which is a prison. My old teacher Stuart Wilde whose teachings I really respected said that too. Earth is a prison planet and really there are much more beautiful, rarefied, heaven worlds which we remember from being there in the stars, that’s why we are always searching for our real homes in the cosmos. The answer to the Lords of Karma is to say to them. “I am OK with it” and I’m leaving now Bye and exit as quickly as you can for much higher planes of love.

Wherever that story originated I love it. I just sensed the smell of turmeric and fine incense appear, I have not lit incense. There is an opening in space that just gave me a physical sign. 

Just say It’s OK I’m fine with it. This is NOT DENIAL, which is also PISCES realm. Do not run from the pain, Do not run from the anguish, hurt, mortification, embarrassment, humiliation, rejection, anger, rage, frustration, depression, or ennui. Do not escape from your feelings. That is why you and I are on this earth plane. Feel it all fully. This is TAURUS season. 

Then when you have cried or raged or bathed in it, cleansed it, done ceremony with it, given it back to the mother earth to her molten core. Then you can be OK with it. But it doesn’t mean you don’t act. You don’t do, you don’t work to improve it. 

We must collectively denounce #pizzagate, demonic practices, corporate rape, racism, sexism, ignorance, police brutality, secrets, control, power cabals, the Federal Reserve, the IMF, toxins, animal abuse, child abuse, the injustice. Let me know how you are doing. 


Knight of Cups Thoth Tarot Tara Greene



Ah the Tarot, always in synch. This is the Knight of Cups, governing 21 degrees of Aquarius to 20 degrees of  PISCES. This is like the image of CHIRON in PISCES himself. 

In the Tree of Life, this card is specific Fire in the world of Primal water. Water is the substance that represents the unconscious mental world. This card personifies the motivational force of fire or spirit which activates the currents of the unconscious.  STIR IT UP 

The Crab which rises from the HOLY GRAIL cup, symbolizes Cancer, ruled by the Moon which directs the flow of the tides externally and internally, especially women’s moon time. The Crab also symbolizes the Ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis, known as Stella Maris, the Star of the Sea or the womb of the world, the collective unconscious material. 

This card is related to the 2nd Sephiroth Chokma, and the High PRIESTESS in the Tarot is related to this placement as well.  The 2’s always symbolize balance. 

This card symbolizes clarifying one’s emotional intentions. The green Knight, the male is dedictaed to honoring and protecting the Holy Grail and the Divine Feminine. He upholds the virtues and teachings of the womb, of the Great Mother first and foremost. 

Be clear about what and whom you serve. 

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

Get a reading with me. http://www.taratarot.com