Stay Still, things are extreme


The Solar and lunar standstill feel very frenetic to me. Capricorn full moon feels dry and wet at the same time. Things are so extreme, The sun and moon have created very unusual unexpected energies. That is also Mercury at declination extremes too.

Capricorn Moon and Lilith conjunct at 17° right now, it’s a Leo degree, They trine Juno, goddess of June, marriage and childbirth and feminine genius at 15° Virgo widely trine Mars at 10° Taurus. A nice earthy grand collab with Mars revelling in the sensuous nature of all that string feminine energy. Venus at 7° Cancer givers Mars making us way more emotional stubborn and bullheaded.

Stay grounded try not to move although the energy was very erratic today so experienced.

If you have earthy planets at 10-18° you will feel the pull of these energies.

Even this post won’t let me save it. My website went off Google Maps and I’ve been trying to figure out what’s wrong. I had to change DNS numbers from Cloudflare to WIX and this seems to have caused a huge problem. If anyone has any ideas please contact me. I’d greatly appreciate it.

Remember the sun and moon don’t begin to move ahead until the 23rd. Look back on what this spectacular phenomena has felt like

It has felt simply chaotic for me. Quite sinister undertones as well.

I have specials on readings for the next season, to fall, to winter solstice to next spring 2025.

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Blood Moon, rainbow chakra activation, Tara Greene

Sept. 26

wow I am feeling so high and so up. The Message I bring to you today is a little video shot on my crummy old Android cell phone, as I am an UNBRAND person.

I am tuning into the synchronicity.

Yesterday in a reading I saw the RAINBOW BRIDGE,

The rainbow bridge is for me  a very powerful vision I had years ago when on a two-week Vision Quest with my shamanic teacher Oriah Mountain Dreamer who wrote the Invitation. We were in the wilderness camping and doing very intense sweat lodges and I sat and meditated and saw this vision which i describe in greater detail on my soon to be revamped old website –   rainbow bridge meditation.

I just came across another website which is espousing the Rainbow bridge opening tomorrow on the Blood Moon  and also saying a very powerful Gamma Ray Burst will open everyone’s chakras from the 5th Heart chakra to the 8th and beyond.

Also I feel as I am a cipher a transpersonal channel for energies. If you see your life from a Transpersonal perspective you will tune into what’s going on in the world and the cosmos.

You do get a second chance.

I found the exact same extraordinary pearl star necklace that my friend Julija Simas, founder of the Cosmic Intelligence Agency had bought almost exactly a year ago at the same Gallery yesterday in Sedona. I was following spirit’s direction that I had to take a walk. The Gallery is full of modern replica’s of crystal skulls made by a man in Brazil. They even have replica’s of the long skulls. I have also been thinking about the crystal skulls because one of the main ones lives in Sedona. There are a few of them that are really authentic. I saw and meditated with and touched the original Mitchell-Hedges skull year ago. Also connected with rainbow Bridge energy. The necklace was hidden away in the back of a counter. It had no price tag so they searched a year back in their invoices and found it and I bought it for the same price on sale. Awesome.

Lady of the Stars I was thinking about this yesterday as well. And the necklace made of freshwater pearls. Very feminine, pearls are associated with the Moon. The necklace certainly makes me feel like the Lady of the Stars.

I met an extraordinary woman in the line-up at the New Frontiers a health food store in Sedona. We talked for two hours. She is an artists, an astrologer, used to work as a psychic and tarot reader. Her cousin was Man Ray a very famous French surrealist photographer whose work I have always admired. It was like meeting my doppelgänger.

a positive day with Pisces Moon opposite Jupiter conjunct Neptune

no wonder I am feeling so high. A quincunx to Mercury and Venus in Leo  may make relationship conversations a bit off kilter. A quincunx is caught between a rock and a hard place.

Forgiveness is a Pisces gift.

Moon enters ARIES on Sunday at 12:29 pm PDT/ 3:29 pm EDT

so be very positive about the lunar eclipse.

Everything is all about DIVINE TIMING.

watch my little video

Blessings TARA

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VIDEO Sept. 26