May 7 Taurus New Supermoon Rare Fortune

The Super New Moon in Taurus at 8:22 pm PDT, 11:22 pm EDT- Master Number time and May 8th at 3:23 am GMT is at 18+ degrees of the fixed earth sign is a major Big Bonuse seeding and intention setting time.

The Sensuous New Moon is Conjunct magnificent Boon giver Jupiter and Uranus, the awakener who initiates through disruptive chaos and change.The 18°degree is associated in degree theory with the humble hard working earth sign of Virgo, the harvest.

New Moon in Taurus is great for TAURUS and all FIXED SIGNS



One of the MOST auspicious moon’s Taurus will host for the next 60 years until 2083!


The Moon is wrapped up between the sweet embrace of both benefics VENUS and JUPITER and URANUS. This is a strong stable, slow and unexpected chaotic journey since Uranus entered Taurus in 2018 and remains until 2026. Jupiter is about to leave his once every 12/13 year treck in Taurus on May 25, so make haste.

SATURN is supportively SEXTILE to the MOON from PISCES ruled by BOTH BENENFICS VENUS and JUPITER added the sweetest of sauces.

The TWO BENEFICS hugging an EXALTED Taurus MOON won’t occur again with another Taurus New Moon until 2083.-research by Alchemilie on X.

NEPTUNE at 29 PISCES the very last and most karmic completion degree in the entire Zodiac is sextile to JUPITER at 25 degrees TAURUS. Jupiter rules PISCES and Neptune is the modern ruler of PISCES and they are in mutual recpeption making this even more beneficial. Furthermore Neptune is VENUS, the ruler of the New Moon’s “Higher Octave” and Venus is exalted in Pisces, and now in TAURUS so they are also in a Mutual reception.

This is one of THE BEST times to really draw down the Lunar sensual, physical, real earthly paradise GOOD FORTUNE magic of the Planets.

Tune in and call down the blessings with prayers for others for the world and send them out. This is like the embodiment of one of my fave Tarot cards the 9 of Cups in the THOTH TAROT called The Wishing Card.

I will be doing ceremony and creating tinctures with alcohol Blue Gin for Jupiter and Blue is a Venusian color, crystals and roses and other offerings into the votive. Which will be available after 6 weeks.

Sabian Symbol for 19 TAURUS


KEYNOTE: The surge of new potentiality after the crisis.

The symbol need hardly be commented upon. When the mind has been emptied and light has been called upon to purify the consciousness freed from its attachment and contaminations, a new release of life can emerge out of the infinite Ocean of potentiality, the Virgin SPACE. What will it be used for?  

Because this is a fourth stage symbol we find in it a suggestion of how to approach whatever new phase of life has been not only hoped for, but actually confirmed. The “technique” is simply to allow the infinite Potential to operate in unconstrained SPONTANEITY. This means to have reached a state in which the conscious, rational ego is no longer a controlling factor.” –



PLUTO at 2 degrees RX in AQUARIUS sextile MARS in ARIES at 5 both form a YOD or FINGER of GOD to JUNO at 7 VIRGO.

As we attune ourselves to the Beneficient energies of the NEW MOON which falls exactly on my DC. I will launch a GO FUND me campaign, seeking support to complete my book on JUNO. Also Juno is conjunct to my SOUTH NODE at the New moon.

This book holds immense potential to benefit everyone as a magical resource of information for women and anyone seeking to tap into the Divine Feminine source of Wisdom. Your support can be the catalyst for me to finalize this book. Join me in this journey

YOU CAN HELP START this by donating to me at

I’m in Canada and CashApp and Zell and other platforms don’t work

THANK YOU, I will be sending blessings and prayers On the NEW MOON if you want to be included please email me at

The CHANDRA and OMEGA SYMBOLS by John Sandbach

Taurus 19. A bottle of gold dust gathered from many places over many years. (Omega Symbol)Manifesting /Responsible

(Degree Angel: Vehuel (Vay-hoo-EL) Happiness, Elevation, Grandeur)

You understand the value of little things, and of how even the seemingly most insignificant thing can reflect cosmic truth. This causes you to be able to learn from almost anything. Your powers of observation are very great, for something in you knows how to seek out and find what is most valuable in a situation. All you need to do is continue on with this, and in time it can lead you to great success.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A crown turns into goat horns.” The crown is a socially conferred symbol of power, whereas the goat horns are power that is innate – growing out of the head rather than something that is placed on the head. And so this degree wants to attain to “the real thing,” which is its spiritual self. It can be very resistive of guidance as well as suspicious of the approval of others and might at times actually reject outer support, for it is intent on seeking its own true power in its own way – its inner gold, found gradually, over time.

This degree has its own strong agenda, and even though some may think it wrong or misguided, it must do what it must do, and in its own way.

Pleiadian Symbol: A magic mountain rises out of the waters.

Azoth Symbol: The portrait of a man grows younger and younger.

Seed degree: Scorpio 8. A woman in a hot bath. Outside, snow is falling. (Omega Symbol). Maintaining our insulation from the illusion of lack and poverty we are able to gather gold from any and all experiences.

A retarded man with white hair. He has an angelic countenance. (Chandra Symbol). Letting go of the illusions perpetrated by intellectuality we are able to manifest pure wisdom and be empowered by it.

Fulfillment degree: Aries 5. A woman harvesting rose petals to make perfume. (Omega Symbol). We find that the wisdom and truth we have accumulated from all our experiences is meant to be used to spread love to the world.

The statue of a God worn smooth by devotees’ kissing. (Chandra Symbol). We realize that self-empowerment is solely for the purpose of devoting that power to manifesting the spiritual light in the physical world.


Each grain of gold still holds the aura of the place where it was gathered, and so the gold dust bears the mingled auras of many places, all come together in one small glass vial. We might melt it to make a ring, but the memories of these places held in the gold would still be there – they’re indellible.

Or the melted gold might be beaten into a tissue thin sheet and given to the wind to blow away and to tear apart, turning it once again into dust.

And so, through the gold, places continue to be scattered and merged into other places.” –

Please share widely. All content unless in quotes or attributed to others is by Tara Greene

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