Weekly Astrology May 27 to June 2 and Rare Power

The main features this week Angry wounded explosive energies, unusual information, protests, chaos and a rare POWER amp up

May 29 Mars conjuncts Chiron in ARIES at 22 degrees at 10:08 am PDT, 1:08 pm EDT,5:08 pm

May 30 MERCURY conjuncts URANUS at 24+ TAURUS at 10:54 pm PDT May 31 at 1:54 am EDT

JUNE 2 JUPITER TRINE PLUTO at 1 degree AQUARIUS at 5:13 pm PDT 8:13 pm EDT

A big week for ARIES and CARDINAL signs feeling the Mars Chiron wounded healer conjunction at 18-23 CANCER, LIBRA or CAPRICORN

FIXED SIGNS at 19-25 TAURUS, LEO, SCORPIO and AQUARIUS may be feeling wired, inspired, freeing themselves up, needing space, and protesting something or other.


If you have planets at 0=2 degrees FIXED signs this is a very rare special power up energy for you. This aspect can bring buried treasures of inspiring ideas to the surface. All AIR Signs including LIBRA by trine can create brilliant new inventive ideas in tech, social, and marketing into new avenues and pathways.

BITCOIN has MERCURY at 2 degree AQUARIUS indicating big gains and more widespread usage. Mercury rules Merchandise, travelling in all world.

The last time Jupiter and Pluto were in a Trine was in 2016 and they met three times in Virgo/Capricorn.

JUPITER is the King of the Gods newly blessed by conjunction with the SUN May 18 and PLUTO is the wealthiest of planets, the planet of Power, elites, control, secrets. These two powerful planets supporting each other brings advances in communications, technology and electric cars, transportation,and major radical new societal ideas and magnetic electical currents of freedom from hidden power agendas.

There will be Unexpected and sudden Deaths of world leaders.

I do believe Princess Catherine is dying. Watch especially for AI tech companies, Tesla, X, and new inventions and laws around education, creating energy sources out of thin air, and over turning of old regimes, new power sources, new money standard, -hint its not the U.S. dollar, digital currency regulations, power and money struggles of supremacy, and new world alliances. The JUPITER PLUTO trine won’t happen again until 2028 in LIBRA/AQUARIUS at 6 degrees.

NOTE: Ukraine Ukraine declares its independence | January 22, 1918 which will be finished as a country this year and totally overhauled.

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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Cosmic mind freedom, what the doctor ordered

April 30 we are at the end of April Finally.

MOON is in LEO in case you haven’t noticed. How can you NOT notice a Leo Moon?

Leo Moon dramatically opposes Saturn in Aquarius, then Luna squares Taurus Mercury Uranus and Sun. Leo Moon trines Chiron in ARIES. Last but not least,


MERCURY is the Messenger and trickster, he brings the messages, the planets symbolizes consciousness,

In TAURUS it is the mind embodied in the Garden of EDEN of sensuous delight

URANUS is the planet of FREEDOM REVOLUTION HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS, unboundedness, put them all together and you get a number of zaps and possibilities. 

COSMIC MIND FREEDOM BECKONS, just what the Dr. Ordered


Its a kind of a mad beastly mind zap which is a good thing to wake up the “cattle.” It’s a wake-up call to get your mind out of its set patterns and to think outside the non-existent box, out of your comfort zone and see the big picture. FREEDOM and REVOLUTION are calling. 

please watch today’s vlog with a card from the Muse Tarot by Chris-Anne

get a reading http://www.taratarot.com

Please join me I will be live tonight May 30 at 5:00 pm PDT, 8:00 pm EDT/May 1st at 1:00 am GMT

