Maleficent, Hollywood oracle, love vendetta metaphor Astrology

The I have often observed that Hollywood is  synchronistic and prescient, like an ORACLE,  as it is tuned into the collective unconscious. Movies come out in concert with astronomical/ astrological events. 

Earlier this week  May 22 VENUS was conjunct to ERIS, the DWARF PLANET, discovered in January 2005 at Palomar. ERIS is three times the size of PLuto. With the exception of some comets Eris is currently the most distant known natural object in the Solar system.

ERIS in GREEK MYTHOLOGY was a daughter of NYX, Night. She was the Goddess or Spirit- Daemona of strife, discord, contention and rivalry.  Every emotion in the ancient world was personified as a God or Goddess. That culture was extremely healthy because nothing was hidden. Gods raped, there was jealousy, revenge, spite, hatred, loss, justice. Just like a great soap opera, play or movie.  

Eris’s nature didn’t make her that welcome. She was the only Goddess not invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. When she crashed the wedding anyway she was refused admittance and in a rage threw a golden apple amongst the Goddesses inscribed with “to the fairest.” Three Goddess tried to claim it for their own and this rivalry brought about the Trojan War a great tragedy.

Another form of the scorned or left out Goddess is told in the famous story of SLEEPING BEAUTY. All fairy tales evolve from myths.  Charles Perraul’ts version of Sleeping Beauty published in 1697 added a witch to an older tale.  There is a similar older tale where an elf-king Oberon appears as a DWARF, and explains that an angry fairy cursed him to that size.

 The Brothers Grimm’s tale  has 12 fairies, who were originally Goddesses, who were invited to a princess’s christening to offer gifts to her and the 13th one who was left out. She curses the child because she wasn’t invited. her gifts are scorned.

13 is the number associated with the moon. As there are always 13 lunar cycles per year.  We are starting to get a sense of the Goddesses and natural feminine lunar menstrual energy being the secret symbolism here.

SLEEPING BEAUTY tells how the Goddess now transformed into a witch is uninvited to the princess’s christening a Christian non pagan ceremony. Because she wasn’t invited,  -she curses that the daughter at 15 will prick herself with a spindle and die. A good fairy softens this curse so that the princess will not die but fall into a deep sleep for 100 years. 

In Walt Disney’s original animated version of SLEEPING BEAUTY the wicked fairy is personified by MALIFICENT,

MAleficent Disney tara Greene astrology

feminine personified evil. The story follows the tradition. The spindles are hidden, the princess overly protected, but on her 16th birthday she returns and her fate is destined so she pricks her finger on the spindle. It is all a puberty metaphor . Prince Charming fights Maleficent in the form of a dragon, kills her. Hacks his way through a thorny forest and kisses the princess awake and everyone wakes up. Happy ending.

MALEFICENT is a new film starring Angelina Jolie, premiering May 30 2014.

What does this have to do with VENUS and ERIS?  

VENUS is love, ERIS is bitterness scorn,revenge, hatred, anger. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Have you ever been scorned and felt like cursing the crap out of someone? You don’t have to be a fairy to curse someone. 

It’s all about intention and emotions, you have the power to harm or heal anyone with your feelings.

I have done it myself. I know it, it’s coming out in my book, in a past life where I was burned  at the stake as a witch and cursed that Jesuit Priest who condemned me who….

As above so below. Says the HERMETIC MAXIM.

So woe be it KIM and Kanye for leaving any woman {or man} uninvited to KIM And KANYE’s Wedding on May 24!

CURSES leave karmic paths, difficulty, disgrace, danger, pain and suffering traces in the patterns in your life. 

The conjunction of Love and HATE at 22 degrees ARIES is close to the SOUTH NODE now at 27 degrees ARIES.

BE aware of old KARMIC issues in LOVE and HATE in all directions and all corners arising because of  old unconscious vindictiveness.

Now I never recommend that you pay some sleazy gypsy type thousands of dollars to remove a curse from you or anyone else or to put a curse on your ex. or try to make someone do something. 


NEVER EVER DO THAT. It is BLACK MAGIC. Do  not get fooled by that trick its the oldest snake oil manipulation in the world.

Don’t buy into the instant cures or get fooled by that fake TARA-MEDIUM site who some people confuse me with.

NO YOU and only YOU can take full responsability for a curse you gave someone- even if they deserved it. THE whole point just like JESUS did is to be unspiteful and totally accepting and unconditionally loving..

I help people to become aware of their past lives and these “curses” or heavy karmic denied emotions which show up as psychological problems most clearly through your astrology chart.

Yes people don’t do what your ego wants. People are not puppets. GEt over it.

You cannot and why would you want to control someone else?

Only those who feel manipulated and controlled themselves, who are out of touch with their own power would even think of or try to do something like that.

VENUS in ARIES is AMAZON warrior woman anyways. CUE DEATH BY FIRE.

ERIS has been in ARIES since 1925. ERIS HARDLY MOVES. Note the similarity between ERIS And ARIES God of war,

Eris was at 18 degrees of Aries on Jan 1 2000.

My prediction when the SOUTH NODE conjunct ERIS in early AUGUST  -watch out!!!!!

Look back at events in your life and see if these dates mean anything.

JANUARY 1,  2014 Mars opposed that degree of ERIS  22 degrees 57 minutes of LIBRA 

the MH370 disappeared March 8th. Hmmm…

Mars was opposite  that degree on MARCH 29 moving RETROGRADE. 

JUPITER will square 22 degrees ARIES on June 13

JULY 11 MARS will OPPOSE 22 degrees ARIES.  

I find the symbolism of ERIS conjunct VENUS and the MALEFICENT character phenomenal 

Don’t you? I love this stuff. I love how it all fits together.

DO NOT PAY ANYONE TO REMOVE A CURSE EVER.  Deal with it yourself, psychologically, responsibility, own your own shit.

I get calls all the time from desperate, superstitious people and I tell them that it is black magic, and don’t waste your money don’t give your power away. Any intent to hurt another will come back to you 9 times. THat is the pagan/wiccan tradition.

WHAT DO YOU THINK about this? Did you catch all the nuances?













symbolized the 13th person who was overlooked, left out.