4 square, unveiling the heart from Tara Greene

We have reached the 4th exact Square of Uranus in Aries and Pluto in Capricorn on the aptly cosmically named Day of the Dead.

The Day of the Dead is also The Night of the Living. We are under enormous pressure to shine a new light- URANUS in ARIES into the dark  secret places of power, that’s PLUTO in CAPRICORN.

The number 4 has powerful significance. In the Western mysteries tradition there are 4 elements.

These are the 4 cornerstones, the foundation, the basic building block. In the TAROT #4 is the TRUMP of the EMPEROR or KING.

Really it is like the dance of the seven veils, four are down and three to go. The seven veils are the seven chakras. We have unveiled the first, the root chakra, power; the 2nd,  sexual; the 3rd, the will. NOW we are at THE HEART chakra. The centre. Integrating this one is vitally important.

vintage belly dancing Tara Greene

Uranus in Aries since May 2010- March 2019 and Pluto in Capricorn since January 2008-January 2024 are GENERATION MARKERS.

THE TWO TRANSPERSONAL PLANETS- think of them as super heroes,or GODS. Created the legendary cultural revolutions in the 60’s and are now back at it. The Gods need to have something to do. They play with us, through us. 

The 90 degree squares they make are the chafing of sand in the oyster, which by necessity has to make a pearl out of it to find some peace and quiet. Where in your chart are they facing off? That is what you need to get down to and face,

Remember the world is your oyster, you are the oyster, an oyster who needs freedom and beauty.

During these three years, life will unavoidably change. These 2 planets aren’t concerned about your personal safety, likes or dislikes. They are doing their job. Which is to evolutionarily UP THE ANTE. We are collectively stepping UP to a higher level of growth and consciousness. We are playing with two formidable players. PLuto will DESTROY your false ego to wake your soul up. I guarantee it.

URANUS IN ARIES is a Lightning BOLT- like HARRY POTTER’S SIGNATURE. It is the planet of the WEIRD, he wakes up individuality. Like the God ZEUS, with zero patience, he is  a young revolutionary ready to blow everything up. Uranus rules technology and it is a key factor in creating the new world where power is in the hands of the people. 

PLUTO in CAPRICORN is the PLUTOCRACY- the oligarchs, the super rich, the war machines, Monsanto, Pharmaceutical, the Federal Reserve and other financial controllers  of the world. The 1% which control most of the wealth on this planet, they are firmly entrenched in the corporate and political doings of the world invisibly. They don’t want to give up their power. They want to rape, pillage, take, wipe out and control as much as possible. Pluto in Capricorn is HADES Lord of the Underworld. Espionage, death, pestilence, psychology, manipulation, sex, money, secrets, control.

This will be a power and class war, a war of information, transparency, espionage, technology. People must be willing to fight for their rights to freedom and democracy as they have had to in the past. 

This is the mid-life crises point from the original late 60’s conjunction {which Saturn also played a part in.}

The last time the two planets squared off was between 1932 and 1934 for a total of five exact squares. This was at the height of the Depression and the  rise of Hitler and Nazi Germany. The Planet Pluto itself had just been discovered three years before in Flagstaff Arizona. The Walt Disney character was named after the planet. 

The first exact squares of late was June 24, 2012, then September 19, 2012, May 20 2013

November 1 2013 which is the most intense.  Then April 21 2014, December 15 2014 and finally March 17 2015.

Edward SNOWDEN is a hero and we need more like him who open up Pandora’s box and make knowledge available.

The 60’s Rolling stones anthem Street Fighting Man was and is still one of the themes of the new 21st Century revolution.


The revolution starts in each one of us. In our own spirits. ARIES is the primal fire of initiation of awakening of spirit itself, The fire that exploded and created the primal spark which ignited the Universes.  CAPRICORN was originally a FEMININE sign. A GODDESS EARTH SIGN, signifying our birth from the MOTHER into physical 3 D form, matter.

FIRE and EARTH, spirit and matter/mater/mother.  The primal dichotomy. You can’t have one without the other.

So embrace your fiery passion. Do what you LOVE TO DO.  Money and status don’t matter. We are awakening that’s URANUS’s  job to our interconnection with all people on this planet.  We will only survive if we care about how the other 99% lives.

PLuto in CAPRICORN is about the very survival of the earth itself. Corporations and our own unconsciousness and greed  are wasting the earth. Frakking, oil spills, the Alberta Tar Sands, logging, mass food production, re-routing vast bodies of water, chemical polluting of the waters and air,  Nuclear power, cars, over population, are endangering the earth and our survival. The world is not our oyster to use in such an egotistic fraudulent manner to think we can control nature. LOL. Nature will have the last laugh on us, but we are doing it to ourselves.We have to protect the earth’s resources.

EVERYTHING YOU WERE TAUGHT IS WRONG and mainly a lie. You have been used. Yes Life is like THE MATRIX movie, it’s a great metaphor. We are supposed to awaken collectively. We are sleeping beauties.  We have the choice. We have the power.  Are you a slave? Why do you keep listening  to what others expect or tell you to do? YOU most likely don’t even know what you really want genuinely or why. These important questions are what these squares are all about.

Philosophy, history, ethics, spirituality, respect, love, balance, beauty, caring, creativity, self- knowledge. There is much to be occupied with that matters to your survival. Not the fluff, the games, the pop culture, the stuff, clothes, makeup, competition, the gadgets.  

The nightmare or unconscious action of these two aspects would be a repeat of the Nazi’s, with powerful technology which controls the weather, the mind, all the computer technology. End of story. Who wins then? 

Find out who you are. Unveil yourself, Dare to be naked in your heart and in the world.

I can help http://www.taratarot.com


All writing is copyright Tara Greene 2013


DANCE OF THE SEVEN VEILS part 1 music Rosa Zaragoza: Los siete velos (album: Erótica Mística) – 

dance of the 7 veils part 2 

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