Robert Pattinson,FKA Twigs real love astrology

Was it an April Fool’s joke or for real? People magazine say yes it’s for real. R-Patz  and FKA Twigs are engaged. One way or the other lets look at what makes their relationship REAL LOVE. I had planned on looking at the their synastry astrology charts for awhile, so here goes. 

Robert Pattinson the famous Twilight vampire star is a TAURUS born May 13 1986 in London U.K. at 8:32 a.m. He was famously in a long-term relationship with actress Kristen Stewart until she cheated on him with her older movie director and they had an off and on again relationship until finally breaking up in 2013.  He has been seen publicly dating FKA Twigs since September 2014. 

Tahliah Debrett Barnett -FKA TWIGS her stage name, is an earthy CAPRICORN born January 16, 1988 in Gloucestershire England. I have no exact birth time so use noon for a public figure. She is a singer, dancer, songwriter, producer and quite an original pop artist. Her father is Jamaican and her mother Spanish English.

Lets look at why their relationship works, and the map to the stars of their love connection.

Robert Pattinson FKA Twigs relationship astrology Tara Greene

The synastry chart shows Robert Pattinson’s planets in Blue on the inner wheel and FKA’s planets in red on the outer wheel. 

ELEMENT connections

Both are earth sign SUN’s so have a basic down to earth practical nature about them. Robert has MERCURY, MARS and NEPTUNE in earth signs. Robert’s pragmatic thinking, desire, sexuality and his romantic ideals are compatible with FKA’s Capricorn Sun. These are all very strong placements. 


THE MOON, feelings VENUS, love and values and MARS, sexual desire and drive are very important.

Robert has his Moon in CANCER, he is very nurturing, emotional, sensitive, shy and protective person, very sympathetic with women and close to his family. His MOON is opposite to her Neptune, {as well as his own} they have similar -Romantic ideals and SOUL MATES images. Her EROS and ATHENA are also opposite to his Moon. She is a very erotic strong woman to him. There can be a great deal of projection onto the other. It can feel like they are addicted to one another and each other’s saviours. That can be dangerous. They have a very strong attraction but are emotionally very different.  But opposites do attract. She needs freedom, space and independence, but they complete each others’ ideals. 

Robert’s VENUS, CHIRON AND LILITH in GEMINI are opposite to her MOON. He is fatally attracted to her as a a mother figure but also as a dangerous woman, she symbolizes a very erotic temptation. She could want to mother and heal him as she sees her own split personality in him. This combination also brings in his Uranus in Sagittarius, she is an exotic foreigner, she spices up and liberates his life and outlook. These planets have their outlet and salvation in Robert’s Jupiter in PISCES which is conjunct to her NORTH NODE and her JUNO, her unique Feminine genius. He sees her as a spiritual guide, a compassionate, brilliant woman, almost a saviour. He could be projecting soul mate, perfect life mate onto her.  She is like a drug to him. Didn’t he say that in Twilight about Kristen Stewart? He brings success, opportunities, creativity and expansion into her life.


Robert’s SATURN is RETROGRADE in Sagittarius, a very karmic placement. FKA’s MARS is conjunct his Saturn This is considered a difficult placement as the two planets are heavies but it indicates that they have been together in a past life. Probably in a teacher student relationship. But FKA’s VENUS in early PISCES is square to that. This means they are soul mates and are meant to forgive their past life karma and come together in absolute unconditional love and compassionate forgiveness in this lifetime. 

Her VENUS is in Pisces opposite his CERES in Virgo conjunct his Part of Fortune. She is the Goddess of love and beauty and creativity to him and his pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and the Mother Goddess as well. 


His Mercury in Taurus is opposite to her Pluto and Psyche, They are very synched in sexually and soulfully. He is very sensuous and they do have a very deep soul connection which they must have recognized right away. Her MERCURY in AQUARIUS conjunct to CERES is the apex of this opposition. FKA’s unique way of thinking, her higher conscious way of communicating lifts him out of his earthy stability and his moody obsessiveness and this is exactly what he needs. It feels like unconditional love to him. 


Robert’s Mars in Capricorn, his sex drive is very earthy and traditional it is squared by her Jupiter in Aries. She is a powerful, fearless independent woman and she is teaching him some new tricks. She is very fiery and strong-willed. This turns him on.

Her CHIRON is in GEMINI very close to Robert’s VENUS. I think the two of them have a dual nature, their need for love and being able to be intimate and vulnerable are part of their mutual healing. 

I could go on and on. But you get the picture. I’ll look at when they could marry in another article.


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All writing is copyright of TARA GREENE

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102 thoughts on “Robert Pattinson,FKA Twigs real love astrology

  1. I agree with everything that’s been noted above about the synastry of these people, especially the part about them having had prior association somewhere else in time. Whether or not a marriage materializes or is durable is open to question, the way I see it. Neither of these two has an easy go of it in getting permanent, according to their birth charts. Robert has a natal T-square involving his Venus, Jupiter and Uranus, which suggests in this lifetime, he may engage in a variety of love experiences. Tahliah has Mars square her Venus, which can exasperate their partners. The attraction is definitely there – note her Sun is in his 7th of partnership, and his Pluto trine her Venus suggests a deep relating. But the ruler of his 7th is Saturn, and in the comparison, that ruler is squared her Venus, and conjunct her Mars and as stated above, that’s “considered a difficult placement”. Overall, the relative lack of numerous planetary contacts made me wonder if there was enough going on between them to allow the relationship to live on.

    Communication is a challenge for them, his Pluto and Mercury square her Mercury, and his Water Moon and her Fire Moon don’t exactly bode well for their moods being in sync. Robert’s Saturn (ruler of 7th partnership house) return in late fall, might bring the relationship to a head.

    I’d like to thank Tara for asking us all, “WHAT DO YOU THINK?”, as this invites more views for all our consideration.


    • hi Sally
      thanks for repsonding so thoroughly. I have previously looked at Robert Pattinson’s chart when he was with Kristen Stewart. I have not gone into FKA TWigs chart individually or talked about how their own individual charts operate and i didnt talk about houses although they are important for the sake of being concise. Yes Robert is having his First Saturn return in the fall then Neptune will also be in the pic and the dream versus reality gap will loom large for them and for everyone in the world will into 2016. This could be a make it or break it time for them. Neptune may actually be the planet that brings the into a committed relationship. Their seems to be a lot of mutual projection between them. They are very very different people. Thanks for your input, there was some other interesting info from their OOB planets which I found fascinating which I may write further on, as well as an understanding of how these placements also attract people in other ways. Thanks for your great input


  2. Thank you for posting this. It was interesting to read. I have one question this engagement came relatively fast. So what in their planets could be the reason for that?


  3. Why so fast? I feel that it is because they are soul mates.The emotional karma from past lives needs them to come together to work out their past life issues. This draw is extremely powerful and felt as sexual in nature to get the two of them together, as their unconscious memories and a sense of “destiny” is also at work. Everyone can experience this and there are also more than one “soul mate” in our lifetime. Their karma is such that they need to be together now.hope I have answered your query. Thanks for asking. PLease stay tuned.
    Blessings TARA


  4. First I want to say “I love to read your blog daily” with that being said many comments in the past also have said that Rob & Kristen were soulmates I am a grown woman & have followed Kristen’s career since she was in Panic Room .I honestly believe Rob & Kristen belong together In photos of Rob and Fka he never looks at her the way he looked at Kristen I don’t know why but I still believe they will be toghter one day
    Thank you for letting me voive my comment I love them both R. & K


    • Robert’s Saturn is Retrograde at 7 degrees Sagittarius and Twigs Moon is at 17 Sagittarius,it is officially a conjunction although wide and separating. He may feel karmically indebted to be her father figure, mentor or protecter emotionaly. She could be seeing a father figure in him. She needs space in her relationships with a Sagittarius Moon. Saturn is heavy but it is also what you need to make a long term commitment which a marriage is. They also have a Uranus Moon conjunction which can be exciting in the short run but crazy and chaotic in the long. The greater difficulty is her Mars on his SATURN which is very karmic. They dont have the easiest aspects between them. This relationship will need a lot of awareness to work out long term. Thanks for your questions. TARA


  5. It was a pleasure reading your post:) As much as I loved Robert/Kristen, his relationship with Twigs somehow makes much more sense! Yes, they’re opposites & I guess that’s the attraction. Robert has said in his interviews that he believes in soulmates & love at first sight. He has also spoken very affectionately about his parents being together for such a long time & how he looks up to them. We all know he’s a romantic, fiercely loyal, committed individual. People say six months or whatever is way too short a period to get engaged. Well, you know when you’ve found the one & I think these 2 may have very well found the one:)


    • I personally have experienced the soul mate contact and you don’t need to know each other longer. But it is also good to really know the other person over time as well. They say it takes three years for the Honeymoon to wear off. So a more balanced way would be to live together for three years before deciding to marry. We can have many soul mates in one lifetime. They don’t have the greatest of connections astrologically actually. There is a great deal of projection as well. It will take work for them to make this relationship last. He has his own difficult aspects to work through as does she but that\s what it is all about anyways. Thanks for your feedback, Blessings


  6. Hi! Love reading your blog posts. I don’t want to come across as negative or a pessimist, but these two are way too different/opposites & therefore their relationship won’t survive the test of time! I don’t think they’re engaged at all & if they are, marriage won’t happen & they will most likely have an amicable break-up this year itself. She is way too strong, independent for him. And though they both are British, their backgrounds couldn’t be any different.


    • hi Zia, yes they do have difficult planetary placements I agree. I do see some strong attraction there as well. Robert will go through his first Saturn return in the fall and he is ready to settle down but it can be rocky for him. He needs strong women. He is very passive. Opposites do attract. Id say theu have strong past life connections which could make them get together but not always last because the energies they are dealing with arent easy.
      thanks TARA


  7. Tara,
    How do I explain myself? I intuitively feel energy from pictures and people. I’m not formally educated in the methodology/medium of astrology charts. I Knew Pattinson/Stewart were “in-love”/attracted when I rented the first Twilight movie on DVD, without any prior knowledge of the Twilight books/Meyer or Pattinson/Stewart. I’m a busy mother, and basically out of the main-stream culture. How did I know? I felt the gravitational pull of their energy/connection projecting from the screen. I feel nothing when I see Pattinson/Twigs together. Actually, I feel intuitively he is displacing/projecting his unresolved feelings for Kristen upon Twigs. Pattinson wanted to marry Stewart prior to the cheating. I can’t emphatically prove this, I just intuitively feel it. Want to know what else?…believe me or not…I predicted 2 months(in May) prior to the cheating, to friend via a Twilight Chat Room, that I felt Stewart was going to ‘Hurt’ Robert. I feel Stewart took his love/loyalty for granted. causing self-inflicted wounds, kristen is her own worst enemy. Why? To test herself, push her self-worth…earning her own happiness, Pattinson made it too easy, and she created her own challenge/thrill. Like a cat and mouse game, earning/hunting her prey, instead of getting an easy dose of daily kibble in the food bowl. I believe Kristen takes action on the things she wants, and Robert can be hesitant or insecure about himself.(that frustrated Kristen). I believe she has learned her lesson, has grown immensely. I believe Pattinson will NOT marry Twigs, and find his way back to Kristen. Kristen is wild, and boundaries with people or things can be blurred….but, I truly believe she never stopped loving Robert nor he stopped loving her. Twigs is NOT the one.


    • thanks for your comments. Kristen and Robert took on so much projections from millions of starry eyed fans which is heavy weight to carry.Yes I do believe Robert loved her but she hurt him too much and he is a Taurus and they are stubborn and dont forgive.Kristen is a wild card. Robert projects onto strong women. Its over between Robert and Kristen people grow up they move on.


    • Hi dmk.
      I loved your comment! And I agree with you!
      I feel exactly what you feel and I feel his relationship with twigs is just lust and projection, and revenge for Kristen hurting him to some degree. To gain his dignity. I also feel nothing deep with him and twigs and I have always felt he will or he should go back to Kristen! I hope that happens soon. I feel twigs abuses him emotionally and he is being masochistic with her. I would love to know if you see when he will go back to Kristen


      • Ladies wake up. Kristen is at least bi-sexual. They have both moved on years ago to new relationships. Kristen Stewart seems happier now than she ever was with Robert, I know its very hard for you to accept that. They are both just fallible human beings. Kristen was the one who chose to break the fantasy of her and Robert Pattinson up. It was largely a studio contract. He was in love with her but I never felt she was really in love with him. They will never get back together. People mature Robert is 30 years old now and has had his first Saturn Return, he should be acting like an adult by now. It isnt healthy to be focussing on these total fantasy characters. TWILIGHT is a bible thumping piece of trash. One of the worst written books ever. The author is a Mormon and the book is a projection about the religious conflict that women do not have souls which she projected out as vampires. so you all should get a life. It isn’t healthy to be fixated on your own fantasies like this. Twigs may be using him but she is also a very talented creative woman and I can see why he is fascinated with her. He wishes he had her talents. Blessings TARA


      • Adriana you used the two perfect terms for what all Robstens do ” lust and projection” it is yours all yours. Do you think Robert is the kind of person who would exact revenge on someone? do you think he would just use FKA? That is about your projection. You are throwing around heavy terms masochistic abuse. Kristen and Rob were never a great match Astrologically ever. He hated doing Twilight, he said it was the worst written book in the history of publishing. He will never ever get back together just like Taylor Swift’s song with Kristen. That would be masochistic.


  8. Hi, Tara…

    Thanks for your reply to my comments. First off, Tara…I’am referring to your expertise in astrology, because I solely pull from my innate intuition. However, I do feel….that astrology is just a medium or channel to our intuitions? or not? Can you educate me on that?
    Now, one aspect that I firmly feel strong about towards Kristen/Robert…is that their relationship was on another plane. A plane that most individuals do not understand/like or in contrasting…people want to covet. Tara, I get Robert…for I am a Taurus as well. My understanding of him…could be a template for my actions/values as well. The only other celebrity that I have found of interest or intuitively drawn to was Bono of U2, Who ironically, is also a Taurus. No one has primed me or introduced me to either of these individuals…I made my connection with them by own intuition/discovery towards their individual energies.
    Tara, don’t most method actors get lost in their roles? What is strange to me how fantasy/reality was so tethered and blurred. Pattinson is Edward, on many levels in reality…as Stewart shares many characteristics of Bella. Actors are attracted to roles/scripts that they identify with or want to achieve/behold within themselves. This could be the unconscious projection of true self vs. coveted/idealized ‘self ‘. Tara, truthfully all human beings do this…especially when young/trying to find their identities. However, actors basically project their insecurties on screen before millions to witness. Narcissism is rooted in insecurity, most actors are narcissistic. Pattinson, fell into acting and is exceptional at it. He truly is a method actor, believes in the truth/craft of acting…..oddly much like James Dean. I see so much James Dean. I felt this also, when I rented Twilight…and knew nothing about Pattinson(didn’t even know his name, prior). Ironically, I’m a huge James Dean fan.
    I know you and many others will laugh at me for stating what I behold as truth, but I will disclose it anyway. I believe the 1st Twilight, Under Hardwicke’s direction, was Rob’s best & truthful acting range to date. For me, He was amazing, he reminded me of Dean,and that is why I became a twilight fan. Because of Rob’s unique method acting/mannerisms…and his original chemistry with Stewart. I feel Hardwicke’s Twilight is a work of art. I Feel Stewart/Hardwicke pushed Pattinson to do his best work(true soul mates/mentors). I felt in the other Twilight movies, Rob was not as dynamic nor as invested due to the cruel, unjust critics of the 1st Twilight. He doubted himself and his talents, where as Stewart embraced the film critics/anti-fan insults, and she worked that much harder to prove them wrong. Rob gave up and tried the current acting style of today, which I’m not as found of. Ironically, the critics are embracing this lemming/lackluster acting style…like all of pre-packaged hollywood accept/follows. Like Bono says: “Hanging a banana out of your ear, doesn’t make you original/unique….it comes from inside you.”
    Pattinson is lost right now, he’s not being true to himself….and he is projecting more than ever….to be accepted by the critics by a prescribed expectations of critics/anit-fans. He had me at Twilight….and should have refined that beautiful, unique acting style that was so valued and recognized by many….he’s a gifted actor…not just a pretty boy. I feel Stewart and Pattinson should work together again…she brings the best out of his acting range. Hardwicke also challenged him….where as Chronenberg doesn’t truly get him, as Pattinson thinks.
    Twigs is Not the right challenge for Pattinson….she overshadows him…instead of complements. Tara, I know its irrational….but, there is something about her energy that I don’t like. Talk about narcissism?


    • Hi dmk. Again I am amazed that you exactly expressed what I have always felt! It’s funny because I am a cancer and you are a Taurus. And Robert is a Taurus with cancer moon and ascendant. We feel him.
      I agree the first twilight was his soul shining through and he showed so much heart and feeling and Catherine kardwicke first twilight was the most deep and soulful. The rest are more superficial. And yes. He is not being true to himself now. He is lost. And twigs is using him I feel. It’s superficial and not on the soul plane that he and Kristen were. Please keep commenting because your comments are very profound and insightful!


      • hi Adriana
        I kind of gave you Robsten kids a bit of a Saturn wake up call. Then who should be seen together flying in to L.A. yesterday Robert and FKA. Its not over with them. I know you dont want to accept that. But one of the main lessons and its a hard Saturn lesson is to face the reality and drop the illusions and delusions the wishfull thinking. Ok. I appreciate you all asking me about Robert as I do like him. I feel him strongly.


  9. I wish we could have FKA’s birth time – maybe their chart angles and moon position make their synastry even more connected…?! Rob seems to be really sensitive and an idealist in terms of love despite his pragmatic planets in Earth signs, so I think he’s more into her projection than the other way round. Plus the transits of Uranus and Pluto on his angles and some planets might be the reason behind his sudden, fast and unconventional attraction to a girl so different than his previous girlfriend.


    • Thanks for your comments. Even without a birth time there is certainly enough to see in terms of their interaction and connection. Yes Rob is a total projectionist with women. Uranus and Pluto are supposed to bring sudden change into peoples lives and loves.I think she is a very interesting performer and artists, very unconventional. Opposites often attract as they need to balance each other out.


  10. Hi Tara
    From what I read, they don’t stand a chance to make it work long term. So when do you expect them to break up? Can it be before the year ends?
    Also, generally which planet has more influence on a person? Sun? Moon? Venus? Saturn? Any other


    • Actually even though they are very different,he is better suited to FKA than he was to Kristen. She is really a very talented and amazing performer. His career is not going very well and hers is sky rocketing and that always creates tension in any relationship where both people are performers.He may be losing his “top dog” status to her. I know she isn’t popular with Twihard fans but Robert is officially a grown up now. She may “eclipse” him, excuse the pun. Robert reacts to the woman he is with in his life. He is not a very strong person. You can see that when he is interviewed. But don’t read all the celebrity mag gossip.
      Every planet had a strong influence on each person. The influence of which planets depends on what sign you are and your ruling planet and where it is situated in your natal chart and how it aspects the rest of your chart. The Sun Moon and Ascendant are considered to be the primal “planets” but you really must take every aspect into consideration. And then there are the transits.


      • Hi Tara, I like many other people, cant see the relationship with FKA & Robert as a very strong one. They are very different and she is much stronger than Robert. I see this as a problem, as both want to be top dog. Do you see this as having an affect on there relationship? What are the chances of marriage with them and when could that be.
        Thank you


  11. Hi Tara, I like many others, would like your thoughts on this relationship leading to marriage? They are both very strong willed, and both want to be the leader. FKA is very committed to her career and not ready to be the happy house wife. Rob is more inclined to want more. Do you see marriage for them? Myself I agree with an earlier comment, wait the honeymoon period, of 3 years before such a life changing decision. They need to mature some more,Rob in particular.
    Thank you.


    • hi
      at this point in their lives, FKA is getting more popular and stronger in her career. She is really very talented and quite original and I really like what she does. She brings a unique energy. Rob’s career needs a huge boost or he will be slouching along maybe even on her coat tails. They wont have a traditional marriage anyways. Who does these days? I think he is really proud of her. They have time to get married.


  12. Hi Tara, it seems there is trouble in paradise for real. Rob has been in NY preparing for his new role for almost a month now & twigs is back in London. She hasn’t been wearing her engagement ring for quite some time (not that it matters). And if one reads twigs’ recent posts on love on Instagram, one gets the impression that these 2 have either split for good or their bond has gotten stronger despite the distance & the continuous hate, abuse, racist slurs thrown at her. I’m inclined to go with the former observation at this point. What are your thoughts? I know twigs is a strong woman, but maybe it all got a bit too much for her. Also, is there any possibility of a Rob/Kristen reunion if he, indeed, is single this year? Best


  13. Hi Tara!

    First, I love reading your posts/blog:)

    As a big Rob/Kristen fan, I was disappointed when she cheated & they eventually broke up. I moved on & was happy when he hooked up with twigs, who is a strong, carefree, unique woman! Lately, something seems off, however. twigs is not wearing her engagement ring (not that it matters). Her recent posts on Instagram on love, among other things, makes me wonder whether these 2 have actually split up for real. Maybe, it all got a bit too much for her, the distance, pressure, stress, continuous flow of hatred, abuse, racism, etc. I know every relationship goes through a bad patch & it is hard to keep the spark alive in the face of so much negativity. I would love to know your thoughts on this.


  14. Hi Tara,

    First, I like reading your blog/posts:)

    I was a big Rob/Kristen fan. I loved them individually (which I do even now) & as a couple. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be:( I was happy when Rob hooked up with twigs, who is a beautiful soul, unique & strong. You seem pretty positive/upbeat on the Rob/twigs coupling. I was too, until recent developments. He has been in NY for almost a month now, preparing for his new role, she is back in London & has not been wearing her engagement ring lately (not that it matters). Her recent posts on social media/Instagram on love, among other things, makes me wonder whether they’ve actually broken up! Maybe, the distance, stress, pressure along with the continuous flow of hate, abuse & racism became a bit too much for her to handle. Plus, we know they’re opposites & I know opposites attract, but still… I would love to know your thoughts on their future & whether there is any possibility of a Rob/Kristen union, if he, indeed, is a single man. Best


  15. Hello, Tara! How are you? Will you be doing an update on these two love birds? I am psychic myself and my intuition tells me that even though he cares for Twigs very deeply, she may be growing tired of him and using him since he is such a devoted and, dare I say, meek kind of man.He is very supportive of her talent and wants to see her grow. I think he is easily used as a comfort and companion (with true love easily waning on the side of the woman) since he is so very giving and so desperately wants a strong woman in his life. He may also be a bit boring to them since he is so easily theirs and does not keep them guessing as he is too pure when in love to stray. And, unfortunately, his recent roles have not been going well in the eyes of critics. Seems he may end up very confused and sullen in the next two years about what to do next as he tries to detach from his current career. No matter what, I do think she has helped him heal from the horrible hurt of Kristen, but I worry what may happen to his psyche if he cannot keep this girl. That he may become needy and possessive of the next woman, if there is a next woman, out of fear of another loss and that next woman may think to run because of it. I do not see them marrying in a ceremony, but staying committed until one of them realizes that their love has fizzled out. No children. I also see that nearing the end, if it does indeed end, he may develop a drinking problem. What do you see of that? Thank you for your time and amazing work.


    • HI Angela nice of you to weigh in on this. I do check in on FKA and Rob every now and then. Her career has really taken off and she is extremely talented and unique. She deserves the kudos. Yes he is not a strong man,Robert Pattinson, he has a lot of Pisces in him, and yes alcohol could be a problem. He hasnt found himself. He isnt really an actor, he was a model. Fame was foisted on him and he hated everything about Twilight. I dont think the relationship between him and Kristen Stewart was ever real even. I will look into Robert’s astrology chart and ponder on this. I really like him and I love FKA, Too bad those Twihard fans are in such fantasy land and don’t want to grow up. The “nice” vampire archetype is strong obviously.


      • Thank you for your response, Tara! I occasionally wonder if that relationship was real as well. Perhaps, it was originally business and they were forced together by their superiors to sell the movies, but he loved her anyway and it just couldn’t be real for both parties. Or maybe he was simply hurt because she made him look bad. I suppose I’ll never know for sure! Thank you once again!


  16. Hi Tara!

    Till now everything that you’ve predicted or said about Robert Pattinson & FKA twigs has turned out to be true! So as a big Rob fan, you’ve already won me over:) Both have been apart for over 2 months now! Rob just wrapped up a movie with his good friend Mia Wasikowska in Utah & Portland. He has been MIA ever since. Twigs also recently wrapped up her tour & has been holidaying in Ibiza with her pals for a fortnight now. They haven’t seen each other since June 22 or so, which makes me wonder whether they’ve actually split this time around. They have never ever been apart for more than a month. Rob/twigs have always been plagued by cheating or break-up rumours. Now there are also reports that Rob may have developed feelings for Mia. Tough times for Rob/twigs, I’d say! It would be nice to hear your take on the current situation. And if Rob/twigs have, indeed, parted ways, then how’s his compatibility with Mia?



  17. Hey Tara, recent reports indicate that Rob & twigs may have hit a rough patch & parted ways secretly & now he is dating his good friend/co-star Mia Wasikowska! 2 quick questions: If Rob/twigs split rumors are true, then is reconciliation on the cards? Second, what do the stars say about Rob/Mia?


  18. Dear Tara, Hope you’re well! Thanks for your lovely post on Robert Pattinson & FKA twigs. I’m hoping that you will take time out of your busy schedule to update the post because it’s more than a year now & as a few posters above indicate, the couple may have parted ways. As a psychic-cum-astrologer myself, though I haven’t actively practised it for quite some time now, my intuition tells me that though the couple are currently separated due to work commitments, etc., the distance will only make their bond/love stronger. He is a Taurus, she is a Capricorn, both earth signs, & one of the most compatible partnerships. They could very well be soulmates. As you also alluded to earlier, he loves strong women & grew up with 3 of them, mom & 2 older sisters. Twigs, we all know, is strong, fiercely independent, workaholic, driven, ambitious, & maybe that’s the reason personal life takes a backseat at times because she has so much on her plate! I think they will eventually ride the storm. Do you feel any differently, though? Would love to know how you feel about this couple. Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

  19. Hey Tara, what does your instinct/gut tell you about Rob/twigs? Have they split for sure due to distance/careers, as so many reports have started indicating now, or they on a break & will eventually get back together?


    • Seriously? They’ve been over for years. I never believed that their relationship was real from her point of view anyway. There’s too much gossip about all of this. Move on. There’s more important things to be focussed on then this fantasy, over for years. It’s 2016, Blessings


  20. Hello Tara, first of all I just wanted to tell you that as a fellow psychic who’s just starting her career, I really appreciate what you do:) I have been practicing my psychic skills since early April & look up to people like my mom, who’s an astrologer by profession, & you for inspiration!

    I was just going through some of the posts above out of sheer curiosity & my gut tells me that Rob & twigs are either on a break or have split for the time being. However, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they will not get back together because I can see very strong bond/connection between the two. My mom, in fact, goes a step ahead & thinks they’re soulmates, destined to be together forever.

    Is that how you see it too? May be they’ve just hit a rough patch due to pressures, etc?


  21. Good day Tara, greetings from Dublin:) As a Robert Pattinson fan, I quite enjoyed reading your observations above about his relationship with FKA twigs! However, rumours of a possible split are growing louder everyday & her reps response recently, saying “no comments instead of denying them, has only added fuel to the fire, sadly:( We all know that Rob gives it his all when he is in love & becomes very vulnerable in the process, especially if things don’t work out. He has himself admitted to many insecurities & hates being lonely. It’s one of the reasons he took Kristen Stewart back for a second time despite her cheating/betrayal. What do you think the future holds for him, professionally & more importantly personally? Will he & twigs start afresh or is there another woman for him in future?


    • hi ZIA
      so nice to hear from you from lovely Dublin a place I still have to visit when I come to Ireland. My daughter is bugging me. My husband’background is Irish and French Canadian. I have many Robert Pattinson fans and i have been getting quite a bit of mail.I will check into what’s going on in his chart. Tes Rob is really vulnerable and sensitive person, He isn’t really cut out for the fame show at all. If he doesnt have a solid review for acting soon he will be seen as a has been by Hollywood. I will check.


  22. Bonjour all the way from Nice, France! I’m a huge Rob fan & just stumbled upon this post while googling for news about him. As someone who’s just got interested in astrology & tarot card reading, I must say this is quite a fascinating read. I always thought Rob/Kristen won’t last, but with twigs, I felt Rob may have found a soulmate, though they are complete opposites. I still don’t think Rob/twigs have split despite what everybody says/thinks. Agreed that they haven’t seen each other for 3 months now, but may be both are really busy with their respective careers & as they say distance makes the heart grow fonder:) Do you also think it’s all rumours/gossip & Rob/twigs are still together & will be reunited shortly? Thanks

    Liked by 1 person

  23. Hello again Tara. It’s Angela. Is there any way I could trouble you to delete my earlier comments? I feel like I may have been a tad too negative about Robert in the first and I feel bad about the negative energy I might have sent out to him! He also has got a new movie out and I’m very excited! I hope you watch it! Been getting cracking reviews! Anyway if you can manage it, it’s much appreciated!


  24. Hello
    I don’t understand English perfectly,but loved the text!
    I think Robert a super cute and humble guy.
    Although I think he and Kristen were a couple more happy and in love.
    I believe the Venus in Gemini it has much importance in this new relationship.
    FKA is super stylish and seems to have plenty of attitude!
    A big hug of Brazil;)
    You could do a text on Laura Prepon and Ben Foster?
    Thank you!!


  25. Hey Tara, as a fellow psychic from Australia who always thought Rob/twigs would not make it in the long run, and they didn’t & seem to have parted ways now, I’d like to know your views on Rob supposedly hooking up with close friend Katy Perry & twigs falling for a French model while vacationing in Ibiza, Spain?! Do you also see any chance of Rob/twigs rekindling their romance in future?

    Liked by 1 person

  26. Tara, I find this couple very interesting & intriguing. As someone above rightly pointed out, they’re opposites with different backgrounds. Do you think they’re truly in love & in it for the long run, or simply a PR couple like Rob & Kristen were earlier? I know you’re a busy person, but I’d really appreciate your brief feedback here:)


  27. A big fan of your psychic abilities, I just wanted to thank you for your post on Robert Pattinson above. His career is better than ever, but it seems his personal life has now taken a backseat & is suffering as a result! Do you think he & twigs have broken up, like so many others, or is it again just a rumor?


    • never mind the rumour mill. I have said they were quite compatible although very different. I believe they are still together.Twigs is his anima or muse. She is a very talented young woman. She is part of his getting as far away from Twilight which was a nightmare and what made him famous at the same time. He worships her. I am glad that their relationship has stood the test of time. Thanks for your feedback TARA


  28. Greetings all the way from Down Under, i.e., New Zealand:) Hope you’re well, Tara. I have just got into tarot reading & you’re one of my inspirations. I love the way you analyse things & present them. I’d just like to ask 2 quick questions about Robert Pattinson, who finally seems to have come into his won. I know you’re busy, but I’d really appreciate it if you could respond:) First, do you see Rob & twigs as soul mates who will eventually get married or will they break up as rumors suggest? Second, is a Rob/Kristen reunion possible in foreseeable future?

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks for contacting me and the kudos. I’m glad you are into tarot readings. I do see rob and twigs as soul mates although they are very different types of people. They obviously don’t feel the need yet to get married and it really doesn’t matter if they do or not. They have been together now for two or three years or longer. Rumour mill always churns out that stuff to get views. I never felt Kristen Stewart Rob Patti son was real from her point of view. It was an arranged relationship by Hollywood studios and millions of naive teens bought into that projection. Kristen may have been bi-sexual for awhile but I always felt she was a lesbian. Which is fine. She is a very independent woman. I feel rob has such a sensitive
      Vulnerability about him. He is attracted to very strong unique women. That’s my take on it. It’s hard to be the subject of everyone’s fantasies but that’s exactly what Hollywood is all about.


  29. Greetings all the way from Down Under, i.e., New Zealand:) Hope you’re well, Tara. I have just got into tarot reading & you’re one of my inspirations. I love the way you analyse things & present them. I’d just like to ask 2 quick questions about Robert Pattinson, who finally seems to have come into his won. I know you’re busy, but I’d really appreciate it if you could respond:) First, do you see Rob & twigs as soul mates who will eventually get married or will they break up as rumors suggest? Second, is a Rob/Kristen reunion possible in foreseeable future?


  30. Wow, this is a very impressive reading of Robert Pattinson & FKA twigs’ relationship! Tara, I’m from India, where things like astrology, horoscope/tarot card reading are a big deal. My take on their relationship is that because they’re opposites like you also said, they may not last and this relationship has truly run its course. Agreed, they have been together for three-plus years and despite many split rumors, they have stuck it out, but he was recently spotted getting cozy with Katy Perry and twigs was with a French model in Ibiza, Spain. Also, they haven’t seen each other since June-July, which means they have clearly parted ways!


    • I will really have to look at whats going on in their individual astrology charts and their relationship chart to figure this out and feel out my take in this. Her Robert Pattinson fans do you want me to look at whats going on with Robert and FKA? Let me know.
      Katy Perry and Robert are old friends. If Robert is busy filming another movie then they would be spending time apart especially as she is working on her own projects. Twigs is a very talented singer producer songwriter and dancer. I really respect her work. Robert really adored her unique originality and creativeness. Why are you assuming they have parted ways? thanks for your feedback.
      Blessings TARA


      • Tara, thanks for your prompt reply! You see, there are a lot of Rob fans out there, like me, who are very happy with how his career is going right now. His last few films, including the latest one “Good Time”, have been critically acclaimed with his performances being praised by almost every critic. Sometimes, your private life suffers and takes a backseat because your career is more important and this leads to a break up, which I think is the case with Rob & twigs, sadly:(


  31. Good day to you Tara:) To start with, I would just like to say that I’m a big fan of yours & I like the way you analyze things. I’m a Rob fan too & just wanted to know whether you also, like most folks here, think Rob & twigs have parted ways. Your predictions are pretty spot on so I would like to know your take on the situation. Thanks


  32. As someone who’s interested in astrology and tarot reading, I’m glad I found your blog:) You truly have a way with words. There are so many comments on this particular post, which isn’t surprising because it involves heart-throb Robert Pattinson. I was just going through your blog & realized that your predictions are pretty spot on. So do you really think Robert & his fiancee FKA twigs are still together despite all the rumors & gossip surrounding their relationship, or have they actually broken up?


    • thank you Yeshu. Many readers have asked about this. I feel they are still together. Robert has always been very private now about his relationships. They are both busy I dont think its any different than it has been. Rumour mills have to invent fodder to keep their viewers coming back.


  33. I’m writing to you all the way from Japan, the land of the rising Sun. Astrology is not very big in my country, but it is something that has always interested me. Have you ever been to Japan, Tara? If not then you must come & visit our beautiful country and it beautiful people:) I’m also a big Robert Pattinson fan & have followed him since his Harry Potter days, which was more than a decade ago. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of rumours or gossip surrounding him, especially his private life, these days:( How do you see his relationship with his fiancee FKA twigs, Tara? Do you think they’re still very much together, but apart due to busy careers? Cheers!


  34. I’m writing to you all the way from Japan, the land of the rising Sun. Astrology is not very big in my country, but it is something that has always interested me. Have you ever been to Japan, Tara? If not then you must come & visit our beautiful country and it beautiful people:) I’m also a big Robert Pattinson fan & have followed him since his Harry Potter days, which was more than a decade ago. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of rumours or gossip surrounding him, especially his private life, these days:( How do you see his relationship with his fiancee FKA twigs, Tara? Do you think they’re still very much together, but apart due to busy careers? Cheers!


  35. I’m writing to you all the way from Japan, the land of the rising Sun. Astrology is not very big in my country, but it is something that has always interested me. Have you ever been to Japan, Tara? If not then you must come & visit our beautiful country and it beautiful people:) I’m also a big Robert Pattinson fan & have followed him since his Harry Potter days, which was more than a decade ago. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of rumours or gossip surrounding him, especially his private life, these days:( How do you see his relationship with his fiancee FKA twigs, Tara? Do you think they’re still very much together, but apart due to busy careers? Cheers!


  36. The last time you analyzed the (love) astrology of Rob & twigs was over two years back in 2015. A lot has happened since. Rob’s career has scaled new heights, especially this year, but it seems his relationship with twigs has suffered because of it & is at a low point lately. The two haven’t seen each other since late May-early June & some outlets are already saying that they either have an open relationship or could be on some sort of a break, either temporary or permanent, to give each other space & figure things out! Tara, do you still stand by what you have repeatedly said, i.e., these two are still together, but apart due to work commitments, or are you like many others now also seeing signs of crack in their relationship?


  37. Life is all about second chances, and Robert and twigs, who broke up recently, deserve one, IMO! He gave Kristen a second chance despite her cheating so do you now also see him giving his relationship with twigs a second shot, Tara? If not then what kind of woman do you see him dating next?


  38. When sweetie, i believe lots of rob’s fans would love, is twigs really with that 23 yrold guy? are rob going to get some awards next year i’m believing for his happiness in every area of his life

    Liked by 1 person

  39. Although Rob & twigs have now split, many feel a reconciliation could very well be on the cards as there is still quite a lot of love between them. Tara, do you see a possibility of a reconciliation, or do you think their break-up is permanent?


  40. It’s really hard to believe that Robert Pattinson and FKA twigs have actually split. Somehow I still think it’s just a rumor, as is always the case with these two, and it’s just a matter of time before they’re spotted together again. He is a Taurus, she is a Capricorn and both are Earth signs. so they’re basically soulmates and meant to be together. Tara, do you also think these two are over, or is it just a bump on the road and they will eventually work their way through it?


    • i will check this out soon. I think they are over. Its way more complicated than just basic sun signs. I have delineated Robert and FKA Twigs relationship in depth. In traditional Indian astrology the roots of western astrology the sun signs are considered bad as they are the ego. Robert’s life is changing big time right now.He is just moving with those changes. Thanks for your query


  41. Tara, Rob’s professional life is clearly on fire & as a fan I couldn’t be more happy:) There is already so much buzz around his performance in Good Time & he could very well win many awards for it & even be nominated for a Best Actor Oscar next year (2018), fingers crossed. I guess all this success may have taken a toll on his personal life, sadly:( I love him & twigs together, just as I loved him with Kristen! If he & twigs have indeed parted ways & there’s still a lot of confusion about it because both haven’t said anything or issued a statement & seem really busy with their respective careers, do you see a reconciliation on the cards or will he truly move on with someone else? When do you see him finally settle down & tie the knot? Really appreciate what you do & many thanks in advance!


  42. Thanks for doing what you do:) I love astrology & celebrities, especially Rob, & am glad that I stumbled upon your website/blog! Tara, my question is pretty simple & straightforward: When do you actually see Rob tie the knot & finally settle down? Next year (2018)? I know he’s pretty busy career-wise with not much time left to focus on his personal life, but he’s already 31, most of his close friends are already married with kids, plus he has always talked about being a young dad.


  43. What a year Rob is having! I’ve closely followed him since his Harry Potter days over a decade ago & couldn’t be more proud of him as a fan:) I now want him to have some sort of stability in his personal life too. What’s the point of all this success if you don’t have anyone to share it with, right? Tara, you have always been spot on when it comes to Rob. So when do you see him getting married? Will he get back with Kristen Stewart because they have quite a history together, or is a reconciliation with his fiancee twigs on the cards as many are predicting?


  44. A very Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year to you in advance, Tara. It’s the festive holiday season but for Rob fans like me, this whole year has been one big festive season. He’s done so well professionally. What does 2018 and the stars have in store for Rob now? He split with Fka twigs, his fiancee of three years, earlier this year & now there are reports that he’s already dating as he was spotted holding a woman’s hand at a party in LA over the weekend. Do you see him tie the knot & settle down in 2018? What about twigs, though? Do you see a reunion between her & Rob or will they continue to remain friends & move on?


  45. Hello,
    I am Bob, and i am a clairvoyan. I see Robert is in love. I also feel she is not British but from Europe . She is an artist too but not actress, i think. Probably a writer that can travel around the world with him without any professional problem. I feel her energy, not shy, brave young woman. Probably some years younger of him. Do you feel the same? I guess so because i am good in my work or at least people are saying that. Thank you Tara


    • Hi, do you still think Rob’s in love? Doesn’t look like it at all because he still seems to be enjoying his single life, partying, drinking, flirting, etc. How about a reconciliation with Kristen Stewart with whom he’s been spotted in LA a few times this year?


      • at this point, Rob seems to be happy alone and to focus on his career. I haven’t checked into his Astrology chart lately. No way is Rob ever ever ever going to get back together with Kristen Stewart as she has claimed herself as gay and obviously has been in fairly long-term relationships with women only for many years. Wake up from that fantasy.


  46. Greetings from Thailand. First, I love your blog. It’s very informative. I just wanted to check your views on Rob & his new girlfriend, British model, actress, singer Suki Waterhouse. There are photos of them all over the net today. I know it’s early days but what do you make of them? I always thought that Rob would be more happy with a low key GF, who’s not famous & more in the background. Would love to hear your take.


  47. robert is actually a taurus rising, born at 5am. He said it himself lately in an interview. Which I think changes stuff a bit since this makes him a triple taurus(also sun in 1st, mercury in 12th) and not double cancerian. Idk about synastry but his personality for sure. He is dating another capricorn (suki waterhouse) right now with even more oppossitions since she’s mainly cap and sag.

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