Planetary U turns, Venus and Mars Horoscope from Tara Greene

I keep thinking about and riffing on Mars in Libra and Venus in Capricorn both doing U Turns soon and into 2014.

Mars in Libra  from December  7- July 25 2014. 

MARS rules ARIES. The RAM symbol. The 1st sign and house. Mars keyword is the “I AM” principle.

The Ram’s head was related to the Age of Aries when the Spring Equinox was aligned with Zero degrees of Aries,when the Jewish Patriarchal religion, whose symbol is the RAM’s horns, began 4,000 years ago. The Age of Christ, Pisces started 2,000 years ago. The Matriarchal, Goddess loving Age of Taurus, when the Bull was worshipped was 6,000 plus years ago. Everything is based on Astrology/Astronomy.

Georgia O'Keefe Aries AstrologyGeorgia O’Keefe Ram’s head

Mars is the male sex. Mars is “ACTION.”  Can’t you hear the director shouting it out as the scene begins? We are all actors on the stage.

Mars also rules Scorpio the 8th house/sign. The key word for Scorpio is “I DESIRE.” Red is his colour.

So of course ARIES and SCORPIO will feel the Retrograde more than most. Check out where those 2 signs of love and sex and relationship are in your natal chart.  If you need help schedule a reading with me.- see link below.

Mars is weakened in Libra, which is under Venus’s rulership. But Mars is “exalted” in Capricorn where Venus is now.


These are ancient terms to describe a planets DIGNITY or power.Planets can be Dignified,  in detriment, exalted or fall.

A planet is Dignified in the sign it rules, is at home, in its glory, its fullest and easiest expression. It’s in control.

Detriment means when a planet is in the sign opposite the one it rules. Mars in Libra for example.

Exalted means the planet is harmoniously expressing its powers in a sign other than the one it rules.Like being a BBF’s home.

Fallen mean a planet  is opposite to the one it is exalted in. It can’t show its true nature. It’s not comfortable.

Heck, a planet can be accidentally dignified. A great term. 

Venus rules LIBRA. Mars’ opposite Sign. Libra, The SCALES of JUSTICE. Karma,  # 8 or # 11 in the Tarot. Libra is the 7th house and sign.

Definitely some GENDER BENDER issues coming up from this. More gay rights equality in 2014.

Libra’s keyword is “I BALANCE.” but its all about “others.” “US”  coupling, togetherness, romance, relationships. Green is Venus’s colour.

Venus also rules Taurus Scorpio’s opposite Sign. Venus and Mars are always opposite each other, thus they are always locked into relationship through the opposites. Taurus keyword is “I HAVE.”

Libra has two scales.  So it occurred to me that if MARS is “I AM” then Mars in Venus for 7 months in Venus’s sign “I AM” becomes “WE ARE.”

A very spiritual scenario. Going Beyond the ego. the I-ness. Is that why everyone has I-phones, I-mac etc?

We are the world, and I do believe there is a big wake up call coming in 2014.

Venus goes RETROGRADE first  on WINTER SOLSTICE DECEMBER 21 2013 at 29 degrees Capricorn the “critical” degree.

This is where your relationship gets REVIEWED, all relationships, with OTHERS. .

Red light, green light. Remember that game from when you were a kid?Hello Goodbye? PLanetary switcheroo.

The beginning of 2014 is definitely under this kind of stop and go, driving your heart with the  brakes on.

Pay attention to timing. To being in your heart chakra. WE ARE = I AM. New equation.

Then in April all the shit hits the fan on the Lunar Eclipse of April 15.

Venus Goes Direct Feb 1 @ 13 + degrees Capricorn. Check out where the GREEN LOVE LIGHT is in your chart.

Venus will take until March 5/6 to bypass its Retro turn about.

When Mars Turns RETROGRADE on March 1st at 27+degrees LIBRA, Venus will be at 26+degrees of Capricorn.

They are in an exact square so MARK THAT DATE DOWN. – the gears will shift.

Will it be like two ships passing in the night?

What’s been happening in your relationships? New ones beginning?

Get your relationship forecast reading NOW


Are You a boy or are you a girl? The Barbarians  

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