Mercury Retrograde Drama, Leo Moon and Bitcoin

The always Dramatic Leo Moon is very active April 17

Did you all enjoy a break on April 16th, as there was only one major aspect of the Leo Moon opposing Pluto at 2 degrees AQUARIUS. If you are a traditional Astrologer there were NO MAJOR ASPECTS. Trining Venus, a good, supportive aspect then Mercury Retrograde and Chiron. This is excellent for a dramatic revealing of your heart’s feelings about an ex or speaking what you needed to say but didn’t just to get it off your chest or to text someone or to actually meet them face to face.

Moon Inconjunct to Saturn in PISCES then MARS watch out for being blinded by the Light and feeeling guilty or reverting to old toxic patterns and being the fall guy or bearing the brunt and further victimizing yourself.

Leo Moon Squares Lucky Jupiter and then Uranus in Taurus. Be careful of being over-confident in investing in the Bitcoin or stock market.

Markets can be very quixotic, up and down, as can be your feelings and energy. The Moon stays in LEO until April 18 when it enters grounded Virgo at 10:10 am EDT to help us get focussed on the details, conversations communications and humble.

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