Mercury Retrograde in Virgo August 23 The Big CLEANSE

The Fiery sun simmers down into earthy, humble pie-eating, perfectionist, hard-working thrifty, health-conscious Virgo on the 23rd at 2:01 am PDT/5:01 am EDT/ 9:01 am GMT.

Virgo season starts Aug 23. Mercury, ruler of Virgo turns Retrograde at 3:59 pm EDT at 21 degrees 49′ until September 15th at 8 degrees 04.’ Look to where the sign of VIRGO is in your natal chart to see where you will be personally affected.

All Retrograde symbol is Rx same as a prescription, are good medicine, as it is time to reflect, to relax, to reconnect, to review and especially to review this time because Venus is also Retrograde in LEO until September 3.


Recycling and revaluing everything with Venus Retrograde square Jupiter in Taurus in effect until September 3 and Mars opposite Neptune and Mercury turning Retrograde and Virgo season starting.

NOTE that 6 planets are Retrogade if you include Chiron until September 3 and 7 when URANUS joins the Retro party on August 28/29 so for 5-6 days just chill out.

This is mercurial magical thinking time. As Mercury turns Retrograde August 23 for the 3rd but not last, time this year in another earth sign, the idea of twins of the 2 complimentary polarities of consciousness and unconsciousness and choice arises. Thoth, the Thrice-born Egyptian God who was Mercury brought writing to the people. Mercury as Hermes in the Greek Mythic tradition was the only God besides Pluto who could travel between the worlds, He was also a Psychopomp who could enter the land of the Dead, the Living and the Heavenly Upper worlds. Mercury is the MAGICIAN in the Tarot #1 card. He is a trickster, a master of disguise, a shaman. These times invite us to do the same.

As Mercury Disappears from view in the sun’s beams, we can also do a magical disappearing act. We can vanish aspects of our consciousness that are no longer serving our higher purposes. Mercury in Virgo allows us to bring up unconscious memories to heal ourselves, It allows us to repattern and reprogram our minds.

Mercury Retro in Virgo can magnify the Virgoian habit of criticism, nitpicking and worry, not to mention the communications mess. Remember, a Retrograde word, to catch your Inner critic before they get too far. Stop the record from spinning out of control before you’ve reduced yourself to a shameful mess. This is the time to get a handle on that critic and shake ’em out and to get yourself into healthier mental shape.

Virgo and Gemini are affected the most. Look to where Virgo is in your natal to see where by which house it falls in to see how you will be affected more personally.

Mercury Retrogrades are not scary. You should use the time wisely to “turn off your mind relax and float downstream.” as John Lennon of The Beatles wrote.

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I’ll post Virgo and Venus retrograde horoscopes

I’m having a Labor day Retrograde special from Saturday August 26 and continuing through to september 2nd. An unbelievable $66 for a 20 minutes phone reading.

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