You’ve never seen this, Neptune conjunct Pisces South Node

This is a truly major event. NO ONE ALIVE HAS EVER EXPERIENCED THIS!  It’s true. Neptune conjuncts the SOUTH NODE, Nov. 17 @ 2:09 pm PST/ 5:09 pm EDT/ 10:09 pm GMT @ 9+ degrees PISCES. The last time Neptune in Pisces conjunct the South Node was in September of 1849! 167 years ago. Canada wasn’t even a country yet.

Pisces South Node Neptune astrology Tara Greene

PISCES, last sign of the Zodiac

Neptune governs Pisces, and is the planet of spirituality, illusions, endings, psychic energy, dreams, martyrs, magic, drugs, addictions, the oceans, art, creativity, co-dependence, debt, Hollywood, glamour, Oil, self-undoing, mental health, “soul mates” charity, gurus, yoga, and projection.

It’s the last sign, and symbolizes the end of the world as we know it. 

We are repeating lessons, energies and ideals from 1849. It is no wonder it’s deja vu and that #BlackLivesMatter and old racial hatred onto Muslims or those we see as different and threatening have reared their ugly heads again. Since Neptune entered PISCES in 2012 a surge of interest in all things spiritual and mystical, like yoga, art therapy, sound healing, wholistic  medicine, magic, witches, ayahuasca to open and heal the soul, and united global meditations to honor our Oneness have appeared. Neptune will remain in PISCES until 2025.

Neptune rules fog, illusions, confusion, projections, false flags, paranoia. It is everything ephemeral and unreal which cannot be explained by logic or science. It is metaphysical. 

 We are only one third of the way through this major transit which will transform the world’s religions, its debt, our delusions, our waters, the entertainment industry, the oil and drug industries, mysticism, healing, and dissolving the illusions that we are separate individuals and helping us to remember that we are all ONE entity. We are all drops of consciousness in the vast ocean. 


The South and North Nodes of the Moon are the points where the Moon’s path crosses the Ecliptic, the Sun’s path in the sky. These are ancient and very karmic points in Astrology. The North Node also known as the Dragon’s Head or Rahu in Vedic Astrology is our evolutionary goal, our DHARMA. The South Node or Dragon’s Tail, or Ketu is our Karma what we have sown. Karma is not punishment just cause and effect. The Nodes of the Moon are very important because astronomically they create eclipses of the Sun and Moon. The transiting Nodes represent the collective karma of the world, the collective unconscious. Every 19 years  these nodes return to the same positions. 

The South Node, Dragon’s Tail, or Ketu, symbolizes our personal past lives, our ancestor’s DNA and emotional patterns and memories within our cells. The South Node in Pisces symbolizes our collective Past Lives. The South Node is a comfort zone, the path of least resistance, a buffer against change and growth. It is where you retreat to in fantasy,  in denial, through addictions, shoot yourself in the foot, go unconscious, repeat past life patterns of abuse, trauma, victimization, and delusions. It is where you project your power onto others, especially with South Node in PISCES. 

The SOUTH NODE can suck us into the maelstrom, the yearning to go unconscious and escape dealing with the harsh realities of the world and our emotions through addictions or whatever helps us to hide the pain.  

This aspect makes it very hard to figure out WTF is going on. We are in a collective unreality, a fog, wandering or drifting around in a haze trying to grasp an elusive something- a soul mate, a fix, a perfect guru, the spiritual high, the perfect political leader, and glamour which puts us into debt. We are drowning in delusion and it is our intuitions, our dreams and our feelings which will help us get clear.  The urge to avoid, to go deeper into escapism is very strong tide pull. 

The North Node opposite the SOUTH is a lifeline, an umbilical cord to help you rebirth yourself from the past slavery mentality of being the powerless victim to rise to your power in a very humble way to serve with the collective. The VIRGO NORTH NODE is the ultimate in practicality, mundane hard work, health  and natural healing, discipline, organization, intelligence, accountability, diet and service to others. 

The SOUTH NODE of FATE represents a karmic release point so that we can embrace our higher selves through the North Node. The Virgo North Node is the environment, the land, the harvest, natural organic foods and protecting and preserving these ways and No GMO foods. Virgo also rules health and being able to access affordable health care and natural healing. Virgo rules domestic animals, information, scientists, pets, community and your digestion. 

The Tarot Card for PISCES is #18 THE MOON, the dark side of the Moon

Moon, Astrology tarot tara Greene


With Neptune on the South Node we are as a collective of humans,  at a major turning point in time. We need to address the lack of compassion and humanitarian values in politics, in our culture, and the corporate greed and control by oil and pharmaceutical industries which are destroying our environment.  The DAKOTA ACCESS PIPELINE being blocked by indigenous peoples who are Water Protectors is totally of this significance now.

Neptune on the SOUTH NODE allows everyone easy access to be a visionary.  To tap into direct knowledge of what real spirituality is. No outside authority or any organized religion can tell you what to do when you are in touch with source/ God/ Goddess directly. All true spirituality is about love and compassion and never harming, oppressing, killing or manipulating anyone else.

This is the time to join in the collective feelings that we are all One and raise our vibrations to heal the earth.  We are souls having a temporary human experience. This is to know the BELOVED in everyone in the world and to fall in love with the world and create heaven on earth in a very pragmatic way. Magic must be made real and practical, working daily miracles, having gratitude, and humility. 

If you have planets within 4 degrees, plus or minus to 9 degrees of PISCES you will be feeling this energy the strongest. If you also have planets/angles within 3 degrees either side of 9 degrees VIRGO you are meant to lead the way. If you are a SAGITTARIUS or GEMINI with planets around these degrees you will also feel the pressure to let go, surrender your ego and build a new dream.

It is time to have faith, to believe in miracles. To work magic, to be magical, to be the Sourceress of your own experiences. 

I will be discussing these matters and more today Nov. 6/7 with CIA CEO Julija Simas for the November C*I*A’s next Month Ahead webinar.
We will be looking at making the most of riding Neptune on the South Node as it stations direct, the grounding super dooper full Moon in Taurus, Venus out of bounds, the power in the upcoming Jupiter square to Pluto and much more with Member example charts and Q and A. 

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Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene.

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19 thoughts on “You’ve never seen this, Neptune conjunct Pisces South Node

  1. Tara, i appreciate the title and summary of the article. Beautiful !!! . In this time, we are looking closer at all that is positive and supporting spirituality and healing, so i would have to say that the work of Pisces is in the healing, reaching higher realms of spirituality, and general feeling of ease and well-being. I would have to say that the discussion on the concepts of ‘projections, paranoia, addiction, etc. that you mention, are misleading. These are it’s shadows. When reading astrology for the purposes of self-improvements, that the shadow is the “fall” and the basic attributes the ”navigating’ qualities. Thus, ‘navigate’ through the shadow using the higher qualities. Hence, my feeling is were you to describe the current astrological aspect this way, it would resonate in harmony with your description of the aspect. Also, spare the reader the tribulation of having to sieve through the shadow//negative concepts/words. etc. Easy for some but not for others, particularly at this time. Thank you for the writing. Blessings for a beautiful transition through this all !


    • hi Alexa,
      PISCES is the 12th sign and house, denoting the unconscious,the place of shadows and projections. It is the house of soul and psyche.The Soul as I think of it projects images,by its very nature. Through this aspect of consciousnesswe may experience emotions and learn and grow through these projections.Dreams are projections as well. The “negative qualities” or shadow side of Neptune is very well known to be addictions, victimization, paranoia, delusions,martyrdom, insanity. The Neptunian shadow is to avoid dealing with its own shadow karmic emotional issues.I dont think I used the term fall. I do not put negative terms on the shadow. The shadow must be embraced and worked through. We cannot deny refuse or refute these very powerful qualities. They serve a higher purpose. If not for the addictions there is no cure or salvation. Yes do navigate, row your boat or whatever you want to call it through this ocean of bliss which contains all of it, all of the shadows. I personally like to list all the negatives so that the reader gets it. If it seems to much, thats a personal taste. My intention is that readers see all aspects and do their best to honor the dark and the light while healing in our journey to remember who we are that we are all one. Blessings to you thanks for your comments.


  2. Inspiring writings, thank you for sharing your gifts. I have been wondering for some time now what this will mean for me and how it might manifest – my Ascendant is 9*24 Virgo with Pluto rising at 10*12. So much has been happening, transforming me since 2012. I can’t imagine what more is coming.


    • hi Marianne, wow you are feeling the effects full on. The Transiting North Node puts you in synch with you ascendant and your soul Pluto at the forefront of this. I believe this is a time of awakening from the veils of illusion. It looks like your job is to use your power, intellect, discernment, in your work and community to help guide others through these turbulent times. But you probably have enough to deal with just going through your own transformations and letting go. Watch your dreams. Call upon your magical helpers and spirit guides in your meditations.
      Blessings to you.


  3. Reblogged this on MountainsDreamz and commented:
    Neptune on the SOUTH NODE allows everyone easy access to be a visionary. To tap into direct knowledge of what real spirituality is. No outside authority or any organized religion can tell you what to do when you are in touch with source/ God/ Goddess directly. All true spirituality is about love and compassion and never harming, oppressing, killing or manipulating anyone else.


  4. I stumbled on your site today, and these words really piqued my curiosity: “no outside authority or organized religion can tell you what to do”. So did YOU personally fall for the scamdemic? Did you wear the useless masks and follow all of the tyranny that arrived in tippy toe? Did you line up and drink the Kool Aide with all the other obedient sheep. So, true spiritually does not involve manipulation or harming others?…uhh…you mean like our government, the UN, WEF, Biden, George Soros, Bill Gates…and on…and on…and on. Did you manipulate anyone in YOUR life to take the Jonestown jab? I’ve already lost a father and a friend to this genocide. I begged them not to drink the Kool Aide. The only solice I take from this genocide…is that the stupid people voluntarily exited the gene pool. By the way, I have South Node in Pieces.


      • As one astrologer to another, I’m glad to hear that (BTW, I have never charged a dime for a reading, because that is the SIN of simony). You did not publish my second comment about all the New Age hucksters falling hook, line and sinker for the psy-op. No spiritual discernment in that group.

        Admittedly, I did not read much of your blog, but enough to see what political cohort you seem to be in…the same one with the highest uptake of the death needle (and 180 degrees opposite of my political cohort). The great thing about the scamdemic is, the curtain came up on everyone, with their pants down. All the false teachers, false prophets, petty tyrants (Fidelito, for example) were exposed, and continue to be exposed…many exposed by their unexpected deaths (Lynn Andrews, for example) Now all those “Spiritual teachers” are backtracking, saying they knew all along…but they will not be able to hide it when they “died peacefully in his/her sleep”. The phony “intuitives” could not save themselves…let alone, others. I knew it was a genocide when the first stories filtered out of China in December of 2019. In January of 2020, when the globalists floated the story of the pangolin eating the bat…I was 100% confirmed in my suspicions. Why?…because of revelation of the method practiced every year on the cover of the new year’s edition of The Economist magazine. That cover in 2019 had a pangolin on it. When I first saw the cover, I thought that pangolin had to do with the green/climate change psy-op (the pangolin being endangered). Once the pandemic pangolin story came out…I knew for sure we were dealing with a psy-op genocide, and I told my friends: ” don’t fear the covid, fear the vaccine solution”. I’m happy to say, I saved several lives.

        Even if you avoided the Jonestown jab, secondhand spike can kill you. Last week a friend of mine (43 years), “died peacefully in his sleep”. He was unvaxed, and healthy. But he lived in an apartment with three vaxed adults (and no, there was no intimate contact between them).

        Liked by 1 person

      • Well, I apologize if I was wrong…it just that I’ve never experienced a person with your liberal views being able to think critically, or for themselves. Every person I’ve ever heard express your political views, has been a type of liberal lemming…including virtue signaling about getting the Jonestown jab. I guess there’s a first for everything.

        I never had one second of fear about covid. Thirty two years ago I was warned that the world was entering biblical End Times…and that I would be personally protected from dangerous harm. I have never doubted that. I have not had a cold, flu etc. for seven years …since I started keeping a permanent tan (for vitamin D). I also take vitamin C and zinc every day. I’m a vegetarian. I eat extremely healthy. After I found out about the dangers of spike shedding, I bought a sun lamp and stopped using a tanning salon.


      • I don’t assign to those fake oppositional political parties anyways. I’ve always been an independent anti status quo person my whole life. I’m open minded and am not a new age liberal ascension person either. I’m critical of all. Suntan beds have always been known to be bad for you. I’m not into apocalyptic end times stuff either. I follow my own path and use eclectic spiritual knowledge. I never bought into the mass psychosis. I’ve never followed mainstream. I got banned on Twitter for 5 months I’m a double Sagittarius and I speak my truth


      • I only skimmed your blog, so I may have missed it…but if you never bought into the mass psychosis, why did you not use your blog to warn folks? The only thing I could find about covid on your blog, was a link to a piece by a “spiritual teacher” (who seemed to come very late to the truth- August 2020) saying that the 5 G connection to covid was a “conspiracy theory”. He was dead wrong. Most covid deaths were caused by hospitals holding patients hostage, ramming a mask on their face, and giving them an IV of remdesiver (probably spelled that wrong). Other covid deaths were blatant lying on the death certificates…but some actually WERE from 5G interaction. I think anyone who had a active blog in 2020 (by active, I mean having posted within the last 6 months) had an absolute duty to warn others about the covid psy-op…IF they had been able to see the truth (and not many did see the truth.) I would be happy to read any kind of warning you gave…if I missed it.

        The dangers of tanning beds is more globalist BS. They KNOW that a high blood level of vitamin D is the single most effective thing the average person can do to stay healthy. Hence, all the propaganda about the “dangers of tanning beds” and all the extreme laws passed to hinder the business. Sun is the best way to get vitamin D…but a tanning bed is second best. Actually, many beds only produce UV B rays, it is the UV A rays that are linked to SOME skin cancers. Funny thing…people who live on the equator have the lowest cancer rates. Funny thing… people with the highest blood levels of vitamin D have the lowest overall cancer rates. Funny thing… melanomas are very common on the soles of the feet…which rarely see the light of day. Critical thinking always slays propaganda.


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