Sacred sex, Fairy’s, Beltane, May Day, the New Masculine

April 30 tonight its time to go romping in the woods. It’s Walpurgis night, the night before May 1st, Beltane.

The VEIL BETWEEN THE WORLD’S ARE THINNEST just like at Halloween, the energy is the same.We are at the opposite pole of Death, this is the celebration of sexuality and Life.

The Faery Queen goes out a riding in the woods tonight.   It’s a magical bewitching  Night.

This is a special night of SACRED SEXUAL LIASONS.

Beltane  May 1st, is a traditional Fertility and Sacred Marriage Festival of the Sun to the Earth. It means “fire of Bel” or “bright fire” – the “bale-fire”. (English – bale; Anglo-Saxon bael; is the known as the bright and shinning one, a Celtic Sun God. Beli is the father, protector, and the husband of the Mother Goddess. The Bel fire is a sacred fire with healing and purifying powers. The ashes of the Beltane fires were smudged on faces and scattered in the fields. Household fires would be extinguished and re-lit with fresh fire from the Bel Fires.

THE MAY POLE/Phallic symbol

Dancing around the MAY POLE is a very ancient fertility celebration of the maiden Goddess and the horned god who would meet in the dark, make love as strangers, a young girl embodying the Goddess Divine and her young consort. He is Cernunos, PAN to the Greeks, the young virile, sexual, phallic God of fertility, the stag. Guys still have stag parties.  We are celebrating the Positive Goddess worshipping Strong hunter the Green Man. The Catholic Church made him into the Horny Devil. In the Tarot he is #15 the Devil .

The ancient had no morals on life’s necessities. Children conceived this night were considered magical and to belong to the realm of the FAIRY or Fey.  Couples would also take vows to be in relationships for a year and a day, sort of test driving a relationship to see if they are compatible.

It is considered unlucky to marry in MAY as this month is dedicated to the wedding of the GOD and the GODDESS alone.


Beltane is marked in the Heavens as the rising of the Pleiades star cluster just before sunrise on the morning horizon, winter (Samhain/Halloween) begins when the Pleiades rises at sunset. The Pleiades is a cluster of seven closely placed stars, the seven sisters, in the constellation of Taurus, they can be easily seen with the naked eye. The Pleiades were very important to many ancient cultures worldwide. Some Native American tribes say that their Ancestors were Star Beings who came from the Pleiades. Many psychics channeled  the Pleiadians. I do too.

THE WHEEL OF TIME and our participation

The Ancients participated in Time’s unfolding, they believed that the Wheel of Time would not turn without human intervention. It is vitally important for us to reconnect and to honour these Ancient Nature Festivals, as we are so disconnected from the earth and the natural world. The modern world and all of its hi-tec tools disconnects us from Nature directly.  We may feel more like orphans than children of the earth. Not so long ago when we lived off the land, grew our own and harvested our own food we needed to be directly in touch with Mother Nature herself to survive. That will always be true.

If we’re not in Right Relationship with Nature then woe be to those who feel her wrath- and we have- Hurricane Katrina, tsunami’s, earthquakes, mudslides, drought, flooding etc. There was an old margarine commercial “It’s not nice to fool with Mother Nature” We’ve been coerced into fooling with Mother Nature even more with dangerous GMO seeds from Monsanto.

Another important Beltane custom is bathing in dew gathered before dawn on Beltane Morn, your beauty will flourish throughout the year. Sprinkled with the dew insures you of health and happiness. Drinking from the well before dawn of Beltane is also good luck.

THE HORNED GOD, is a powerful symbol and needs to be honored as a harbinger of the New masculine.

“If a man had been created in

the horned God’s image

he would be free to be wild,

without being cruel,

angry without being violent,

sexual without being coercive

spiritual without being unsexed,

and truly able to love. “– Starhawk, The Spiral Dance


If you can’t manage a bonfire, simply lighting a small fire will do. Intention is everything, so light a small fire in your home safely, write down what it is you want to dispel from your life and burn it in the flames. Or you could do a Jack be nimble Jack be quick and jump over a candle on the floor, very carefully for luck. If you are in a partnership cleanse it of disharmony, rekindle your vows. Drink water empowered with Love by focusing on sending love to even a glass of water or a pitcher of water, as Dr, Emoto. Empower the water with love and pour it on yourself your plants, your garden your threshold, your loved ones. Festoon your doorknobs with flowers, or hang flowers outside your home.


Dancing around a Maypole may not be easily done these days, so simply imagine the May Pole the ancient boys and girls with the colored ribbons in their hands interweaving in and out to form the spiral pattern around the pole. Enjoy, celebrate, send prayers to the Sun and the Mother Earth. Dance with the Faeries, invite them into your home and your heart.

Participating with the thousands of neo-pagans, witches and all other indigenous people s at this time helps boost the energy. Left over Food from May 1st eve should be left out for the fairies.




Get a reading with Tara

BELTANE Fire Dance-Mists of Avalaon 

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