Weekly Astrology, April 22 – 28 Honor Mother Earth


please honor our mother the EARTH everyday by worshipping her and her abundance of nature and do not take more than you need. Honor your own natural state of being and live in harmony with eveyrthing that is natural. Stop fracking, stop ripping crystals and oil out of the earth indiscriminatly. Stop using the thousands of chemical toxic things produced by a consumer culture. Stop using plastic diapers, plastic bottles, fast foods, GMO foods, anythign artificial is bad for the earth and for all humans. Protest chem trails and geo engineering, stop wasting things. Live in harmony with nature. Earth Day was founded in 1970. Have we been taking better care of the earth? NO. What are you doing to honor the earth and live more naturally.

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It’s now two weeks since the Total Solar Eclipse. Those who had exact alignments with the 18-20 degree ARIES/LIBRA axis, and CANCER/CAPRICORN placements may be still recovering.

There are two or three major aspects.

April 23 Is the Most Intense Full Moon of the Year in Scorpio at 4+ degrees squares PLUTO in AQUARIUS and makrs PASSOVER one of the main Jewish Holiday observances in the year. I’ll do a separate video and article

Mercury Stations Direct April 25 at 5:54 am PDT/ 8:54 am EDT/ 12:54 pm GMT at 16 degrees 00 brings some relief to move ahead and allows ALL of the potent Eclipse energies and ALL the major planetary aspects that occurred since April 1st, over 25 days worth since Mercury Stationed Retrograde at 27 Aries 10 minutes ARIES to blaze ahead. Remember that MARS ruler of ARIES and ruling over Mercury Retro in ARIES is passively trying to keep his head above water in Pisces.

Lets recount.

April 3 VENUS conjunct NEPTUNE in PISCES

April 4/5 Venus entered ARIES

April 8 Total Solar Eclipse conjunct CHIRON at 19 Aries

April 10 MARS conjunct SATURN in PISCES at 14+

April 11 SUN conjunct Mercury Retrograde Cazimi

April 15 Mercury Retrograde conjunct Chiron in ARIES

April 19 Mercury Retrograde conjunct VENUS in ARIES

April 19 Sun entered Taurus

April 20 Jupiter conjunct Uranus in TAURUS at 21

April 21 Venus conjunct CHIRON in ARIES at 20 Aries

April 21 Sun square PLUTO at 2 Aquarius

Mercury Retrograde in ARIES has been super frustrating because planets in Aries have zero patience. Plus Mars has been in passive PISCES since March 22. These are a lot of heavy, intense aspects, especially the Eclipse and the Mars-Saturnn conjunction.

Mars in PISCES ruling Mercury Retrograde has been exhausting, enervating, holding back the expression of anger and turning it into denial, addictions, projection and self-sabotage. Repressed anger and energy may explode fast and furious as Mercury moves forwards and even more so after April 30 when Mars finally enters ARIES at 8:33 am PDT, 11:33 am EDT, 3:33 pm GMT

Weve got another couple of days before we get there so spen some time ruminating and think about what;s happened over the last 22 days and reassess, rethink, revisit, reconsider, repossess things. After Mercury stations Direct, the pieces of the missing puzzle will become apparent. Take some time to integrate, Mercury won’t get to its bypass station until May 13th.

APRIL 28 in PDT onlyApril 29 in EDT and GMT MARS conjunct NEPTUNE in PISCES at 28+ PISCES, the virtual last degree of PISCES a very karmic degree.

This is the counterbalance to the Venus Neptune conjunction April 3.

Passionately pursue and defend your dreams, your visions, your creativity.

Mars conjunct Neptune is soul mate desire- bew very careful as naive “twin Flames believers” and the ‘Soul mate confused” can be easily taken advanatge of under this energy. Having good strong healthy psychic boundaries are recommended.

MARS conjunct NEPTUNE is battling with your demons, drug, alcohol and especially porn addictions. Can be any form of obsessive avoidance, denial, and projections. It’s always their-any one else but themselves fault, -jews, Muslims, Blacks, Whites, Transgenders, Women, Men Kids, the government’s fault.

This aspect Can bring massive disappointment in finances and debt piling up.

More Spiritual passion. Be careful of over zelaous bible thumpers, end of the world scenarious. MArs in PISCES can also mean being defensive about being a martyr scapegoat and protecting your abusers, and loving to swim in toxic guilt. This can also be a time when you See the light and rise up and Stop taking the blame for other’s anger and Stop being a victim.

Please share widely,

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