Gemini Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse “Royal Wedding”

GEMINI Ring of Fire SOLAR ECLIPSE JUNE 10 at 3:52 am PDT/ 7:52 am EDT/ 10:52 am GMT

The instant of greatest eclipse takes place June 10 at 10:41 GMT

The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse in Gemini is a “Royal Marriage.”

Gemini is the archetype of the Lovers in the Tarot #6 . This Gemini Solar Eclipse puts a Ring on it in a sacred marriage union of the opposites. The Lovers card n the tarot is Gemini. A complex Mercury Retro ruled Eclipse we are recalibrating our minds and revisioning our dreams. Mars at 29 Cancer is critical opposite Pluto, explosive sublimated family secrets.

“Everything is dual; everything has poles;

everything has its pair of opposites.

Like and unlike are the same; opposites are identical in nature,

but different in degree.

Extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths;

all paradoxes may be reconciled.”

— The Kybalion.

The Moon moves Out of BOUNDS on Gemini Solar Eclipse and VENUS is also OOB

The Moon is in a wild freely emoting state and our receptive, emotional loving side is in a free wheeling state too. This is rather unusual and adds to the intrigue of the Ring of Fire eclipse.

GEMINI the Sacred Twins, the first AIR ELEMENT sign and symbolizes the first breath of life at birth.

Gemini is the winds in the sky. It is a detached, a Masculine or active element, a changeable, adaptable, Mutable sign. Gemini is duality, choices, self and other, partnes ,siblings, consciousness itself, communication, thinking and information, marketing and by extension all of our computers and social media. Gemini is the twin halves of the brain. Gemini rules our lungs.


GEMINI is ruled by the Planet MERCURY, or Hermes, a hermaphrodite, {Hermes/Aphrodite] a dual sexed Archetype. Mercury is the Mercurial, fleet footed winged messenger of the Gods. As Hermes he is THOTH to the Egyptians who taught humankind the secrets of immortality and to whom the famous “As above, so below.” maxim is attributed.

Mercury rules Wednesday. Mercury is also known as a Trickster in mythology ,like the Norse God Loki. The Trickster is known as Coyote in Native American tails.

How does your mind play tricks on you?


If you have a Tarot deck pull out these cards to act as Guides and Mascots for this meditation.

GEMINI is associated with the Trump Card #6 THE LOVERS.

THE LOVERS and the union of the inner Feminine and Masculine is what this eclipse energy is all about. If we are united within we are whole and complete. In the Tarot, Air is symbolized by swords, which cut through the tangle of distractions. All heroes and heroines must battle with their swords of discrimination.

MERCURY in the Tarot is the 1st Trump the MAGICIAN.

The word magician comes from the root word Magus, Magi, whose root word is Image, imagination. The Magician/Mercury is everyone’s internal magic wand. Just like in Harry Potter, your intention, your thoughts/sword, is your mental focus, your consciousness. Combined with desire/intent creates whatever you wish. This the Law of attraction. As you imagine or think, so mote it be. Consciousness is all that is, is everything that exists.

Mercury is RETROGRADE in GEMINI ruling this eclipse and tightly conjunct the SUN. We are recalibrating our minds to go in a new NORTH NODE direction. We need to let go of the past the South Node in Sagittarius where Juno is

THE SUN and MERCURY meet on the 10th at 9:13 pm EDT which is called CAZIMI. Mercury at the heart of the sun is an auspicious golden initiation.

NEPTUNE in PISCES is squaring the Eclipse at 23+ degrees and ATHENA at 24 degrees.

This indicates we need to use our imagination and visualise new dreams, new creativity new compassion, clarity and connect in a spiritual way not just with our minds.

ECLIPSES come in series every 18+-19 years. The eclipse belongs to Saros Cycle #147 and is 23 of 80 eclipses in the series.

The first eclipse in this series started October 12, 1624

The previous one was May 31, 2003, May 19, 1985, May 9, 1967, April 28, 1949

Where were you in 2003? The eclipse cycle ends December 14, 2,327.

THIS ECLIPSE IS ALSO THE BEGINNING OF A 6 MONTH CYCLE WHICH CONCLUSED DECEMBER 4 ONA TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE AT 12 DEGREES SAGITTARIUS. What you planet now will cone to fruit in 6 months. AN eclipse effects can last 6 months to a year. Different astrologers have different theories about this.

THE MOON and VENUS are out of BOUNDS  on the eclipse.

12 am 6 am 12 pm 6pm

Jun 10 N22°51 23°27′ 23°58′ 24°25′

Jun 11 N24°48′ 25°37′ 25°22′ 25°32′

Jun 12 N25°37 25°38′ 25°34′ 25°26′

Jun 13 N25°13′ 24°55′ 24°32′ 24°5′

June 14 N23 34′ N22 58′ and VENUS is OUT OF BOUNDS TOO!

This indicates a freedom from conventions, and values. The Moon goes OOB on the day of the eclipse.

MARS the action planet is at the critical 29th degree of CANCER opposite PLUTO.

Mars submerged in water is holding onto old family resentments and this is a difficult aspect. Mars Pluto is dangerous energy. A fiery Solar Eclipse can ignite and heighten this energy. Pluto rules the Underworld. A bunch of criminals were just busted in a worldwide sting yesterday. That’s a positive use of this energy.


VESTA in VIRGO at 15 degrees and JUNO in SAGITTARIYS conjunct the South Node

squares and oppose the Eclipse and Mercury  in a tight T-square. Vesta is about focus on the spirit and the practical matters of work service health, our pets, and budgets. VESTA rules investments. Be careful these days. SOLAR eclipses show in real daylight out in the open events.

JUNO is the Goddess of marriage and the Feminine Form of Genius especially in education and justice loving Sagittarius. Juno on the South Node is out ability to connect with ancient multi-dimensional Feminine philosophies, justice, ethics.

SATURN and URANUS plus CERES are squared off.

URANUS CERES conjunction at 12 degrees Taurus is trine VESTA.

We are in a tens time between holding onto the past and bravely jumping into a new h-tech revolutionary future.

The wounds that we have been hiding can be shared through our collective technology and we can focus on healing and keeping the flame of spirit sacred and live by continued focus and reverence.

LILITH AT 27 TAUUS is on ALGOL and trine to PLUTO.

This is a rebirth a transformation oof the denied “dark “ feminine sexuality raw power and demand for absolute equality in relationships. Algol’s reputation needs to be cancelled as the Demon star and reinstated as the beautiful Amazon warrioresses who fought against oppressive patriarchal tyrannies.

This is a powerful Solar eclipse. I have been feeling like my brains have been scrambled from this Mercury Retrograde and exhausted by MARS PLUTO opposition too. I had to cancel my Eclipse workshop.

Sending you all the best blessings on the Eclipse. I will be doing ceremony and mantras. Remember according to Tibetan Buddhists all Mantras made during a Solar Eclipse magnify a million times. Om MANI PADME HUM is the basic Buddhist mantra.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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