Mars in Capricorn-angry horny sex

Mars- the red warrior planet/God, undisputed macho ruler, enters the Corporate sign in a business suit where he is an Exalted  Capricorn board member March 17  going OUT OF BOUNDS!

Mars will stir up volatile passion and anger while “OOB. ” Mars stays wild untamable and in spontaneous combustion mode until April 7th staying in Cappy until MAy 15th/16th.

Capricorn is a lusty old goat sign anyways as this is the ancient PAGAN goat hoofed horned God PAN, the masculine Fertilizing energy of nature, which the Catholic church made into the DEVIL. The Card #15 in the Tarot the opposite of The Lovers #6. It can indicate “lust at first sight” energy.

Saturn =Satan who is the Devil, rules Capricorn. The two planets are in very strong positions. Saturn is at home and Mars is exalted. This is two devils in cahoots at the top of the power chain. Better the devil you know than one that you don’t.

MARS in Capricorn will definitely spice up men’s and women’s sexuality too with the added Out Of Bounds energies which is a license to do anything you want without bondage- literally, that’s what the term out of bounds means. Get FREE! It’s ironic as Capricorn is all about boundaries the limits of the physical body.

Sex in hard, rough, rocky places if you like that kind of thing and in offices on desks and in boardrooms too. Mars will be sexing up those hallowed halls of Corporate Profit to shake things up- a lot.

Capricorn is the 10th sign of career success and worldly acclaim symbolizing the pinnacle of one’s public life. Go for the top of the mountain Mars will give you extra drive and energy.

Perhaps this indicates spontaneous out of body experiences. Remember to follow the silver cord back.

This “wreck-it Ralph” energy can break up relationships or make them freer open relationships under this energy.

Mars entered Capricorn promptly squaring Aries Moon igniting a passionate flame of initiation which carries a torch directly into the Vernal Equinox March 20 when Sun enters the first sign of Aries.@ 9:15 am PDT/ 12:15 pm EDT/ 4:15 pm GMT.M

MARS will butt heads in conjunction with SATURN on APRIL 2.This would be a red letter day. The two malefic’s together.

That date can really trigger angry at your father. You may find this entire time sparking a recognition of the father in all of your relationships. This would be a good time to work through these unhealed issues.

This indicates a heightened intensity of passion reckless spontaneous road rage-heightened NRA battles and scuffles of all kinds with authorities the government police and all of those in positions of power.

What will you do with this wild untamable energy?

What do you do to soothe a wild beast? – your suggestions here…..

Mars in Capricorn in a positive sense is rock solid defenses and shows leadership courage daring openness individuality and fighting the good fight. Mars is defensive. If you need to bring on better boundaries then use Mars in Capricorn to help you to do this.

Use the O.O.B. energy to drop the defensive stance within yourself and to others. This leads to greater tenderness and vulnerability in a loving relationship.

There will be heated power plays from both sides.The opposers may light reckless fuses. The March for our lives happens during this time Those in power will up the ante in response in very tough fierce ways.

Mars out of bounds can be used to break up old patterns- which is a good thing.
Headaches may be a big issue and over overheating literally. Be careful of being spontaneous kundalini rising which could risk your health.

Avoid driving too fast taking unnecessary risks and going too far out on a limb.

Check out where Capricorn is in your natal chart to find out where to focus your long-term goals.

Capricorn rules the knees so do be watchful of them- too much sprinting isn’t good for sensitive goat knobs.

Mars rules the sign of ARIES And SCORPIO

Look at where Aries is in your natal chart to see where you can actualize things that you usually can’t finish. Look at where Scorpio is too.

Tarot is the symbol of The TOWER  and Capricorn is THE DEVIL in the Tarot. 

Mars rules the sign of ARIES And SCORPIO

FAMOUS MARS IN CAPRICORN PEEPS A lot of very sexy men 

Brad Pitt, Marlon Brando, David Bowie, Rod Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Orlando Bloom,  Tom Selleck, Mark Ruffalo, Samuel L. Jackson, John Wayne, Albert Einstein, Jim Carrey, Ewan McGregor, Humphrey Bogart, Taylor Lautner, George Harrison, Woody Allen, Ben Stiller, P- Diddy, Jerry Seinfeld,  Edgar Cayce, Aleister Crowley, Bob Marley, Walt Disney, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley, Ozzy Osbourne, Stephen Speilberg,  Jeff Goldblum, Jake Gyllenhaal, Shia Lebeouf, Alain Delon, Dave Guetta, Keith Urban, OSHO, Ronald Reagan, Thomas Edison, Goethe, 

WOMEN with Mars in Capricorn- a who’s who of current pop stars-

Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, Nicki Minaj, Christina Aguilera, Gwen Stefani, Bjork, Shakira, Patti Smith, Ann Hathaway, Lindsay Lohan, Sharon Stone, Julia Roberts, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Megan Fox, Drew Barrymore, Mia Farrow, Anna Nicole- Smith, Katherine Hepburn, Marlene Dietrich,  Frida Kahlo.

Wishing you a safe Mars OOB transit


all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get your  reading for Tara

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