Spicy Monday it’s a Hottie.

August 24-28

You won’t need any alarm bells because Monday you should be hot to trot. 

Fire Trines Astrology Tara Greene

The week begins  with a carry over of a very hot sweet Trine from the SAGE { Sagittarius} Moon to Mars in Leo Sunday and another Lunar Trine to Venus in Leo {17 degrees} which occurs right now as I am writing 2:09 am EDT.

For Sagittarius and Leo there ought to be new passions burning, But remember Venus is still Retrograde until September 6. This energy fuels you to pounce into an overly optimistic carefree someone elses’ arms. Be cautious about needing to find a passionate “other” in order to justify leaving a relationship that you are tired of but are afraid to be alone. 

Another Hot trine follows from Sag Moon to Uranus in Aries. 

Freedom break out of your usual routine, even one iota. We are in Virgo time, so please loosen your collars a smidge. 

Fiery Grand Trine’s spice up the energy, it’s a feel good, easy-going, optimism a la Sag. energy. 

Saggy fire trines 

go for a good jog, go to the gym, walk in nature. Sag’s love humor, make ’em laugh. Laughter is great medicine. Sagittarians love animals, do something to protect animals. Decide to sign up for a class, Sagittarians love to learn.

Moon enters Capricorn in the night

and Tuesday brings Earth trines. 

Aug 26 is the most POSITIVE DAY OF THE YEAR! The SUN CONJUNCTS JUPITER @ 3+ degrees Virgo 3:02 pm PDT/6:02 pm EDT

do some positive rituals for this.


 Moon enters Aquarius, Mercury enters LIBRA,

lots of social,cool, detached, hi-tech, geeky, inventive, rebellions and world tribe events. 

Aug 28 Moon opposes Mars and Venus

LIBERATION for women  world-wide. I vote for an absolutely secular planet. Don’t you?

weekend update will follow 

we’re heading for a Pisces Full Moon

Please share widely.

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com

Book your very special Sedona Vortex readings while I am there Sept. 14-27. The famed vortexes of Sedona enhance and boost psychic and healing energies.   http://www.taratarot.com/id17.html







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