888 repeat Aug 17 Triple Infinity

I’ve channeled that the second 888 on August 17 is the real closing of the Lion’s Gate cosmic alignment. The August 8 alignment, 9 days ago had MARS entering Leo, that was the Masculine inception. Traditionally the Lions’ Gate relates to the Dog Star Sirius’ heliacal rise and opens from July 26th the Mayan Day out of time, until August 12th.
The Perseid’s meteor showers and the New Moon in Leo August 14 are all part of this alignment.

Two Triple Infinities, 888 is triple strength KARMA.  Very rare!

 8 is the number of all the directions and 8 x 8 = 64 which is the basis of the I Ching.

888  INFINITY/Karma  is the balance of all positive and all negatives, all pasts and all futures, matter and anti-matter.  The place where both polarities meet, where the past loops and future loop cross-over, that x marks the spot.  That nexus,”THE” SWEET SPOT” is actually what the Hindu’s call NIRVANA which is the in between breath, the void, the Now. This marks the spot where we can get access to full consciousness of all dimensions.

We are able to be in the ETERNAL  NOW-as co-creators, awakened beings living in a multi-dimensional awareness. You remember this don’t you? This is a huge activation, a triple calibration of INFINITE possibilities. 

In the Tarot # 17 is THE STAR 

Milky Way Goddess Milk is stars in Heaven

Goddess’ Milk is the Milky way Galaxy

“We are stardust, we are golden, and we’ve got to get ourselves back to the garden.”
– Joni Mitchell 1969  

There is nowhere to go, we are already there. There is nothing to strive for, we already have it all, have experienced it all,with every incarnation we have ever been in. All pasts and all futures are blend in the NOW that we choose to create.  This is the point of INFINITE POSSIBILITIES. Perhaps you could call this the real time wave Zero points.

888 looks like the coded strands of our DNA. I have been getting visions of our DNA being activated to charge up to higher vibrations. The three infinities  symbolizes the three worlds, the “as above” the cosmos, the heavens, the “so below” the ancestors, and the normal conscious every day world. The Holy Trinity – the Maiden, the Mother and the Crone.  

The Dark Moon August 14-17
is also the influx of powerful dark Goddess Feminine energy   Kali, the black Madonna, Lilith, Hekate are the powerful Goddesses to call upon to bring massive change karmic cord cutting and acceptance of our shadows around the rejection of the earth and the Divine Feminine. These Goddess archetypes are  fearless and do not bargain.  I have been having this image of KALI menstruating on the Empire State building for days now.  These Goddess bend to no man. KALI hacks off the ego. Call upon her fearsome power, Kali Ma. I am reading reports about ISIL using rape of young girls as a way of recruiting new terrorists because ” It makes the raping extremist better muslims” also that pick up artist wanting to legalize rape in private! They couldn’t manage to shut him down here in Canada though. How disgusting. 

On August 17  we get to close the 888 gateway by tuning into the Feminine energies. The light and the Dark for balance.  We have a closed loop, an Orobouros snake. 

Oroborus, alchemy

You get to create your NOW. No one else can do that for you. ONly YOU.

August 17 is my 19th wedding anniversary and the 28th year since the original Harmonic Convergence in 1987! A virtual Saturn return almost since the original one. I was in Sedona Arizona for the first time, living there, after being called by spirit to come. Then I found out about Harmonic Convergence. I was on Bell Rock doing a 7 point meditation. It was awesome. 

Let me know how your 888 experiences are going. I am feeling very high and very low. 

I am still cutting karmic cords for people tonight.

Integrating 888

When we live in the NOW, we can change and make decisions on pure instinct, from pure soul desires. We don’t need to plan, we need to live totally on the edge, riding the cosmic wave, trusting ourselves that we are being guided. The head will go ????? but don’t let that stop your true impulse. The Now is very much the FOOL who symbolizes enlightenment the divine zero in the Tarot. 

I am going to SEDONA Arizona from September 13 to do ceremony and ritual and prayers for the earth and all her children beginning on the next New Moon, September 13 on a Part. Solar Eclipse. This is the start of the SHEMITAH year. Venus will just beginning to move ahead Direct. There are many auspicious planetary alignment. I have been told I need to be there to anchor 8 new Feminine Archetypes for the last six months. I know I need 7 women there with me. Do you also feel this call, Hear it in your heart whispering through your soul?  If so then simply trust and book your flight to Phoenix and on to Sedona. This is a design it yourself retreat. You can choose which accommodations you like. I can help you to find which best suits your needs. Bring your sistars,  

I will be working with other healers, shamans, sound healers, my friends and colleague has a  John of God crystal bed in Sedona. 

WRITE TO ME RIGHT AWAY TO secure your spot. A deposit is required by September 1st.


 taragreenetarot@gmail.com or text me 416 230 5347. An interview is required. we need to get acquainted first. 

Please share widely

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

get a reading with Tara Greene http://www.taratarot.com


5 thoughts on “888 repeat Aug 17 Triple Infinity

  1. So what your really saying is man has been misled thru false doctrine. That the other half of creation is female. The 42 commandments of Egypt and the book of enoch which was plagiarized by certain religious groups are the ones to blame.the laws recognized the divinity of the female aspect of god. Rape is a sin.Jesus never said that.


    • Hi Anthony
      yes I am saying that all religious doctrine is largely false and totally man made up of course.Yes some can channel higher beings and angels and maybe some of what Jesus is attributed to has essence of truth. Originally what we imagine God to be is both must be both and all and masculine and feminine are equal. But Everything comes from what we identify as a feminine source always- the void, pure potential. We are the below for the as above. We are all born of woman, the void. “Rape is a sin. Jesus never said that.”???? what do you mean.


  2. Hi Tara! i did a tarot reading for myself on aug 12 and i received The Star in the immediate influences position.!
    Yesterday the 15 i felt good in the morning but by midday was taken w fatigue and nausea, blocked sinuses i think, ended up going to bed for the rest of the day and night! and i had some weird dreams too…so i think a pretty low point. Other things seem to be going unprecedentedly well though, HIGH point!! 🙂


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