Mars in Pisces, 10 tips for Peace warriors

The Moon enters Libra Jan 11 which should bring a sense of emotional balance, or at least a pause to catch our breath and center. We are reeling from the state of the world’s hatred, cruelty and violence from the horrific murders last week in France.  

MARS in PISCES Jan 12 – Feb. 19

Mars, the planet of war, aggression, terrorists, anger and passion enters the peaceful Mystical water sign of Pisces and this is extremely well-timed to turn the heat down and let it simmer for a bit. Millions of people marched in solidarity for unity is a Pisces theme of Oneness. 

Pisces is the last ad most spiritual and psychic of all the signs. 


Is the war on terrorism starting again? Literally this is a war {MARS} against Patriarchy {SATURN,the Father}. The aspect is exact at 1 degree of Sagttarius. Hopefully the war on Terrorism is not a New World Order fascism. Sagittarius is the Law. Yes very tight restrictions will be created.

The Muslim religion is extremely Patriarchal. All organized religions have Patriarchy as their main founding tenant. The Old Testament,/Islam is simply a story of man projecting { Pisces} himself out from his ego- which makes it unspiritual to begin with to validate his idea of a God. Man created a God in his own image who is angry, vengeful and controlling. This was done to dominate the thousands of years of Goddess worshipping. To control women and the earth. Which is why the world is in its sorry state of imbalance on all levels, environmental degradation, climate change and terrorism. 

Why do men become terrorists? Are they disenfranchised and poor? Are they manipulated by their leaders?  Masculine consciousness, by nature, on a cellular level is based on the actions of a sperm, on absolute competition and survival. An imbalanced Masculine goes to these types of extreme behaviors as it is based totally on EGO/ aggression at its lowest most animal brained level.

Mars in Pisces is the sign of spirituality and compassion where we realize we are all ONE in our interconnectedness, all children of the earth. True spirituality has no duality, no central I to create a thou or an enemy against. 


A truly strong Masculine energy is one that can be vulnerable. A Positive masculinity, is in balance with, equal to and respectful of, the Feminine. Positive masculine energy is able to dissolve back into the Womb, the cosmic ocean of Bliss of the Great Mother, where it originated.  It is not afraid of being rejected by the Feminine.


Muslims believe in being martyrs, that their rewards of all the wine they can drink and all the harems of beautiful women await them in the afterlife. Ultimately that is simply a belief. Pisces is all about projections,illusions, delusions, fantasy and addictions..

10 POSITIVE things to do with MARS IN PISCES 


Being aware that you are reacting from ego makes you conscious. You can choose to act from soul instead of ego.


Mars is in Pisces gives courage to trust you intuition. Practice making decisions based on sensations, feelings, synchronicity.  Work with your dreams consciously and actively. Incubate your dreams, keep dream journals, take time out to daydream.


You will feel ultra-sensitive to other people feelings. You will feel the suffering of the 30,000 children dying every day. Make sure you have strong boundaries in place so as not to feel overwhelmed. Create these by intention. 


Draw the active aggressive energies inwards to seek answers. Meditate every day for 20 minutes. You will feel clearer. Visualize a world of peace daily. A world where we can all know and feelwe are all ONE. There is no superiority or inferiority between a Muslim, a Jew, a Christian or an atheist. Masculine and feminine are equal with their own set of valuable assets.

5. MARTYRDOM/Victims 

Tarot Martyr Tara Greene

Mars in Pisces rules martyr. Like the Hanged Man in the Tarot #12.  Sit and think about where you have been allowed yourself to be a victim/ martyr in your life. Write down the situations and with whom. Trace back why you have surrendered to giving up your self to others who abuse you.


It’s like that river in Egypt. denial. Mars in Pisces is escapism. Do you pretend the problem isn’t there?  Look at your excuses. Saturn in Sagittarius will make you be honest with yourself. What are you hiding from? What are you afraid of?

7. ADDICTIONS/False Prophets

What false prophets do you worship? Movie stars? Pornography? The almighty dollar? Status? Love?Literally? Look at why you think you need these things and why you feel inadequate without them. 

Is it Food? Sugar? Sex? shoes? coffee? drugs? TV/INternet? New Media? What pain, or inner black hole are you attempting to escape from?


Mars in Pisces is pure creativity. Be God. Be the Goddess. Create, make love. This is sacred sexuality. Women teach the men how to worship the Goddess. Give birth to poems, songs, dances, photography.  Go to art galleries,  support the arts.  We are all naturally creative, it is part of our essential humanity.


Give of yourself to someone more needy. Help out at a food bank. Donate money. Be kind and generous. Give away what you don’t need. Be good to yourself without ego. 


Pisces rules the Oceans which are polluted. Be conscious that your body is 70% water. Dr.Maseru Emoto wrote about the power of positive emotions to change water. Get involved to protect water rights.  Stop using bottled plastic water. Help save ocean species. Do prayers for the water. 

Get a reading to check out MARS in your chart


All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

What the Water Gave Me- Florence + the Machine – 

OH the water-Van Morrison  




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