Pisces dreamy day

May 10 Moon is in Pisces

PIsces Moon astrology Tara Greene

It’s Singer Bono of U2’s birthday and famous dancer Fred Astaire’s too and Sid Vicious and John Wilkes Booth who shot Abraham Lincoln. Happy Birthday to my old friend from Norway Sissel’s birthday too.

Moon’s in PISCES conjunct Neptune in the wee hours. Lots of juicy lucid HD dreams tonight. Record them when you wake.

Moon trines JUPITER in SCORPIO

This is an abundant flowing magical energy as Jupiter is the traditional Ruler of PISCES. This opens one up but also gives angelic protection. Expand your spirit and soul. Be charitable.Dive deep into life’s mysteries. Sex money power control secrets. It will be all out there.

Neptune squares VENUS in GEMINI

Talk about your dreams. Express your confusion and inability to commit.  Venus brings love to a Gemini’s angel/devil polarity and helps them to see that all is one. Yin/yang not black and white. Cant have one without the other. Beware two timing liars who you want to believe are committed. Sense what is mine and what is yours.

Moon sextiles TAURUS SUN

always a nice energy blending emotions moods sensitivity feelings feminine receptivity with masculine light and grounding in Taurus. You can feel stronger and more rooted.


Sextiles are nice n easy aspects. Envision what your deepest depths want to express. This is a very creative energy for deep introspection.Pluto always wants to be in control and obsesses about it. Pisces Moon can help you let go to surrender to forgive and have compassion. This is a good thing. Don’t forgive those who have transgressed against you. Pluto in Cap. helps Pisces develop healthy boundaries.

Have a dreamy day.

Heads up for May 11

Some very big aspects. Sun trine Pluto. Very empowering if you have planets at 20-22 degrees EARTH SIGNS.

VENUS inconjuncts PLUTO in PDT on the 11th/ on 12th in EDT and GMT

Big power banking financial military government issues. All is not what it seems. the whole picture is not being revealed. Players behind the scenes are moving chess pawns and war machines around. Big money is to be made in war.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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