Mercury conjunct Vesta, Sacred Priestess of sex

Mercury Retrograde is in an exact conjunction May 1st with Vesta, the sacred Goddess of light, fire and sexuality. Mercury is re-joining in TANTRIC union with the Goddess of sacred sexuality and focus on at 23 degrees TAURUS.

How appropriate.  May Day is the Day of celebration of sexuality as sacred, sexuality as Divine Union, sexuality as the main spiritual component in human lives. That is why the Catholic Church created this false celibacy, and warning of the “sins of the flesh” and blaming women as Temptresses. They knew that sex was the immanent direct route to experience oneness, divine bliss, and ecstasy and they wanted to control the most powerful and natural of instincts to control the people. A pretty scary and CRAZY idea. 

Vesta or Hestia in the Roman mythology was the very first Goddess, she rules the hearth and Temple flames, the central focus of all cultural life. 

Vesta Sacrifice, Goya, Tara Greene psychic

The Sacrifice to Vesta, by Goya

Mercury Retrograde in Taurus is a backslide into sensuality and fleshy knowledge. We need to taste the sweet, the salty, the spicy. We need to re-awaken our senses for being awake in the world. 


In ancient times all women served as Sacred High Priestesses of the Goddess in her Temples. In Ancient Greece all unmarried women had to spend a year in service as a tantric priestess before being able to marry. The term Virgin originally meant “whole and complete, belonging to no one, or to no man.” An autonomous woman. 

These sacred Vestal High Priestesses initiated men into divine union with the Goddess. All women became the Divine Goddess, through ritual, prayer, fasting, chanting, dedication, intention, dancing, meditation practices and anointing themselves with perfumes, and partaking of psychotropic mushrooms and plants they experienced themselves as the Divine Feminine, the Divine Goddess and Mother. They became HER.  They were called Divine Hierodules, like the term Hierophant, or High Priest. Another name was the houris, from which the modern word hours is derived and the sacred Hebrew dance, the hora. 


I remember many past lives lived as a Vestal and many other types of Goddess worshipping High Priestesses. 

The VESTAL “virgins” served as sexual healers to men who had PTSD from being in War. These men would not be allowed to reintegrate into normal, stable society until they had had the profane bloodshed of war washed away from them by having sacred intercourse with a bleeding Priestess, thus exchanging the Blood of War for the Blood of Life. These women became the Divine Goddess, through ritual, prayer, fasting, chanting, dedication, intention, dancing and anointing themselves with perfumes, and partaking of psychotropic mushrooms and plants they experienced themselves as the Divine Feminine, the Divine Goddess and Mother. They became HER. 

I love the SYNCHRONICITY of this. Mercury , the messenger, the hermaphrodite god, the two lobes of our brains, in Retrograde is bringing back our bodily memories of participation into the Great Mystique of life on this day as Sacred. We all remember participating in these types of rituals. We have been alive in every form and in every culture and time. We know this in our cells. 

I remember many past lives lived as a HIGH PRIESTESS in any different ages and temples. I have had these memories since I was about 6 years old. I had no knowledge of this from the time period I grew up in. I trusted what I felt, saw and knew. This knowledge came bursting forth in a Grade 11 Art History class, in visiting many sacred sites Stonehenge, Ephesus in Turkey, sailing on the Mediterranean near Crete when I was 17 and many more times in Holotropic Breathworks and other spontaneous visions. 

Celebrate this great coming together of the Messenger and the VIRGIN ever renewing Goddess by practicing tantric firebreathing.Celebrate your beloved. Praise new life. 

What is being conceived on this day in your life?

Blessings to you  all.

Please share widely, all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

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4 thoughts on “Mercury conjunct Vesta, Sacred Priestess of sex

  1. Dearest Tara,

    Today’s message is so impactful for me. I am now 78 years of age.

    I have spent the greater part of my life believing in, and through my actions of influence, been desirous of initiating the freeing up of the full feminine in both my personal life and in the activities I was able to initiate in my professional life.

    Today’s reading has brought me to a desire for an even deeper understanding of the energetic forces that internally guide my life. There is much I wish to write about and express and you have provided a key to the lock that has held this Virgo, born on August 24th, 1937 at 11:30AM from doing just that, more fully.

    You are a blessing in my life and for this I am grateful.

    As a side note, one of the traits that I possess is that I am a pretty good proof reader and I wanted to lovingly suggest that the sentence below needs revision to assure greater clarity, perhaps as…

    These men would not be allowed to reintegrate into the normal, stable society until they had had the profane bloodshed of war washed away from them by having sacred intercourse with a bleeding Priestess, thus exchanging the Blood of War for the Blood of Life.



    • Hi Emilie i am so honored to hear about how my writing is re-awakening what you already know. It would be interesting to look at your astrology chart and see where Vesta, Lilith, Ceres, Athena, Juno and other Feminine archetypes are in your your natal chart. Yes I will correct,the sentence You are not the first person who has mentioned to me my need for a proofreader. I think it such a convoluted way these days and my grammar was never great. Blessings Tara


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