BP oil spill,volacanic eruptions,vampires,angels planets by Tara Greene Astrology

I was musing over the terrible eco disaster created by BP in the Gulf, the negligent cover ups in the US government oil industry lobbying whereby no extra saftey measures were instituted in US vs Norway, etc have. Why am I not surprised? Big oil gets things done its own way. To hell with anybody else, environ-mental blah blah blah

oil on oil

Oil on Oil by Napoleon Brousseau Painting

I just had a flash image of the volcano erupting in Iceland, as I was thinking about the BP oil spill. The painting by  artist Napoleon Brousseau’s “Oil on Oil” also came to mind…

It struck me that there’s a connection these days between the man made screw ups, spewing oil wells in the ocean and the naturally occuring Volcanic eruptions in Iceland.  Native people’s say that oil is the Earth Mothers’ blood.

The oil industry and all of us oil consumers in the world are Vampires  sucking the Earth Mother’s blood out of her veins.  Interesting that I have been musing about Twilight, the Vampire saga as well. This is how the synchonicity works for me. How I see the whole picture and how all the pieces  fall into place. I get the AHA!  The intutive flash where it all makes sense to me.


Western Culture is a feeback mechanism, I guess you could call it a bio cultural feedback. Whatever is popular in Western culture is a message from the Archetypes. Archetypes, according to Joseph Campbell and Psychologist Carl Jung felt that Archetypes are core symbols, primal religious themes, Universal “seeds.” All cultures world wide recognise and share the same myths, stories, fables, underlying religious themes, inspirations, lessons. Archetypes are considered to be the living consciousness behind the myths.


So for example the popularity on one level of Twilight, the Vampire interest is to place the trigger VAMPIRE into the consciousness in a primal popular way. Irregardless of how the vampire story is being newly minted, renovated reimagined and ordered for tween girls.  I believe its to get us to see ourselves as vampires, our own Vampirical ways.  

You shouldn’t tamper with Mother Nature. The Volcano in Iceland errupting or Mt. St. Helen’s fuming tells me that the centre of the earth is connected to all other centers in the earth. If youre drilling for oil at the sea bottom in the Gulf of Mexico or Norway or anywhere else in the world you are tapping the deep rich veins of Mama Earth, and all her lines of communications are connected, so she blows her top in Iceland. I think its a warning. Mother Earth speaks, like all great spiritual messages dreams, visions, insights, premonitions, telepathy, intuition all use symbolic language, code,  metaphors, similies.  SHE is fumingly mad!!!! She’s not gonna take it much longer.  Yah think it’s an inconvenience for thousands to Not fly in Europe for days? HAH! That’s just the appeteaser to whats in store for us all.

Planetary Symbolism

Now the planets also have an interesting symbolic message to this BP oil spill. The planet Saturn,known as the Cosmic Cop, traditionally called The Great Malefic, bringer of limitations, obstacles, testing backed up into Virgo for its last sojourn on April 7th.Virgo is an Earth Sign so all earthly things come under that sign. Virgo is most concerned with practicality, perfection, organization, accounting, health, getting the job done. Wherever Sign Saturn is travelling through, it limits, creates obstacles to all the things goverened by that Sign. Saturn is currently retrograding at 28 degrees of Virgo, which is Squaring { a 90 degree HArd angle} to the Galactic Center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius.

Is there a planet which rules oil? Yes, its the Planet Neptune, which governs the Sign Pisces, who was King of the Ocean to the Greeks. { We’ll connect the Greek economic problems to all this in a moment.} So what’s the connection?

Neptune is currrently at 28 degrees of Aquarius. Neptune and the Wounded Healer cosmic body called Chiron have been tangoing cheek to jowl for most of this past year. Chiron is known as the Wounded Healer He was alos prominent in Greek mythology. Mythology is the realm of the Archetypes, remember? Chiron shows us Where the Wound is, What needs to be healed, the way through the wound, to the Healing for ourselves and then others. So the message is we a hurtin’ around OIL.  Neptune in Aquarius is all about inventive new technologies which benefit all of humanity. Aquarius like those popular pre-packaged vacations,is All INCLUSIVE, a non-ego Sign..  O.K. so what’s the connection?

Qunicunx’s and Consequences

Neptune is 150 degrees away from Saturn. All Astrology is about Sacred geometry.That 150 degree angle is known as a Qunicunx. The planets are 5 signs away from each other. In totally different elements. In other words it is considered to be a harsh, abrasive , clashy energy. One sign can’t understand the others basic elemental view of the world. There is friction.  So here is a cosmic picture, a Kodak Moment if you will, of the planet of hard knocks, Saturn going backwards in Virgo, raking us once again over the coals of our previously sown bad intentions,the harbinger and reaper of karma.

Did I mention Karma and Saturn in the same sentence allready? Oil, the car industry, we should change the spelling to something more streetwise and punk’d: kars, karma, etc. Korny, I know. The kosmos likes Korny puns! So Saturn is putting the brakes on the car industry because Neptune ruler of OIL and Saturn have been rubbing each other the wrong way. And they’re are showing us the prime archetypal symbols in the sky patterns:  “AS ABOVE SO BELOW”

So we are getting our collective noses rubbed by this cosmic pattern. But it ain’t funny at all. The same Saturn Neptune QUNICUNX is creating CONSEQUENCES.  I love how that rolls off the tongue but it is serious business. Saturn/Neptune is also related to the recession which began in 2008 because Neptune also rules DEBT, Fantasy, illusion, escapism, DENIAL.

BIg Changes are in the works:

Uranus the planet of revolution, freedom, liberation, inventiveness, technology, collectivism, humanitarian idealsim is moving to ZERO degrees of Aries, the Zero point and absolute beginning of the Astrology wheel. A new revolution, a collective thunderbolt of new inventiveness in tech is about to be unleashed as well as a  groundswell of revolution over all those things that affect the collective of humanity.

I predict that something will be found to cap that nasty oil well, most likely on that day! The planet Saturn turns Direct in motion om May 30th indicating a turn around fromt he present state. Saturn ‘s been moving backwards Retro since Jan 13th, so 2010 has mainly been about reaping the karma of our previous behaviours. It’ll take awhile, till September 5th for Saturn to regain all that lost ground. Not until then can 2010 actually push forward into new territory. Amazing to think about the karmic repo man Saturn is for us. The very next day May 31st, Neptune then begins his retrograde period which lasts until November 7th.  It’s a cosmic “push me, pull you.” One step forward, 2 steps behind. 

We really do have to realize what blood {oil} sucking gluttonous Vampires we are and have been. The pollution its created, the ecodisaster, the financial crisis,the loss of jobs for people, this totally unecessary accident could have been avoided most likely if Proper saftey equipment had been mandatory, properly saftey checked etc. But BP is one form of the blood sucking vampires, they were greedy, they were “cutting costs.”

We are also culpable, recklessly drinking up Mother Earth’s prescious blood/oil. Our thirst for cars, industry,waste, plastic, convenience, fast, disposable, travel, freedom, me, I deserve it, plastic diapers, toys,bags,garbage bags, Oil is at the bottom of our modern consumer culture and “lifestyle.”

Volcanoes erupting in Iceland is a direct result of all the oil drilling all over the World. From the Persian Gulf to Mexico, we are bleeding and drinking Mother Earth dry. Whether you believe in the Green house effect or not. The actual reality is obvious if you can see the connection. Saturn= cause + effect. We greedy, we no think of consequences, we suffer from them. If you take out the oil somewhere in the Earth you are disrupting the blood and body of the Earth, and her anger is volcanic erruptions coming out at her puny disrespectful children to punish them. Earthquakes too are part of this scenario, as are tsunammis, tornadoes, hurricanes.   

James Lovelock coined the term Gaia for the Earth’s consciousness. I believe and I know that Gaia, the Earth, is the Living Archetypal Mother of us all. She was known as Demeter to the Romans and Ceres to the Greeks. We still honor Ceres’ abundance   everyday in households around the world,by eating of her grains, CEREals.

We are beginning a new era with Uranus entering Aries. Uranus last entered Aries in March 31, 1927. That was the precurser to the Great Depression.

Then Saturn the repo man moves back into Libra July 21st and Uranus and Saturn face off  in opposition to each other.  The two planets were in opposition to each other in the 60’s. From an Astrological point of view, the 60’s were triggered by Saturn Uranus and Pluto in alignment with each other in the late 60’s. So what was seeded then will begin to sprout now.

Then the Great T- Square between Saturn Uranus and Pluto is forming shortly thereafter.  Pluto, even though demoted by some Astronomers, is still very very potent Archetypally. Pluto is the planet of Death, rebirth, Transformation, garbage, Nuclear energy; sex, regeneration, power, control, secrets, taxes as the modern ruler of Sign Scorpio. Uranus’s entry into Aries begins to creates a Square to Pluto in Capricorn as well as the oppositon to Saturn.  This is one big heavy cross to near!We must inovate.


Jupiter whos been dancing up chee to cheek with Uranus all during May, has an opposition to Saturn exact on MAy 23rd at 27 degreees 52 minutes of Pisces/Virgo. Again please note that these degrees Square the Galactic Centre at 27 degrees of Sagittarius. You know the Big Black Hole sucking up all light at the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy? 2012 has to do with the alignment of the Sun to the Glactic Centre on Winter Solstice that year. Note that Jupiter rules Sagitttarius and the Sign of Pisces traditionally. so Jupiter gives us a lot of bank for the bucks now. The revolution really revs up  June 6th when Jupiter eneters the ring and speeds into Aries, joining Uranus . Jupiter expands everything. Jupiter is a risk taker, but also a philosopher, honest, idealistic, thinks Internationally, is the law maker, wants justice and does things in a big way. But it makes the entire situation more volatile. 


Mars will be at the latter degrees of Leo just when Uranus enters Aries. Mars is the trigger, the defenses, war. Mars rules mundane events. Mars is hovering over the Fixed Star Raphael, bringer of Healing, ruler of the Heart and Will, Trust and Innocence. We need to connect to Archangel Raphael’s energy to help assuage this situation. Pray to Raphael all the time.  Mars will also be directly opposite to Neptune on June 4th. So expect lots of Leonine pride opposite to the Neptunian  illusion, delusion, denial about the oil spill in the backrooms of state.


 And speaking of Chiron and those Greeks, whose economy is based on olive oil, souvlakis,tourism, and who are makign everyone feel guilty and relying on their eternal credits and royalties for inventing democracy…

Chiron recently entered Pisces on April 19. Chiron in Pisces shows us exactly where it hurts in spirituality, drugs, addictions, victim mentality, dreams, illusions, delusions,  religion, soul mates, karma, psychologically, endings, effemerals, false hopes, false prophets, pharmaceuticals, compassion, union, back stabbing, secret enemies, self-undoing.  Chiron like Jupiter are just sticking their toes into new waters as it were…this is just  preview of what’s next. so stay tuned.

Did I mention Eclipses yet?…. and as for the VAmpire symbolism… Twilight is an Archetypal whisper about THE TWILIGHT OF THE GODS.

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