May 23 Bonus Best day of the Year, Join me Live

May 20 We’re in Gemini SEASON: 5:59 am PDT, 8:59 am EDT, 12:59 pm GMT

Talk it up, its social butterfly season, great for think tanks, advertising, media, merchandising, debating, seeing both sides of an issue, refusing to take sides, oppositions, coupling, choices to choose love,be young at heart. Gemini favour communications with siblings, short travels, having two loves at once, getting a second job, feeling torn in two, changing your mind a lot, not being able to commit.

MAY 22 SUN trine PLUTO Rx a big power day at 8:14 am PDT, 11:14 am EDT, 3:14 pm GMT

a BIG POWER DAY, PLUTOCRATS, words and ideas have great power for change, political revolutions, protests, things to cheer

MAY 23 is the bonus BEST DAY Of 2024 after May 18 Sun Jupiter conjunction

Please join me May 23 is your 2nd chance to come into full flower and abundance on the Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius as VENUS and JUPITER come together. Yay

These two bless you with abundance, love, beauty, creativity, wealth, good fortune, opportunity and expansion as they join at the very last degree of Taurus.

May 23 ***** VENUS CONJUNCT JUPITER at 29+ TAURUS ONE the best day of the year at 1:29 am PDT, 4:29 am EDT, 8:29 am GMT

May 23 VENUS sextile NEPTUNE in PISCES at 3:50 am PDT, 6:50 am EDT, 10:50 an GMT

MAY 23 FULL MOON at 2 SAGITTARIUS 55′ at 6:53 am PDT, 9:53 am EDT, 1:53 pm GMT

This wil be covered in the WORKSHOP

May 23 VENUS enters GEMINI until JUNE 17, at 1:30 pm PDT, 4:30 pm EDT, 8:30 pm GMT

Yakkety yakkety yack, flirt away, have two of everything at the same time, lovers, jobs, bi-locate, its a bi time with Venus in Gemini and Jupiter in Gemini,

MAy 23 JUPITER sextile NEPTUNE at 2:44 pm PDT, 5:44 pm EDT, 9:44 pm GMT

Very creative, romantic, over the top Addictions, delusions, fake news, mental illness

MAY 23 AT 4:30 PM PDT 7:30 PM edt, 11:30 PM GMT

Please join me in anchoring these two benefics in yoru heart and soul to bring boundless blooming into your life with a ZOOM Astrology Magic Workshop and Channelled Guided Meditation to align with the Stars above and anchor them within. The workshop is recorded to use afterwards. A PDF will be sent out.

May 23 is your 2nd chance to celebrate and blossom into abundance on the Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius as the two most beneficial planets VENUS and JUPITER come together for the last time in 12 years in TAURUS. 

Venus rules Taurus and Libra. Jupiter rules SAGITTARIUS and PISCES traditionally

These two planets bring all signs of abundance, love, beauty, creativity, wealth, good fortune, opportunity, adventure, truth and expansion as they join at the very last most powerful degree of Taurus and are blessed by the spiritual psychic planet Neptune at the very last karmic degree of PISCES.

TO BRING MORE of all of these gifts into your life

Please join me in anchoring these two benefic PLANETS GIFTS to bring boundless blooming into your life 

with a ZOOM Astrology Magic Workshop and a Channeled Guided Meditation to align with the Stars above  and the Sagittarius Full MOON of truth, justice, and optimism. 

Here’s what past participants have said about these workshops The workshop is recorded to be listened to and used afterwards. A PDF will be sent out.

There is a sliding scale fee of $18-$22 U.S. or $22-$28 Canadian. You can pay directly through e-transfer to or  and the ZOOM linke will be sent or simply sign up with  the host platform directly



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