Inspirational Card of the Day,Mythic,the Tarot and Astrology

Inspirational Card of the Day for May 2, 2013

Day 8 countdown to  Taurus Solar eclipse

the MYTHIC TAROT by Astrologer Liz Greene & Juliet Sharman Burke


knight of wands

The card is also known in other tarot decks as the Prince of Wands,

it is the Air of Fire, associated with LEO.

In the Mythic Tarot he is the Greek hero Bellerophon, who tamed the winged horse Pegasus and who killed the monstrous Chimarea. He was the greatest hero and slayer of monsters.  

But he became too arrogant, trying to  fly to Mount Olympus the home of the gods. Zeus punished him, he fell to earth and lived out his life as a blind crippled hermit, alone and grieving.

This card signifies incredible courage, confidence, volatile, youthful fiery passion,  strength, indomitable will power, exuberance. 

Take risks, believe in yourself. You can conquer anything you put your soul into. This card brings adventure, charm, and the ability to move mountains but be carefull of hubris. Boasting, ego.

On a psychological level, this card symbolizes that your life is also  MYTHIC. Joseph Campbell revealed how all the Archetypes are always alive in each and every one of us. In our comic book super heroes, sports heroes, movie stars and the like just as they were to the Ancient Greeks.

You have the strength to conquer your own shadow- the monster outside.  But the  most dangerous monster is always internal- arrogance, ego.

Your response to this card? How does it fit you?

INTEGRATE the KNIGHT of WANDS as a protector spirit. His torch is there to light your way in the dark and scare away all your fears.

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Get a reading with TARA

DAVID BOWIE- “I will be King, we can be HEROES” also known as the Man who Fell to EARTH 

P.S. Liz Greene and I are not related.

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