Scorpio Chaotic Deep Dive New Moon

The Scorpio New Moon is always the darkest of the dark moons of the year. This one is full of tension and stress and unique twists and turns as Uranus in Taurus oppose the Sun and Moon at 12+ degrees and square Saturn in Aquarius.

It’s dramatic, it can drown you in emotion yet be very dry, and detached, it’s a very intense squaring-off. Scorpio rules the Soul and this is like the Dark Night of the Soul collectively. Facing death, and loss gives us incredible courage. Scorpio is death and orgasmic energy. We are all born from orgasmic energy.

PLUTO AND ERIS are also in a very tight square at 24 degrees Aries and Pluto is square to Mercury in LIBRA. ERIS is MARS’ sister, the Discordia Goddess, this is a revenge aspect against humanity. The Plutocrats control the media, banking, corporation, affecting everyone relationships and unbalancing society as symbolized by Libra. You will see it reflected down into your own personal relationships.

VENUS at 29 degrees SAGITTARIUS conjunct JUNO on the Galactic Center is a very powerful truth and justice inspiring and optimistic energy as the GC is a cosmic repository of Galactic exchange of dimensional energies and sextile Jupiter in AQUARIUS bringing in HIGHER LAW, Sacred Law is very powerful.

MERCURY and PLUTO are in Square relationships are tense. Mars, the Ruler of this Scorpio New Moon is in its home sign so extra powerful passionate sexual intense obsessive. Pluto the Modern Ruler is in that tense tight square.

Neptune at 20 degrees widely trines Sun Moon and Vesta at 23 Scorpio lending imagination and spiritual energy.

LILITH CERES and North Node are conjunct and inconjunct Mars and Mercury.

Chiron the Wounded Healer in Aries is inconjunct the Sun and Moon indicating an inability to see how wounded we all are. This feels like a coagulating of dark blood, or stagnation but full of all potential, like being in the dark Void, before something new is conceived. An in-breath, an unknown. Having faith. Piercing the darkness.

Facing your own darkness and the shadows of evil, secrets, greed, and CONTROL issues is the order of the day.

The Plutocrats are unconsciously transhumanist and controlled by unknowingly AI consciousness to the greater degrees needing more and more power so apparent in the world right now. The collective unconscious is mirrored in each of us in our unconscious. Scorpio is all about forensics, about getting down to the nitty-gritty nanoparticles of everything. Scorpio is fearless and obsessive so don’t stop looking the monster in the eye. It reminds me of Phillip Guston paintings. He is one of my all time fave artists. His art is very much images of this Scorpio New Moon, Look him up

To be in denial of who you are and what the prevailing currents are in the world is to remain in ignorance and that is the worst of sins. No matter how well educated or credentialed you are means nothing if you can’t investigate truths in all cases what is going on underneath the surface you are part of the problem.

DIVE DEEP, own your own shadows we can do our part in this way and come out the other side cleansed. Do you watch Infinite Water Ralph Smart? His Youtube channel is very good and Ive been watching him for years.

Watch the video which explains all the aspects

Please share widely, all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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3 thoughts on “Scorpio Chaotic Deep Dive New Moon

  1. Thank you, Tara! Your posts are really helpful. I’m doing my best to keep the faith. I know there is light at the end of this tunnel! The ♏️ New Moon in in my WS 1st house (12th in quadrant systems) conjunct natal Neptune and trine Mars in ♋️ and the Moon in ♓️. Looking forward to ♐️ season! 🤣🥰☀️🌝🎭🌹✨

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