Pisces Super Moon, into the flow Astrology

Life is a Dream Pisces Super Full Moon Meditation August 29 @ 6:35 p.m. GMT

By Agent 129 Tara Greene

www.taratarot.com   wwww.infinitynow.wordpress.com

This Full Moon is the first of three Super Moons this year. The Full Moon will be perigee, closest to the earth and syzygy aligned with the Sun and earth, hours after the full moon making the moon appear larger. Super Moons generate stronger gravitational pulls on the oceans and our own emotions, so we will feel the effects in a stronger way.

Pisces is the twelfth and last sign of the zodiac and the one connected with all things mystical, spiritual, endings, dissolution, and ephemeral. It is water, a feminine, mutable, emotional sign symbolizing the oceanic Source of consciousness from which we all began and to which all things must return.

Pisces, ruled by Neptune in Modern astrology, governs the imagination, the unconscious, that storehouse of cellular consciousness which contains our deepest memories. Pisces rules creativity, formlessness, the non-ego Oneness state. Pisces rules the oceans, all artistic creations, soul-mates, non-duality, poetry, charity, compassion, martyrdom, projection, dreams, glamour, Hollywood, meditation, yoga, gurus, spiritual retreats, psychotropic mind-altering drugs, like ayahuasca, mediumship, ghosts, jails, mental health, debt,  magicians, “snake-oil salesmen” psychic energy, delusions, illusions, addictions, spiritual healing, oil, and completion, death.

 This Super Full Moon signifies we have completed an entire years’ worth and many lifetimes of spiritual lessons and emotional growth now.

Jupiter was the traditional ruling planet of Pisces until the discovery of Neptune in 1846 who is at home in his own sign. Jupiter, the King of the Gods rules expansion, higher learning, and teaching, wisdom teachers on the higher astral planes, travelling, justice, freedom, optimism, and faith.

Jupiter and Neptune are both involved very closely with this Full Moon. Jupiter in Virgo is 3 degrees away from the Sun. Neptune is opposite Jupiter and 2 degrees away from the Moon at 6 degrees 06 minutes of Pisces.  To have both planetary rulers involved indicates that we are definitely being guided by higher mystical powers at this time.

Jupiter in Virgo is very grounding, practical, efficient and hard working.  The Pisces Full Moon signifies a time of being cleansed, bathed, purified and renewed by the healing spiritual waters of Source itself.

All we need to do is surrender our ego’s resistance and illusion that we are separate entities from Source. We need to stop believing that illusion is real, that we are alone. We need to remember our infinite power as creators. We need to remember where we came from and why we are here. Jupiter in Virgo will help us to know and understand our sacred and practical mission.


In the Tarot the MOON card,  Trump # 18 is the symbol associated with Pisces  

The Moon Pisces tarot Astrology Tara Greene

But I also associate The Hanged Man Trump # 12 with the Pisces Full Moon.

The Hanged Man Tara Greene


The Hanged Man, symbolizes the sacrificial martyr aspect of Pisces, the surrendering of the ego which can be both negative and positive.

The Moon card shows the dark side of the Moon, the Dark Night of the Soul, the feeling of being abandoned and alone. Both cards are associated with a spiritual baptism and the surrender of the ego, faith and trust. Like Jesus, represented by the Symbol of Pisces, had a moment of humanity while being crucified when he cried out to God “Why hast thou forsaken me.”

This Full Moon indicates we need to meditate on the Source within ourselves to reach Nirvana, not the band, but a state of Bliss and Oneness. Then as the Zen koan says, “Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment chop wood, carry water.” In modern terms, it is “the laundry” after enlightenment these days. Jupiter in Virgo is doing the laundry.

Venus is still Retrograde and within two degrees of Mars in Leo also making this a great time to review our hearts’ desires, to come into balance within our own Masculine and Feminine energies,

PISCES symbols

Ruler:  Neptune and Jupiter

ANGEL: Gabriel,

Colors:  blue

Incense: Jasmine, Gardenia, Hyacinth, mugwort, myrrh, sandalwood, ylang-ylang, vanilla

Metal: Tin {Jupiter} pewter

Gems: Aquamarine, chrysolite, moonstone, amethyst, pearl, sapphire, emerald

Flowers: Gardenia, orchid, lilac, wisteria, water lily, lotus pansy and poppy

Herbs; Heliotrope, carnation, Opium Poppy, Chicory, Sage
Trees: elm, willow

Animals: stork, swan, Fish, dolphins, whales,

Musical note: B

Body: the feet, pineal gland, all bodily fluids, and lymphatic system  

Gods and Goddesses: Neptune, Varuna, Oceania, Sedna, Nepthys, Nammu, Tiamat, Yemaya.

Symbols and oracles

CHANDRA SYMBOL Pisces 7. An open-air library, the books magically impervious to the elements.

Degree Angel: Vehuel (Vay-hoo-EL) Happiness, Elevation, Grandeur

This degree feels an inner spiritual certainty, a feeling that cannot be shaken, broken or worn away.  It never forgets the truth that it knows that anything that one truly has can never be lost.

The Chandra Symbol for this degree is “A candle burning. There is a ring of salt around it on the floor.”

The candle a symbol of The Light, like the Library of the Chandra symbol, is protected from discord and the dimming of the Light. This degree is extreme in its ability to hold to a focus to a sense of purpose, and to ward off anything that might attempt to disrupt, or negate that purpose. Truth may change in its manifestation, but the Light is an unchanging source however it is seen.

The message is, to communicate the faith of Pisces requires an unswerving dedication always to the Light and a clarity of focus.

MEDITATION for Pisces full Moon

As in previous Full Moon meditations, gather four candles, color related items and incense.

We are connecting with WATER, the emotional body and our imaginations.  Everything you can image is real. Your consciousness creates it and your emotions makes it real. Smudge yourself first, cleanse the area you are in. Center yourself and Feel.

You will need a silver, chrome or black bowl of water for scrying with, gazing on to water.

Light four candles one by one starting in the East for the element of fire, this is the cosmological system I use but if you are pagan you begin in the South with Fire. Always move clockwise, wherever you start. Call in the four elements and directions. Call in the Holy Guardian Angels and your personal angel into the circle. If you have a soundtrack of the ocean or other watery soundscapes then put this on.

Close your eyes. Go into your heart. Visualize a root chakra opening meditation; see previous instructions http://www.cosmicintelligenceagency.com/category/agent-129-tara-greene/

With your eyes closed go directly to Source. Listen only to your own heartbeat, the flow and pulsing rhythms of the blood in your veins and allow all thoughts to disperse like a drop of water on the ocean. Feel yourself melting away.

Know that YOU ARE, I AM the Source, space, the Light, God/dess consciousness and the Void, emptiness and All. You are a drop of water in a vast infinite consciousness and the Ocean itself.  Breathe and empty yourself, your ego. Just surrender, like the Hanged Man in the Tarot.

Feel the sense of expansion, watch the images or sense the feelings of expanding like a movie. Your consciousness is a great projection screen. Life really is like a movie. The eternal witness watches yourself, the people, and situations events, flicker by. You are the actor or actress, the watcher and creator, the director, producer of this great drama called Life. Understand that life is really a dream and just like Shakespeare said, all life is just a play and all the people on its stage are actors.

The children’s song “Row Row Row your boat

                                        Gently down the stream,

                                        Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily,

                                        Life is but a dream.

This little ditty is really a deep inner spiritual truth. Make it your mantra this month, whenever stuff comes up. The merrily merrily part is super important. Be happy, no sorrow, it is all an experiential dream for the soul.

Spiritual knowledge once experienced is eternal, beyond time. Separation from Source is an illusion. You are always whole, complete, beautiful, glorious, healed already. You are Divine love and Light. There is nowhere to go, you are everywhere and in everything. The ocean of truth is impervious to all shadows and darkness is its reality.

Like the Sufi song, The Ocean, refuses no river, no river.

In your meditation, in a darkened room by candlelight half close your eyes and gaze at the reflections on the water. Feel yourself being cleansed and bathed in the Clear Light of this Super Moon, feel yourself being renewed, made whole, like the Virgin Goddess who renews herself at will. Remember your birth in this lifetime, recapitulate that birth, remember and release it. Remember all the lifetimes of birth and death and rebirth. Know you are an eternal being of Light whose nature is Divine Love.

Behold your True Self reborn anew.

All you have to do is ask, be open and receive. Always give thanks and be grateful.  Slowly come out of your meditation. Write down or record your experience.  Reflect, like the Moon upon it. You can keep doing this meditation daily and I would recommend it until the next New Moon which is the Blood Mood Aries Lunar Eclipse September 27-28.

Many Blessings,

TARA Greene 

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene- 

Get a reading with Tara http://www.taratarot.com

Get a reading with Tara

Moonlight and Gold Gerry Rafferty 

7 thoughts on “Pisces Super Moon, into the flow Astrology

  1. Pingback: Full Moon 2015-08-29 | Grandtrines

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