The end is near, Sun square Saturn.

Get yer Ya ya’s out now as the Sun at 28 degrees Leo is squaring mean Mr. Mustard Saturn, Friday evening.
Be careful of having an overly loud exuberant last degrees of Leo party on Friday night as you will be sure to be shut down by the cops.
Sun in Leo is ultimately Sunny and Saturn in Scorpio will rain on your parade. 
Believe in yourself, don’t let the inner critic get you down, your old childhood  unconscious controlling dad or mom. You are a grwon up now and can shine from your own source. 
Here’s how to werk it;
Celebrate Saturn, have an oldies party, celebrate some oldsters, take your beloved Granny out to a fine dinner. 
Pay your taxes finally. 
Drink some fine vintage champagne. 
Celebrate the last degrees of Leo by growing up. Leo has the big kid energy which sometimes needs maturing. 
Late degree Leo Leo’s can look forwards to be taken seriously. Promotions, and taking possession of a new home, getting married and signing on the dotted line for any long-term serious project is recommended.
There will be rewards for those who worked their asses off while Saturn was Retrograde in Scorpio from  June 14-August 2nd.  If you really seriously got your self very mucky from stewing in your own dark shadowy juices during these times and have felt, understood, taken responsibility for, and transformed all that old crap that was holding you back then congrats! 
YOU get to graduate.
SATURN is the Planet of the last Tarot card THE WORLD #21 
The world Thoth Trump Tara Greene
THOTH TAROT World/Universe and Saturn
28+ degrees Leo was associated with the Archangel Raphael for the last 2,160 years. Raphael is the angel of the heart.  For many people there have been disappointing break-ups, losses, regret, shocking revelations of cheating, the Ashley Madison leak for one during this time. Saturn is karma and for many the lessons are over and done with. Saturn in Scorpio is endings, death. 
Take stock of the Good, the Light and optimistic SUN in LEO and the dark, neglected, shadows. 
The Sun is Life and light,Saturn in Scorpio is Death.
Let go of that which does not serve you and move on. 
27 more days until Saturn enters Sagittarius. YAY! 
The focus will be more optimistic, honest, ethical, humorous, judicious, open, intellectual, casual, philosophical and fiery.
I will be welcoming Saturn into Sagittarius in Sedona Arizona on that date and I invite you to join me for  pow wow on the red rocks. 
Scorpio moon aspects squares Venus –
hidden love secrets come out in to the open. Better hide them if you haven’t been discovered yet. 
Moon and Uranus make awkward bedfellows
trying new things may not be so comfortable. 
Please share widely
all writing is copyright of Tara Greene
get a reading with Tara
email about SEDONA readings and workshops during September
Don’t Rain on my parade- Lea Michelle Glee 

2 thoughts on “The end is near, Sun square Saturn.

  1. Pingback: Saturn Square Neptune 1 2015-11-26 | Grandtrines

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