Total Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon Resurrection part 1

April 4 2015 Total Lunar Libra Eclipse 

This is the third initiation of a Tetrad of four total eclipses in a row, a rare occurrence.

April 15, 2014 –TOTAL Lunar eclipse in Libra- self and others
Oct 8, 2014 – TOTAL Lunar eclipse Aries- “I am”
April 4, 2015 – TOTAL Lunar eclipse Libra – self and others
Sept 27, 2015 – TOTAL Lunar eclipse Aries – “I am”

This Eclipse carries multiple layers of symbols and meanings all of which teach us what needs to be worked on and with. This first part is a meditation with background information for you to use.

This Total lunar eclipse is all about communications, feelings and LIBRA is relationships. We need to think back to where our relationships were a year ago on the Total Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon on Passover April 15, 2014 at 25 degrees Libra.  The next trigger in this sequence was the October 8 Total Lunar eclipse at 15 degrees of ARIES exactly opposite to this one.  We are needing to take the opposite position from where we were then. More on the I-THOU relationship issue.

The eclipse happens at  the most powerful degree of LIBRA, the 15th  which symbolizes that  this eclipse is all about relationships; peace, harmony, beauty, balance, justice. All about seeing oneself in others. The I-thou relationship is clearly marked. We are all one blood.

The Full Moon itself is always a symbol of a fertilized ovum, as the Moon and women’s menstrual cycles are synchronized in natural harmony. This TOTAL eclipse further amps up the meaning and the unconscious sexual instinct to mate, to procreate, an ancient biological necessity.

The Full Moon being eclipsed symbolizes a huge fertile, creative potential to the LIBRA energy of a new masculine and new feminine and to bring them into a balanced relationship of equals; loving, respecting, sharing and caring for each other and the world.


The Blood MOON Total Eclipse occurs during the weekend of Passover and Easter combining the archetypal energies of two of the major world religions. Easter is the archetypal symbol of Jesus Christ, as the Sun willingly sacrificing himself and being reborn as a symbol for all humans of eternal life. We can be resurrected now into a new life.

Rabbi Jonathan Cahn’s books about The Shemitah, the 7 year cycles of leaving the earth fallow and clearing debts, and the blood moon prophesies also invoke this type of cycle.

Lunar eclipse energies stirs up the electro-magnetic fields, our unconscious feelings and emotions at this super high tide. Memories from previous eclipses may re-appear as they happen at the same degrees every 19 years.  The last one was April 3, 1996. Where were you at then?

The eclipse re-activates the seventh Uranus-Pluto square only 18 days before this eclipse. The Total Solar eclipse at the last degree of Pisces was only 15 days ago along with the Equinox portal. We are being sandwiched, squeezed, hammered and birthed as fast as we can be and thrust into a new awareness. 

LIBRA’s symbol the scales originate from the ancient Egyptian Goddess MAAT’s golden scales of justice and karma. The archetypal myth is that after death, the human heart is weighed against Maat’s crown of an ostrich feather. If the heart is heavier than the feather, then the soul must return to earth to continue to work on its’ issues until it completes and let go of its emotional baggage and achieves the requisite, light as a feather heart as a resurrection in this life. 

This is the key and it’s a beautiful symbol. 

 Libra Balance Maat Astrology Tara Greene

Libra by  J. Bosschart

This is where we are needing to go. Lightening up, letting go, dropping our stories, mental chatter, our stuck in the groove repetitive compulsions of unconscious karmic wounds. To be clear minded, unhampered emotionally, able to be fully in the now.

Numerology of 4/4 

The eclipse occurs on the 4th of the 4th , we are working with the four main elements at this eclipse.

1. The realm of the mind, LIBRA air element. 2. The MOON, feelings, water. 3. FIRE element of spirit, the Sun in ARIES, the partner of the Moon. 4. LIBRA is ruled by VENUS and she is strong in her earthy sign of Taurus now..  There are four directions, the number four is a foundation. It symbolizes POWER.

Tarot, Kabbalah and CELTIC correspondences.

LIBRA is symbolized by the Trump card of JUSTICE which is the 11th { and/or the 8th}  key of the Tarot.  Its color is emerald green. Its sound is F#. The symbol means an ox goad. The Hebrew letter is lamed.

Aries is the symbol of THE EMPEROR, TRUMP # 4. The Emperor is doubly proclaimed loudly. Aries is a new beginning in being the responsible wise leader of your own life. Aries is the I AM principle.

The Emperor’s color is scarlet. His tone C natural. His symbol means a window. His letter is Heh.

Is the Emperor wearing any clothes?

In CELTIC tree lore tradition this time of year is ruled by the ALDER tree. She is connected to water, to Bran, the raven, bringer of magic, Odin’s bird. LIBRA is connected with two trees. The bramble, a vision bringing plant, and IVY which represents the rebirth of all souls. Ivy symbolizes imagination, she is evergreen, related to Bacchus or Dionysus. This fits for the Easter symbolism as well. 

This will be the shortest eclipse of the century, good for those with short attention spans, so we have to be quick about it. Check out where, and if you will see all or part of it where you are located.U.s. Canada and world map

lunar eclipse map Astronomy Tara Greene

MEDITATION and RITUAL herbs, colors, incense, angels

For the ceremony and meditation we want to bring in as many attributes as we can.  Use what you have.

Minerals and Stones associated with Libra

Smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, Herkimer diamonds, Moonstones, emeralds, lapis, kunzite, coral.

Stones for Aries

Red garnets, bloodstones, carnelian, ruby, amber.

I would use watermelon tourmaline as it has both the green tourmaline for Libra and the red for Aries.

Set up an alter or sacred meditation space.

I would recommend lots of smudge and incense for Cardinal AIR.

Incense with coriander, rose, sweetgrass, sandalwood, and vanilla for LIBRA. Put on quiet meditation music. You can prerecord these instructions with pauses to listen to as you do the meditation.

Use white or green and red candles. The MOON’s color is silver. Use silver candle stick holder or put dimes, quarters or silver dollars on the alter and wear silver jewelry.

Libra rules the skin, small of the back and kidneys and adrenals. Cleansing and toning herbs are angelica, thyme, burdock and bearberry.  The Moon rules the breasts, the left eye, the lymph, bodily fluids and saliva, ovaries. If you have any problems with these areas bring them into your meditation, and use Reiki to amplify the healing energy.

Begin by smudging yourself first.  Light your candles.  One for each direction. I always work EAST to SOUTH to WEST TO NORTH. Always move clockwise.

Call in the four elements and the four direction into your sacred circle.

Call in the four Archangels, Michael, Gabriel, Ariel, Raphael in the same order.

Center yourself by breathing, sit or stand as feels right to you. You can do this ritual outdoors as well. Best to do this with your eyes closed.

The key is to meditate on opening the crown chakra first. As you did on the last 7th Uranus Pluto square.

Look up at the sky and see or imagine the moon. Feel the moon’s energy. Feel the silvery white pure light and the black endarkened Moonlight pouring down into your crown chakra at the top of your head. It will be powerful and easy to access. Breathe. Keep breathing naturally and easily. Your intention is everything. You are safe and in control.

 Imagine your crown chakra opening like an observatory. Feel the energy pulsing and becoming alive at your crown. Once you feel it is open begin to command your breath and the Moon’s energy down into your pineal gland, a violet flame or eye will appear, this is your 3rd eye being activated.  Feel it opening there between your brows. Keep breathing.  Once you feel that activation occur, then breathe the eclipsed moonlight down into your 5th chakra the throat center, and see and feel its blue color activated. Feel your throat expanding.

Then breathe down the sun/moon light into your 4th chakra your heart. It has a beautiful emerald green color. You need to feel ARIES absolute self-love first. Intend to connect to your own self as the beloved within. Then next in your heart imagine your beloved and you. See and feel the two of you dropping all your stories, your masks, and fear and centering together in love and union in each other’s hearts as equals, as opposite balances and as one whole entity.

When you sense this, then extend this energy out to the world. See all the others-all the humans and yourself as one equal half of the other. Muslims and Jews, Catholics and atheists, men and women.  See the wholeness, of self and other as one, both the yin and the yang, the polarity which is necessary for all of life. Feel the respect and the peace as each discovers how necessary and loved and needed the other is.

Keep breathing, go down to your 3rd chakra just below your navel, it is bright yellow, connected with the will, the SUN, and Aries. Breathe the Moonlight into this center and activate The EMPEROR here.

Then breathe down into your 2nd chakra. This is the womb in women, men have a spirit womb. It is bright orange and connected with creativity, birth, safety, sexuality. Feel this safe space filling with the Eclipsed moon light.

Then breathe down the dark moon light into your root chakra, at your perineum, it is bright red in color, like Mars, ruler of Aries.  This chakra relates to survival, groundedness, sexuality, power, passion Once you have the seven chakras open you are a rainbow bridge.


Command the eclipsed moon’s light to cleanse and purify any residual conscious or unconscious memories, from past lives, future lives and present life karma. Take your time, feel or sense it in a detached LIBRA manner. Ask to clear out all misunderstandings and emotions which are out of balance, ignorant, or un-awakened to their total balance. Ask to bring yourself into a place of total harmony, balance, peace, purity and love, firmly rooted in the middle way or pillar of justice.

See you heart cleared of all negative fixations, emotional ties, debts, sacrifices and delusions. Sense your heart reborn anew, lighter, clearer in its original purity and open to love.

Now visualize your heart weighed against Maat’s ostrich feather and watch until your heart comes into a perfect balance on her scales of justice. Stay with this energy.

Be in this as long as you need. Meditate and ask what you need to do now. At the end of your meditation always thank the elements and spirits and close your circle. Write down visions, feelings and questions.

Blessings, TARA


let me know how the meditation felt to you.

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

a shorter version was posted on Cosmic Intelligence Agency website. 

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5 thoughts on “Total Lunar Eclipse Blood Moon Resurrection part 1

  1. You are an amazing spiritual teacher sharing your wisdom with unconditional love. I would try this first meditation and share my experience with you. Bless you Sarah

    Sent from my iPad



  2. Hello Tara, I read your site every day.I’m going to try your meditation.I love learning from you.
    Is there going to be a part two to this meditation,
    Thanks for your love of sharing your gift with the world.


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