Once in 26,000 years, Betelgeuse, Neptune, Scheat at critical degrees

SUN and MERCURY had their Cazimi June14 at 23+ GEMINI. How did that go for you?Honestly, i haven’t been able to focus my mind since Friday that’s why I havent written. Please stick with me.

VENUS is also conjoined to Sun and Mercury and the trio are all aligned with Fixed Star Betelegeuse at 28 degrees 45″ GEMINI with an orb of influence of 2 degrees 40′.

No coincidence that the film Betelgeuse Betelgeuse the second in a long awaited sequal to the 1988 hit film whoch made Michael Keaton a star, is finished filming and comes out on September 6.

Sun Mercury Venus conjunct Betelgeuse are at the last critical degree of Trickster GEMINI in Tropical Astrology.

Betelgeuse is located in the Orion Constellation at the shoulder of the Hunter. The three notable stars in his belt represent the Great Pyramids at Giza, Egypt. The three personal planets are being squared now by Neptune also at the 29th last and MOST CRITICAL degree of the Zodiac and Neptune is conjunct to Fixed star Scheat at 29 degrees 23′ with an orb of 2 degrees 10′. Fixed star Betelgeuse gives martial honor, preferment and wealth. It is of the nature of Mars and Mercury. [3] Venus is there on Father’s day

Scheat has a very bad reputation. According to Ptolemy it has the nature of Mars and Mercury; to Simmonite, of Saturn; to other authors, of Saturn and Mercury, and, to Alvidas, of Neptune in square to Saturn or Mars. It causes extreme misfortune, murder, suicide, and drowning. [1]

Scheat is an especially unfortunate star regarding the sea. It was said to indicate danger from that element in the form of tidal waves or violent storms. [2]

“This star Scheat imparts to its natives’ stubbornness, one who can be headstrong of a combative nature. The native gains lose friends and acquaintances, may be unfortunate, of a changeable, almost unpredictable nature, has high enterprise, and may be subject to violence. May become of a controversial nature. Fantasizes. [6]

Yes the Scheat is about to hit the Fan. This difficult Neptune-Scheat energy will be in effect off and on until February 2026.

Now with Sun Mercury Venus conjunct Betelgeuse is super important because according to Astrologer @Tolimanu on X
This influence of the Neptune-Scheat combo with Sun Moon Mercury conjunct Betelgeuse in GEMINI amps up this energy. “We haven’t seen anything like this ever before, because both of these fixed stars haven’t been at these anaretic degrees for 26,000 years, and Neptune has not been at Scheat for 165 years since1859 AD when the Carrington Event occurred when Neptune was at 26 Pisces and Scheat at 27 Pisces and Saturn was at the lunar nodal Axis of fate.

The Sun conjuncts Betelgeuse every year on June 19/20/21. “War and carnage are presaged by Betelgeuse.” But also “The star is indicative of great fortune, martial honors and other kingly attributes” (George Noonan, 1990).”

Beetlejuice is said to have a Mars-Mercury nature, which is good for competitive things like the Summer Olympics in Paris Fri, Jul 26, 2024 – Sun, Aug 11. Betelgeuse is traditionally considered fortunate, associated with wealth, success, and recognition for great achievements and prominence. Preferment, luck, success and everlasting fame are promised. If also in conjunction with Mars, there is danger of death by lightning, fire, explosions, firearms or similar things. [5] Paul McCartney, the most recognizable and arguably the best-loved man in the world for 60 years of inspiring musical contributions, has his Sun on Betelgeuse.

Mercury is technology and communication, and Mars is warfare and conflicts related to merchandise, goods, and trade wars. We’ve just seen Saudi Arabia drop the U.S. dollar as its standard for the first time in 50 years. The rise of BRICKS countries signifies a shift in the world economy. The Neptune square to Betelgeuse will be ongoing into 2026. This can make things more confusing, foggy, magnifies debt-ridden, addictive, delusional, and self-sabotaging. I will write more about this on another article

The nature of any anaretic 29/30th degree is more intense and can be destructive in nature because it’s the maxed out energies of the sign, and the stars and planets crossing those points.

0 Cancer, World Point

Venus crosses into Cancer on June 16 at 11:20 pm PDT, June 17 at 2:20 am EDT

Mercury follows her on June 17 at 5:07 am EDT and the SOLSTICE is JUNE 20 at 4:51 pm EDT

As the SUN and Venus and Mercury all enter Cancer, we are in wet, moody, femininie, home tummies, nurturing,food, food security, home security, children, mothers, the mother land.

Saturn is almost standing still, preparing to Station Retrograde on June 29 at 19 degrees 26′ PISCES, squaring the natal Mars of the U.S. at 21 Gemini in the 7th House. This can be a big war signature. American just announced mandatory signing up for the draft for men and women for the first time since the 1970s and the Vietnam War. We will definitely be reviewing the tracks we have taken and the choices we made in work, spiritality, letting go, and self-sabotage as Saturn Retrogrades until November 15th at 12 degrees 42 minutes PISCES.

It’s Father’s Day, Have a peaceful, truce under a Libra Moon for Father’s Day, a balanced energy. Venus and Neptune Venus’s higher octave square off at 29° Gemini/ Pisces both at critical last degrees. A very idealistic dreamy compassionate projections, addiction, denial and forgiveness energy. Neptune at 29° Pisces is all about a completion of a long cycle in Pisces which ended in 1862. Forgive your dad, if he was not there for you, was abusive or denied you, for your own mental and spiritual health. Venus enters Cancer at 11:20 pm PDT, June 17 at 2:20 am EDT,6:20 am GMT

  1. Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology, Vivian E. Robson, 1923, p.99, 206, 231.
  2. Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.29-30.
  3. Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.80.
  4. The Living Stars, Dr. Eric Morse, 1988, p.127-128.
  5. The Fixed Star Health and Behavior Imbalance,Ted George,Barbara Parker, 1985, p.168.
  6. The Power of the Fixed Stars, Joseph E. Rigor, 1979, p.218-220

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