April 8 Chiron Healing Solar Eclipse and 5th Return

The SUN turns Black on April 8 under a Total North Node Solar eclipse, visible across parts of Mexico, the U.S. and Canada, at 19+° Aries, a rare sighting and that’s why there is so much news about it. It is a very long eclipse as well, the totality being more than 4 minutes long.

A Solar Eclipse is a super New Moon, as the Femnine Moon temporarily blocks the Sun’s light and the Electro Magnetic Fields and tori fields of the earth and our bodies are affected by it. All Nature goes completely silent during a total solar eclipse. Millions of people are travelling or already in major cities where the eclipse will be visiible. Will you be able to be in the areas of the eclipse path? If you have planets at 18-20 degrees ARIES and are personally affected by this healing eclipse I would advise you to be under the totality and absorb as much of its energy as you can as its such a personal pivotal moment. But there is so much more.

April 8 is not only significant for the North Node Total Solar Eclipse showing us the way to new Aries growth collectively. Bu it is also the exact alignment of the Sun and Moon with Chiron, the Wounded Healer Centaur/shaman at 19 degrees 24′ Aries and properly should be called a Chirotic North Node Healing eclipse.

A North Node eclipse signifies where the collective energy is heading toards for new growth and learning. It is also conjunct to the Natal U.S Chiron at 20 Aries 5′. This is America’s ongoing 5th Chiron Return since it was born July 4,1776.

Technically this should be called The Chiron Healing Total Solar Eclipse for everyone, but especially for the U.S. where the elcipse is most visible and the areas where the Totality is visible because eclipses reveal shadows and hidden things in the light of day. This signifies a rather raw, open, wounded, defensive and vulnerable period in the U.S. where old past battles, defenses and wounds are ignited in order to be worked through, cauterized under the Solar eclispe’s cosmic energies and healed.

It is time to heal the wounds of War, all wars The U.S. was birthed in War and is a place which promotes male violence and domination in its culture which dominates the world. We need to heal this old festering wound of Toxic Masculinity, which is sanctioned in the Bible and release past karmic imbalances with the South Node in Libra.

The Aries North Node indicates where the collective energy and greatest spiritual growth and healing are. Conjunct to Chiron the cosmic message and archetype couldn’t be clearer. The need to heal, deep seated wounds again, under the fiery, spontaneous, aggressive, initiating, independent, PTSD soldiering entrepreneurial ARIES energies from July 17th, 2023 – January 11th, 2025 along with Chiron the Wounded Healer couldnt be stronger. They are co-present in Whole Sign systems for that long. The North Node moves backwards through the Zodiac every 18 months.

Chiron the comet/asteriod/ Centaur body of rock was discovered on November 1,1977 by Charled T. Kowal in Palomar California. The object was named after the Greek Centaur healer in Mythology who was famed for healing many great Greek heroes but when wounded with a poison arrow he and even his Centaur wife Chaiklo could not heal himself and in terrible pain and desperation Chiron sought out Zeus, his father and offered to give up his own immortality in exchange for the freedom of Prometheus. He needed Zeus to allow hin to die rather be in pain forever because he was half human and half immortal. Zeus agreed to the exchanged and for his gret service Chiron was transfirgured into a Constellation Cenaturus, visible in the Southern Hemisphere.

Psychologist Carl Jung said “The analyst must go on learning endlessly. A good half of every treatment that probes at all deeply consists in the doctor examining himself… it is his own hurt that gives a measure of his power to heal. This, and nothing else, is the meaning of the Greek myth of the wounded physician.”

Jung’s colleague, Marie Louise Von Franz went on to add, “The wounded healer IS the archetype of the Self [our wholeness, the God within] and is at the bottom of all genuine healing procedures.”

Chiron first enetered ARIES on April 17, 2018, but Retrograded back to Pisces September 25, 2018. He returned on his sojourn February 18, 2019, where it will stay until Chiron moves into Taurus June 19, 2026. It will Retrograde again into Aries once more from September 17, 2026, before finally leaving the first fire sign on April 14, 2027.

Chiron was last in Aries from April 1st, 1968, until October 18th, 1968, when it Retrograded back into Pisces. Again from January 30,1969 until May 28, 1976. Returning to Aries October 13,1976 until March 28,1977 think back if you are that old about what was going on in your life then.

The tighter conjunction of Chiron to its natal position is from July 23, 2023 within 5 degrees from January, 2024 until May 7 with Chiron between 15-20 degrees of ARIES

Solar eclipses allow the shadows to be seen in broad daylight, as the Moon blocks the Sun’s light in the day. You are connected to this eclipsed solar consciousness in a big way.

The North Node is your and the collective’s fated direction to follow. Eclipses open windows of opportunity in the HOUSE that they occur and also to aspects they make to each persons’ individual chart.

DURING the Eclipse, feel into your most tender and vulnerable places and wounds, the Blackened sky reveals the raw vulnerability there. Everyone is PTSD, everyone is carrying the karma of all the wounds of all their ancestors. But you now must heal your own wounds, to heal the world too.

Aries is defensive, and while we need strong boundaries, being overly defensive is not healthy as we miss or misjudge many experiences that hungry Aries wants to have. Underneath there defenses there is always fear, pain, feeling of rejection and suffering.

With MARS, the Ruler of ARIES and this eclipse presently in PISCES this is a fabulous time for compassion, empathy, forgiveness and healing of addictions, denial, mental illness, feeling jailed and lonely. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. Being vulerable takes the greatest strength. Look to the house the eclipse is in for you.

In degree Theory the 19th degree is Libra as well pointing to the South Node’s Karmic imbalance energy.

For example the Chiron Eclipse occuring in the 11th house has to do with wounds and vulnerability and being defensive with groups, freedom, radical invention, networking, organizations, and management.

The Sabian Symbol of 20 Aries the Eclipse and Chiron degree by Dane Rhudyar


“KEYNOTE: Overcoming crises through compassion.”

This totally relates to MARS SATURN conjunction in PISCES here note.

“Nature’s seasonal rhythms imply an oscillation between living and dying. Through creative imagination man can “fly over” the cycle, and discover means not only to escape from the fatality of seasonal decay or deprivation, but to assist other living entities to survive through crises. Migrating birds fly south (cf. symbol of Aries 12°), but by establishing a partnership with other creatures unable to escape wintry deprivation or death, man can maintain the life of the spirit (symbolized by birds) steady through all crises if, like a “young girl,” he is widely open to the promptings of love and sympathy.

At this fifth stage of the symbolic sequence we witness human activity motivated by sympathy overcoming the seasonal phase of impotency. Life potency in nature spirits reaches a higher level in the human being.

The theme is THE TRANSMUTATION OF LIFE INTO LOVE.” http://www.mindfire.ca/An%20Astrological%20Mandala/An%20Astrological%20Mandala%20-%20Aries16-30.htm How beautiful is that?

I will be travelling to view the eclipse in PICTON Ontario where my friend lives right on Lake Ontario in the Eclipse Totality path. Praying for clear weather. Desert areas should have great visibiility. Remember that Mercury is Retrograde in Aries and travel snafus will occur and I am expect ing lots of major disappointment and anger because the eclipse will mot be as visible as many would like.

I will set up a post-Eclipses workshop as the effects of the eclipse lasts 13 months, instead of the usual 6 months.


get a PERSONALIZED CHIROTIC READING and ongoing support for how THE HUGE ARIES TOTAL ECLIPSE IS AFFECTING YOU NOW  http://www.taratarot.com


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