Jupiter Retrograde Horoscope

Jupiter, Mr. Big, Thor, Yahweh, turned Retrograde April 10th at 24 degrees 21 minutes of Sagittarius and will roll back to 14 degrees 30 minutes, August 11th.

Jupiter was last at 14+ degrees on January 14/15th so in effect, almost all of 2019 so far has been in Jupiter Retrograde shadow period. It will take until November 6th for Jupiter to bypass its retro point. Hardly any real advance motion in 2019 with Jupiter in it’s own sign. Rather strange that.

Jupiter rules fertility, luck, optimism, faith, higher education, expansion, Justice, military, politics, laws, teachers, gyms, international affairs, airplanes, animals, philosophy, travel, space and honesty.

Jupiter Retrograde rewinds things in all of the matters Jupiter governs. rescinds, redacted, reacts, refuses, rests, renews, re-educates, releases, and re-inspires. All Sagittarius feel this stronger than most signs. Get your luck back and get your groove back,

Here’s some quick horoscopes or Heaven scopes for your Retrograde centaur journey, using solar signs, a natural and equal house system. If you know your Moon and Rising or Ascendant sign check out these forecasts too.


Jupiter RX in your solar 9th house, is close to your MC or 10th house. This is Jupiter and Sagittarius natural placement. Review educational plans and studies. Go over travel plans. Review schoolwork, re-read all those books you skimmed over. Re-tell some old stories and jokes. Re-energize yourself, work out, restart New Years resolution re-edit any writing.


Jupiter Retro in your steamy 8th house of sexy intrigue, other peoples money, power and control, sex, taxes, and secrets. This could reintroduce you To old lovers, kinky sex, and those you can’t stop feeling for. Review taxes. An inheritance may be coming finally, resubmit for loans or financial benefits.,revisit back to school and travel plans.


Jupiter Rx in your 7th house of committed relationships. You may be rethinking a relationship or other business plan. Plan a wedding or engagement now. Finish any and all school courses now. Relive happy travel time’s. Visit old friends and colleagues. You may have to have THAT conversation over again. Relearn something. What do you really want the commit to?


Jupiter in your 6th house of health, work, community and service. Go back to a diet or lifestyle where you felt great. Fertility issues or digestion issues may act up. Watch your diet. Martial arts or yoga is good for you. Curb excess expenditures. If you’re not happy with your work rethink where you want to be at end of summer. Give at a food bank or put in some community education volunteering


Jupiter Rx in the 5th house where you shine brightest. This is fertile for having kids or launching a creative project. You may be demoted or want to take a leave to Play, travel or study. Reflect on the power and love you have to give. Children may come into your life. Old lovers return. Get up and dance, throw a retro themed party. Play. Buy that vintage car you anyways dreamed of since you are young.


Jupiter Rx in your 4Th house is a private siesta where you get to read and dream of adventures. Makeover you apartment or home. This is a fertile time to have children or create more income from home. Review diet and lifestyle which will enhance your wellbeing. Home schooling is favoured. Get ready to move in the summer. Plan an exotic trip and Save up for it. Do a DNA test.


Jupiter Rx in your 3rd solar house of information and siblings. Contact with long lost family from anywhere in the world. Plan Lots of socializing and dinners with old friends. Get some tools to help your social media skills. Short trips are featured. Expand your vocabulary or study another language. Buy retro fashions. Redecorate an office. A style change is due.


Jupiter Rx in your 2nd house of self-worth and money. There may be old payments and Debts due. If you didn’t get a bonus or promotion plan to get it now. Examine deeply held beliefs about poverty. Read up on power of positive thinking or get Hypnosis. Plan a future conquest. Don’t sell yourself cheap. Reward yourself by being honest with yourself and others.


Jupiter Rx in your 1st house of self identity. Examine your roles and work now to come out firing in August. Finish up your projects you procrastinators. Re-edit that article book , review books and classes. This is your boomerang time. Make the most of this once in 12 year opportunity. Stay positive but don’t over expect. Take calculated risks. Plan to Travel August to November. Your appearance could use a makeover. Polish up those old jokes.


Jupiter Rx in your 12th house. Any illegal issues will come back to haunt you now. Dreams and psychic energy will be enhanced. Ancestors May come to your in dreams to teach you. A good time for psychotherapy and shadow work. Give to charities, atone for youR karma. Review studies and finish off courses. Study paranormal or mystical and spiritual things. Take a break from being the head honcho, you deserve this 4 months off.


Jupiter Rx in your 11th house of wishes, hopes and dreams. Time to study new tech and revisit that invention on the back burner. Re-network with old friends and colleagues. This is a good time to clarify what you really want. Plan a new project, revamp some wishes, the universe will send it to you. Make a vision board.,Plan a trip or other dream you’ve been yearning for. Expand your office or workspace.


Jupiter Rx in your 10th house of career and fame where you need to review your starring role in the spotlight. Prepare your big public appearance. Exercise, take acting or speaking lessons to build up your confidence. No more martyrdom and toxic relationships, no more playing small. Jupiter is also your ruling planet so yeah, take advantage of it. Creativity and psychic energies are enhanced. Make sure you have your shirt power shined up . Your dream recall and lucid dreaming will be strong. Remember, the more successful you are the more charitable you can be.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene. Always credit me.

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