Love and kishkas, rocky road love advice

VENUS IN VIRGO, aka the MRS. CLEAN of the Zodiac.

What is PERFECT LOVE? The perfect Venus in Virgo lover?

Presentable, dependable, hard working, intelligent. He/she never has anything stuck between their teeth, is never  late, always cleans up, never makes mistakes, always comes in under budget, has the  perfect BFI, never cheats on a diet, squeaky shiny clean hair, never farts, always showers before and after sex. Never throws up, not overtly passionate,  has never been arrested or cheated on their taxes, the parents like her/him. 

love match astrology TAra Greene

Sept 17

 Venus opposes CHIRON IN PISCES – LOVE and the Dark Night of the SOUL 

Addicted to perfection. Stop wearing those too tight shoes that are pinching your heart strings.

Love debts, karmic debts. Have you paid off yours already?  You know what I’m talking about?

Are you in that relationship because you are unconscious? Because you have some old lessons, resentments, wounds, repair work to do? Hey we all do it. I did in my first marriage. We are all evolving towards more consciousness and self- responsibility.

Astrology can explain and get underneath the old karmic patterns in lovers, parent child sibling and family relationships.

Chiron in Pisces is unconditional love, no ego, accepting the other as they are and yourself.

it’s sexual healing.

Where does that love hurt?  Let me count the ways.

Look in the mirror. do you see perfection? Yes the inner perfection, the spiritual essence yes. The human projection? 

O Cry me a river.  “I’ll clean up the mess for you”with PISCES there.

Workaholics are also addicts.  Yoga addicts, fitness fanatics, organic raw vegan no- gluten, dairy, foodies, manic consumers, TV vultures, fast foods, porn, compulsive binging of anything is a means to avoid everything that hurts you.  And OY does it hurt  my kishkas. 

VENUS IN VIRGO rules the kishkas, a Jewish word for intestines.

REIKI them bowels, hold your heart where it hurts, let the tears flow. Give it up to your Higher Self,/God/Goddess.

Find solace in a hopeless place. This is the DARK NIGHT OF THE LOVE SOUL. 

I heard the spiritual leader of the Unity Church in Sedona give a great sermon on Sunday where he talked about the DNOTS- good acronym. 

The lower, deeper, the more you surrender your ego, the more you are willing to die to your old self’s programmes, the higher you are going to soar and heal, in the LIGHT DAY of the soul which inevitably comes after. 

VENUS QUINCUNX URANUS later in the day-


ice cream Astrology Tara Greene

Inspirational Daily Card 


If you have paid off your karmic love debts already then good. Because you been there done that and now.

Venus in Virgo likes things and LOVE, steady, reliable,  doing a good job every day.

 Uranus in ARIES though is aiming to subvert that and blow the usual routine sky high. There will be unexpected bumps, kinks- not of the sexy kind necessarily,  left turns,crazy, chaotic,  quirky unexplainable – you cant make this stuff up- kinda things in your LOVE life and your values. Not to mention your paycheck.

Innovate your love, work, routine, tear down the old safe walls and step off the cliff, 

Trust that the wind will be beneath your wings. YOU MUST. New growth,

something better is calling even if you don’t know what it is.

There is a better place, a better newer shiner you.  TRuST in the tryst.


PLEASE share widely.

all writing is copyright of TARA GREENE.

Get a red rock Sedona vortex reading  and past loves too. with Tara 

OUR LOVE IS NOT PERFECT by White Canyon 1992  

We found love in a hopeless place- Rihanna   




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