Happy Birthday Paul McCartney

I have been a Beatles fan since I was 12. Looking at Sir Paul McCartney’s Astrology chart today onhis 82nd birthday-may he live to be 120, and the day he met John Lennon on July 6, 1957 in Liverpool at a Church Hall fete in Woolton. Sixteen year old John Lennon was lsinging lead and playing acoustic guitar for the Quarrymen a skiffle and rock and roll group. This was right after Elvis Presley catapulted rock and roll to new heights. Interestingly transits occuring that day.

Jupiter at 25 VIRGO in exactly on Paul’s perfectionist hard working modest Ascendant squaring his Gemini Sun and MC,his career and reputation. Jupiter is considered weak in Virgo opposite the Sign it rules traditionally, Pisces.

Paul’s also has a huge Gemini stellium of Uranus/Saturn, Mercury Retrograde, in it’s rulership and Lilith on his MC and 10th house of success Gemini Sun.

Paul has an exalted Jupiter in Cancer in his 10th house, Venus is in rulership in Taurus, blessings singers with beauty, taste and sensuality. Paul also has a LEO star power stellium of Mars/Pluto charisma and drive, loves to be the center of attention and a showman.

Chiron and the Moon in 11th House of radicals, revolutionaries, unique individuals. His North Node is in Virgo conjunct Asteroid Psyche which symbolizes the Soul in the 12th house of the collective unconscious.

Ceres the Great Mother at 29 PISCES, the most karmic degree there is, indicated Paul’s immense spiritual and creative talents which he has fed the world with, and his chameleon-like ability to empathize with the characters in his songs,from Elinor Rigby, to the girl leaving home for the first time, Lovely Rita, Lady Madonna, Rocky Raccon, Blackbird, Julian Lennon, John’s son for who he wrote Hey Jude.

Happy 82nd birthday Sir Paul, from your old fan


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