Saturn and NEPTUNE Retro Pisces dream spiritual review

Spiriutal and karmic matters Get really Serious as Saturn Stations Retrograde June 29 at 19+ Pisces at 3:07 pm EDT and Stations Direct November 15 at 12 Pisces. That’s 140 days of karmic reflection, dream work, releasing ourselves from old karmic long held patterns payback time. Saturn hasn;t been at this degree in 29 years,

NEPTUNE, Modern ruler of PISCES also Turns RETROGRADE July 2 at 29 PISCES at 6:40 am EDT until December 7th. This gives us over 5 months of Internal, introspection of the highest spiritual order, Doing our shadow and dream work personally and collective is of utmost importance.

Saturn Chronos sphaera Wikimedia Commons
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ALL planets are at their strongest at these key turning STATION degree points. Saturn has been lingering at 19 Pisces since June 6. During these 5 months, you must get serious about and take full responsibility for your shadows, your karmic debts and patterns, any denial, addictions, debts,fears, projections, buried psychic and creative energies, your Saturn daddy issues, your ancestors, you need to be grateful for and especially your psyche and dreams.

I counsel clients on all these matters with astrology, tarot, dreamwork, shamanic and spiritual counsel. I am a Certified Transformational Psychotherapist. DM me.

Anyone with a lot of Pisces planets even if you’ve already done with your Saturn Return is still having to face more challenges and tests while Saturn is still in Pisces until January 2026. Saturn’s energy in Pisces helps you to mature and build, its good for healing work, forgiveness,daddy issues, creativity and meditation and letting go of toxic relationships and setting new healthy boundaries. There will be endings a lot of grieving, crying and cleansing.

This Saturn Retrograde in Pisces has all the feels and is a karmic turning point; it is way more emotional deep down, in our dreams and unconscious and stirring up old shadow material, than Saturn in other Signs.

If you are born between 1993-1996, you’ve never felt anything like this before. Saturn is the planet of karma and in Pisces, the most karmic 12th sign. Stationing Retrograde feels heavy.


From May 1993 to April 1996, March 1964 to March 1967; and February 1935 to January 1938. 

Saturn turned Retrograde in Pisces 30 years ago on July 2, 1994 at 12 degrees Pisces. In July 1994, NASA’s Galileo probe entered Jupiter’s atmosphere. Jupiter is Pisces’s traditional ruler; Pisces rules ephemeral things like atmospheres. Note that Saturn stations Direct at 12 Pisces on November 15 2024.

Saturn Stations Retrograde at 19 Pisces in U.S. 3rd House Gemini like of communications, advertising, media, news, info, siblings, short travels, cars, analysis, debates choices, intellect, youth, open-minded, curiosity and duality. Neptune rules PIsces is now at the most karmic 29th degree of the Zodiac, 29 Pisces. Jupiter, the traditional ruler of Pisces, is now in Gemini into 2025. Saturn opposes LILITH in Virgo at 19 degrees in the U.S. 9th House of Justice, lawyers, teachers, women, Foreign relations, religion, animal rights, travel, and honesty. Virgo rules health,work, natural foods, harvests, farmers, herbal remedies, service industry, humility, women, the earth, ecology, information, perfection, and budgets.

They square MARS in GEMINI- a very tense aspect in the 7th house of marriage and relationships with all others. Mars is aggressive, testosterone, war, soldiers, explosives, action, danger. Gemini is information, intellect, ideas, thinking, analysis, duplicitous, double-talking, merchandise, childish, siblings, media, sales, information, analysis, and youth. Gemini and Virgo are Ruled by Mercury. This signifies: an ancient religious war being a turning point in History. Aggressive initiatives, a media war, a split in consciousness. Legal battles over journalism, information, secret cabals, shadow work. Lilith working through our health and bodies, the body never lies. Let Lilith speak through your body. She demands equality for women and mutual respect or she refuses to engage.

NEPTUNE the planet of everything spiritual, dreamy, psychic, telepathy, mysterious, unexplainable, ephemeral, creative, ghosts and ghosting, cemeteries, institutions, jails, compassionate, religion, spiritual, psychic, lucid dreaming, gases, oil, film, photography, images art, music, Hollywood, Glamour, illusions, projections, debt, viruses, the shadow, unconscious, hallucinogenic drugs, addictions, glamour Hollywood, fake news, money laundering, death, endings, surrender, martyrs, Christianity,the oceans, water,

Issues of debt will be in the news, tsunamis, water shortages or floods, new hallucinogenic laws, religious repeals, mental health, holy wars, endings, surrender, healthy boundary setting. Releasing that which does not serve our higher selves. Making dreams a reality, honouring our spiritual essence,


Especially if you have planets at 15-20 degrees Pisces or Gemini, Virgo or Sagittarius This is a major turning point in your life. I am feeling the intensity of this energy; Saturn opens a buried treasure chest of suppressed buried or avoided emotions and shadows. Take the next 140 days to reflect, I am putting together a course we can journey through together using expressive arts, dreaming and Quantum creative imagination techniques. DM me if you are interested.


Because Neptune is at the very last degree of the Zodiac, it is a huge karmic ending and completion cycle. Anyone with planets at 24-30 degrees PISCES and also GEMINI, VIRGO and SAGITTARIUS will feel Neptune’s pull into the deep waters most. This is a time for collective facing of addictions and denial and rehab.

This is a huge colletcive psyche immersion, according to my fave psychologist James Hillman who went back to the ancient’s views on dreams as wholly archetypal, not personal and healing as in the Asclepous healing temples of ancient Greece, Chiron the Centaur taught Asclepius. Psychotropic mushrooms or plants were given but the patient waited to receive the healing dream which would cure them from the Gods.

“The ‘I’ in the dream is no secret stage director who wrote the play he acts in, no self portrait photographer taking his own snapshot from below, nor are the wants fulfilled in a dream the ego’s wishes. The dream is not ‘mine,’ but the psyche’s, and the dream-ego merely plays one of the roles in the theatre…


I will write more in detail tomorrow. My computer screen is bouncing all over the place.

watch mt fave psychologist James Hillman of Dreams

Please share widely all content is copyright of Tara Greene

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