Mercury in Scorpio,obsessive messaging

Mercury in Scorpio Nov 2- November 20 – The 8th door.

Our brains, our thinking our minds are into sex, power, death, wealth. The big essentials.

This is a relatively fast-paced, fleet-footed analysis of our deepest, darkest and strongest obsessions, passions and neglected desires as we venture through the 8th sign of the shadow. We can more readily come into contact with our own soul’s desires, our psyches and get laser-like insights into our own natures. 

This energy creates a mental-emotional connection which are obsessive and fixed in nature. This allows us to transform many old emotional blocks be they sexual, about money and abundance, power or lack of it and control issues.

Sex is largely in the mind. This can be a time to examine your own sexual nature and do this with a trusted partner. 

Mercury in Scorpio governs depth psychology, detective work and deep analysis. Surgeons and people who need very exacting skills would need Mercury in Scorpio. If you are in need of surgery this would be an excellent time to get it. Scorpio governs the reproductive organs, any issues you may have in these areas require your attention.

Under Mercury’s tour of Scorpio we can have deep penetrating mental and emotional connections now. It is a more inward, secretive time. Mercury in Scorpio energy decides for themselves what to do, how to say it and not ask for consensus. 

This is a soul mate energy as the 8th house also symbolizes transforming into “the other.” 

Scorpio Mercury time is very introspective and will be more secretive and defensive. It will be harder to pry into people’s minds. Those aligned with this energy will have greater ability  to pierce through the cloaking.

Yes there will be power struggles. Heated debates and mental duels and challenges will be the order of the day.

Politically and economically there can be many changes of CEO’s and heads of state and policies at this time.

Obsession is a major issue which can be positive  but potentially hazardous. It can be a beneficial time to look within and uncover what our hidden motivations are.  Transformation is Scorpio energies highest goal.

People born with Mercury in Scorpio have very insightful, deep analysis of the world. They can be mesmerizing speakers. Mercury in Scorpio is also very sinister characters, often murderers.

 Scorpio is radioactive energy. If you are in a clear state and know that you are walking your souls’ path you should be able to create what you want. “Do what thou wilt and harm none.” Is the whole of the Law.

Scorpio energy at its darkest uses, abuses, rapes, tortures, puts fear into others, manipulates, and plays with S & M. 

Scorpio eyes are like the cobra, they hypnotize and mesmerize. Be careful not to fall under the spell of any ruthless manipulators at this time. S & M is not a healthy choice, I don’t care how popular this is. I am fearless about speaking my truth in the face of all the B.S. “liberalism” another word for manipulation. Women are being brainwashed into accepting a practice which denigrates, tortures and demeans them.. There is some seriously twisted psychology behind this. We need not to harm ourselves. We do not need to prove anything, Pain is pain and not to be confused with pleasure. This shows a very traumatized person who is so armoured they cannot feel. We do not need more punishment, cruelty or to create more pain in this world. Call a spade a spade. S & M is a psychological block usually resulting from birth traumas according to Buddhists, past lives, body armouring, and  faulty beliefs of shame and guilt. 

Famous peeps with Mercury in Scorpio


Hilary Clinton, Prince Charles, Winston Churchill, Mahatma Gandhi, Condoleeza Rice, David Cameron, Theodore Roosevelt, 


John Lennon, Joni Mitchell, Katy Perry, Rapper Eminem,- very, sexual lyrics. Miley Cyrus, Drake, Snoop Dog, Puff Daddy, Thom Yorke of Radiohead, Usher, Lorde, Keith Urban, Julie Andrews, 

ACTORS and Directors

Anne Hathaway, Matthew McConaughey, Zac Efron, Tyra Banks- model. Viggo Mortenson, Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, Jodi Foster, Kim Kardashian, Ryan Gosling, Jean-Claude Van Damme, Grace Kelly, Bruce Lee, Charles Bronson, Kim Bassinger, Julianne Moore, RuPaul, John Malkovitch, Owen Wilson,Whoopi Goldberg, Martin Scorsese- film director,Josh Hutcherson,  Mark Ruffalo, Raven-Symone, 


Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Oscar Pistorius, Heinrich Himmler, Joseph Goebbels, 

ARTISTS and writers

 Pablo Picasso,  Arthur Rimbaud, Walt Disney, Oscar Wilde, Sylvia Plath,  Eugène Ionesco, Mark Twain, Seth MacFarlane, 

OCCULTISTS and spiritualists

Aleister Crowley, Deepak Chopra, 

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All writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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