Mars Retrograde, sex no no’s by Tara Greene

I re-wrote the emphasis of this article. Mercury Retrograde and about Mars too.

2014 is a big RETROGRADE  year. Mars & Venus both Retro cha-cha this year.

We are going over a lot of old issues. Especially RElationship ones. We are reinventing them totally.

The energies feel pretty intense right now. Don’t they? 

They will get hotter & more INTENSE approaching the GRAND CARDINAL EXACTNESS in APRIL on the 22nd.  

This may the BOMBSHELL aspect DAY of the year and a huge climax of the CARDINAL T-square energy which has been building since 2008-2010.

Lets talk about RETROGRADE’S first.

We’ve already had Venus retrograde. We’re in the middle of  MERCURY Retrograde till Feb 28.

March 1st MARS goes RETROGRADE!!!    MARS is S E X. Traditional all  Males, but it is all LIBIDO energy.

Literaly it means No sex, celibacy, Not tonight honey for 80 days.

Mars re Ararranging himself @ 27 degrees 31 minutes of Libra; then turning DIRECT May 19 @ 9 degrees 2 minutes Libra.

No Pornography Astrology

Mars only does this once every two years.

CHECK out in which house or houses, MARS will be pulling the plug on your sex life and outwards activities on.

That’s 80 days of learning to be in relationship but  non-sexually. I think this is TRULY ENLIGHTENING.

Take this special opportunity to embrace being fully alone and to learn who you partner really is. To relate without having sex. To be friends and not lovers. Old fashioned. It is a re-education for men and women.

Practising celibacy harnesses sexual and spiritual energies so they can be transmuted to a higher level after Mars goes DIRECT on May 19. I will be teaching a workshop just after that May 23-25 at the Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario.

The backstep my friends, for all MEN literally, and all things ruled by Mars.

For the ECONOMY in general.

Especially all ARIES peeps and Scorpio too. MARS rules your signs. DEAD STOP!

Try stopping a Scorpio from being sexual. Right.


But we’ll get to that in another article OK.

MARS is the life sparking Masculine principle itself.

Mars is PURE ENERGY, phallic power, everything related to Fire, guns, explosions, volcanoes, lightning, solar power, bombs, WAR, ignitions danger. The Big Honcho.

Mars is ACTION! In Libra Mars is already in a weakened state, debilitated and weak.

DO NOT initiate anything during MARS RETRO. Literally NO ACTION.

It is a time of sucking energy in. Inaction, energy will feel slow, inhibited. This can build up an internal heat and anger that is used to moving outwards, like a big TEMPER TRANTRUM or a coitus interruptus, an orgasm forced to stop.

Markets crash. Relationships too. Do plan to retreat. LET YOUR PEACE FLAG FLY. SURRENDER.

Stock up. Rest, renew, reflect, reinvent. REmake. Remodel. 

Mars is effectively castrated, defenseless during this time period, vulnerable.

MARS IS RECEPTIVE  now. It is like the Chinese TAO. Inaction, patience, wasting no energy.

As Sun Tzu says in THE ART OF WAR  

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.”

Mars will be transformed and transmuted archetypaly during these 80 days.  Mars is being turned inside out and backwards, learning to be a man without being macho. It’s time is for cultivating peaceful warrior energy. Making peace with the inner masculine who may have hurt you. Who may be a tyrant, rapist, your father, boss, the Archetypal President, Pope , BIG DADDY. That Machismo is being made impotent now. NO amount of VIAGRA is going to get those dicks up now, figuratively speaking.

A man without his MACHO. What happens then? It would be nice to wake up and find all the masculine weapons of destruction vaporized wouldn’t it? 

Mars is learning how to become receptive to the FEMININE. He is after all in Venus’s Boudoir for 7 months this year

MARK THIS DATE. MAY 11 Mother’s Day  no less,

Venus is at 9 degrees of ARIES in Mars’ sign exactly opposite MARS at 9 degrees  Libra.

This is a very powerful DAY, an in initiation of the Masculine into a new legacy of equality with the FEMININE. The Moon also initiates and conjuncts Mars and squares all the Cardinal Cross Planets as well.  A day of ALCHEMY, of the Masculine and Feminine coming together in balance.

We will see this MARS RETROGRADE energy filter down from the Highest levels. Men who have done and are brewing and doing their Soul work, who are becoming conscious of the destructive Patriarchal domination model and are stepping down from that terrible hierarchy. Those men and women who are open and learning and growing in consciousness with their own ANIMA, their own Inner Feminine Soul, and binding it in honor of the FEMININE and the EARTH HERSELF are making that SACRED MARRIAGE within will step forward to help move the energy in this Grand Cross. The Cross is always the symbol of the 4 directions, matter, the world, the foundation.

We are in the midst of creating  a new way of being in the world. All Women have an inner ANIMUS, Male figure as well. Women need to regain their Feminine strength again as the SOURCE as the QUEEN BEE, {that’s why Lorde’s song is so popular BTW}  and honor Feminine values which  shifts the inner and outer Masculine.

Pornography will be viewed as misuse of sacred sexual energy. Women being treated as chattel will be over, violence against women will end. The men have to see how their denial of, desperate need for and fear of the Feminine has destroyed women and themselves. This is a big high  vision I am putting forth. 

I’ve been thinking and thinking about the  GRAND CARDINAL CROSS CLIMAX in APRIL. Remember that this is the energy that was planted by PLUTO and URANUS in conjunction in VIRGO in the later 60’s which Created the PEACE LOVE FREE SEX SRUGS AND ROCK AND ROLL GENERATION. THE SEEDS SPROUT NOW.

X  marks the spot, The X configuration is a TREASURE MAP.

HOW DO we find the buried treasure in this? Most of my clients lives are falling apart in varying degrees, horrible divorces, deaths, loss of jobs, visa’s, health issues. Every person who’s planets fall directly in the X configuration, myself and my husband included are going through this. You can’t stop an avalanche.  Lets decode the info.

PLUTO in CAPRICORN- the PLUTOCRACY, fascist governments, secrets, power, wealth,the SUPER RICH, secret institutions.  Pluto in CAPRICORN is directly opposite the United States SUN, it’s idenity. THIS HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE in the U.S. history. It’s unprecedented. PLUTO is death, rebirth, regeneration. 


A new revolution, technology, freedom, liberation, a new cycle of development. Squaring PLUTO, the power for better and worse. 


This is the Amercan people themselves, the breadbasket, women, food, children, well being, housing, nursing, family values, emotional insecurity. Homeland security, literally. Jupiter is optimism,esoterically the planet of the higher master teachers. 

Mars in Libra Retrograde-

Reneging on agreements, no peace, reigniting wars, emasculating men, peace negotiations, angry about injustice, action to change laws, Libra is the scales of Justice. MARS rules ARIES so he overules Uranus now.

A lot to think about….so many scenarios.

PEOPLE will be reacting. I have seen civil war breaking out in the U.S. Mars is guns literally. Mars Retro is taking peoples right to bare arms away. 

Let me know your thoughts.


ALL writing is copyright of TARA GREENE. You may use if full authorship is attributed to Tara Greene and this website.

Get a reading with Tara I’ll help you figure out your X

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