Justin Trudeau, Canada Election Astrology

I have predicted federal and mayoral and International elections with 90% accuracy going back to 2004 when I was first interviewed by Mike Strobel for the Toronto Sun Newspaper about the Federal Election outcome.  I correctly predicted Obama’s second term.

I predicted that Justin Trudeau would be Canada’s Next Prime Minister in my December 2014 predictions for 2015.

With a week to go, I will look at the current front-runner Justin Trudeau, Liberal Party leader, and eldest son of former Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau who governed Canada for 16 years. Justin was born December 25, 1971 at 9:27 p.m. in Ottawa, the nation’s capital.  Justin, 43, grew up in Canadian politics and has been the head of the Liberal party since April 14, 2013.

Apart from being Canada “royalty” he has a very rare six-pointed star formation in his Natal Chart. This marks him for spectacular success. 

Juston Trudeau Canada election astrology

Justin has his solid Capricorn Sun in the 5th house of charm, self-will, creativity, big-hearted.

His Moon symbolizing his mother, is of course in fiery Aries, as his mother Margaret was an independent free-spirited woman, who was 30 years younger than her husband.  The Moon is in the 8th house of wealth, taxes and transformation. His Moon is opposite Uranus indicating that his mother was a unique woman and that  he had an unusual childhood and was raised unconventionally. His parents divorced when he was six years old and Justin and his two brothers were raised by their father.

His Ascendant is Virgo which helps him relate to the working and middle classes.  He is a disciplined intellectual, a perfectionist, a hard worker, a clean living man. His Venus, his values, creativity and the way he relates is conjunct his North Node in Aquarius also in the 5th house of creative self-expression. Venus North Node in Aquarius is soul who must manifest his desire, he is a visionary leader, an inventive, brilliant thinker, a high-energy, freedom loving individual, who marches largely to his own drummer, although he is a loyal giver. He is a non-conformist, although Saturn, symbolizing his famous father and ruling his Capricorn Sun, sits right in the High Noon position of worldly fame in his Natal Chart at zero degrees Gemini. He is most definitely to power, born. 

Justin has three planets in Sagittarius; Neptune, Mercury and Jupiter in the fourth house. This means Justin is totally honest. He cannot lie, he is a natural politician, judge, traveler, philosopher, and idealist and can be naive. His thought may seem to be all over the place with Mercury in Sagittarius he has a lot on ideas and interests. He is a somewhat private person, generally optimistic and happy, with a good sense of humor. He is very close to his family, he is married with three children. He is a serious idealist and dreamer with Neptune opposite Saturn. 

Interestingly Justin has his Mars, his drives, defenses, his testosterone at the very last critical karmic degree of Pisces in the 8th house a Scorpionic house. Justin is a spiritual warrior, and a compassionate idealist. He embpdies the archetype of the New Masculine energy. Justin has a very strong desire to finish up his karmic Mission in this life time. He is tender-hearted, emotional and feels deeply. In the 8th house Justin will create many changes in the budget, taxes, and distribution of wealth. He would support socialist issues all the way.  He would defend everyone’s rights to their religious beliefs recognizing that we are all One.   

His Pluto, his soul and unconscious, is in Libra, in the 2nd house of resources. Justin is fair, just, considers others, has good taste, and is a good diplomat. Pluto is opposite Mars and Chiron in Aries. He is a very powerful opponent. He feels his soul is on a mission to heal, to bring fresh vigor, new ideas, and ignite a new source of power. 

Saturn in Gemini makes Justin a great communicator and speaker. He may seem two-sided or non-committal because of the Gemini nature. Saturn in Gemini matures that split airy Gemini signature energy. He has oodles of charm and may never seem to age.


Saturn has sat atop Justin’s M.C. for the last 4 months or so helping him to be taken seriously. Transiting Saturn in Sagittarius is opposite his Natal Saturn and conjunct to his Neptune in his 4th house. The power comes home. This is a dream coming true.  Saturn which is reality will touch Justin’s Mercury this year and his Jupiter which rules Sagittarius in 2016. 

VENUS JUPITER AND MARS are in Virgo in his first house and squaring his Sagittarius planets. These are all very good transits. Jupiter rules his Saggy planets and his Mars. 

URANUS is exactly conjunct his 8th house Moon. Justin is going through a time of incredible change in his emotions, his feelings and how people see him. Uranus is freedom, liberation, revolution. It is chaotic and can bring out an electric charisma. Many Canadians are seeing Justin as the change Canada needs from the Harper conservatives. 

The North Node, the collective highest spiritual goal is at 29 degrees Virgo or Zero degrees Libra depending on if you use the North or Mean Node of the Moon. Either way this Nodal Axis falls right on Justin’s Pluto in the 2nd house giving him power and aligning with what the collective wants. Zero degrees Libra/Aries are two of the four cardinal world points. The transiting south Node and Asteroid Vesta {Investments} is exactly conjunct to Justin’s Mars in Pisces. This points to a karmic time in his life. Pluto will also be squaring Justin’s Natal Uranus in Libra. 

But the really interesting thing to me is this: 

I swear his father Pierre is helping him from Heaven and guiding Justin into this election.  Pierre Trudeau was born October 18, 1919 at 7:03 a.m.  The synchronicity is this: Pierre’s Sun was at 24 degrees Libra with a 21 degree Libra Ascendant. His father had Mars and Saturn conjunct at 5 and 8 degrees of Virgo and his Venus was at 14 degrees Virgo. 

The transiting planets Venus Mars and Jupiter on this Election Day are totally aligned with his Father’s planets. Transiting Saturn symbolizes Pierre Trudeau and Saturn is conjunct to Neptune. This is his father’s dream come true. 

And how does this align with Canada’s Natal Chart? 

See my former astrology delineation of Canada http://taratarotweb.tripod.com/id186.html

Canada has a 16 degrees Aries Ascendant with Neptune at 14 degrees Aries. Justin’s Moon is right on the Ascendant. Canada would see Justin as a nurturing caring mothering figure. 

Canada has its natal Mars at 5 degrees Virgo exactly where Trudeau the elder had his Mars and conjunct to Justin Ascendant.

Canada has its North Node at 17 degrees Virgo in the humble 6th house of work, service, and lumberjacks. It’s South Node, its past is 17 degrees Pisces. Canada is a chameleon, it takes on the shape of its people, and it is humble, serving, and meek. It needs to protect its valuable resources and the environment with Virgo. 

Canada has its Jupiter at 7 degrees of Pisces in the 12th house this is why it has always been such a socialist country, and open to refugees. Neptune by transit is exactly on Canada’s Jupiter. There has been deceit, oil, illusions and water issues, lack of boundaries, addictions, and self-undoing because of P.M. Harper’s politics.

Justin’s Descendant at 3 degrees Pisces, his Neptune and Saturn bring a new dream, a new reality, more compassion, and care.

Chiron the Wounded Healer is currently at 17 degrees Pisces sitting exactly on Canada’s SOUTH NODE it’s past. Pisces rules, oil, liars, religious fanatics, glamour, illusions. No wonder Canada’s reputation has gone down the tubes. 

Transiting Jupiter is at 14 degrees Virgo. Canada’ riches are Pluto at 15 degrees Taurus, it has huge natural resources.  Jupiter is training Pluto, an aspect that just occurred by Transit on October 11. This ties in with Justin’s Natal Jupiter in Sagittarius which squares Canada’s South Node and North Node.  It makes me think of The Fisher King, and Trudeau as Percival. The wounded fisher king is the country.  Percival, when mature enough knows to ask the King what ails thee? And the King then recovers from his wounded thigh and the country recovers from being a wasteland, like the Alberta Tar Sands. 

What do you think?

I’ll deal with Harper later, 

See previous election Harper articles http://www.taratarot.com/id40.html

Please share widely 

All writing is copyright of Tara Greene 

Get a reading with Tara Greene http://www.taratarot.com

