Sagittarius time, Horse sense

Mercury is in Sagittarius as of Nov. 20 -Dec 9th. Although Mercury is in detriment in Sagittarius, the sign opposite one of the signs it rules. This is great timing. Sagittarius energy is optimistic, easy-going, aiming higher. The Sun also drives through the Sign of Sagittarius on Nov. 22 in his annual monthly visit.

Mercury also rules Virgo, and Jupiter the planetary governor of Sagittarius and Pisces is now in Virgo. Mercury and Jupiter are in mutual reception for the next three weeks or so. This facilitates grounding the mind, focussing on daily tasks, getting things orderly and accomplishing a lot.

VIRGO you can stop worrying so much during this phase.  Mercury in Sagittarius lightens up the mental buzz making it easier to laugh, relax and trust.

Mercury is the TRICKSTER God, a hermaphrodite, the messenger of the gods.  Which Caitlyn Jenner is embodying these days. 

The mind travels very far, fast, and metaphysically in fiery Sagittarius.

The Galactic Center is in Sagittarius in both Tropical and Sidereal astrology. We can expect forthright, “hoof in mouth” communications. Brutal honestly, with horse sense can inspire, and bring optimism to even the darkest mental prison. The energies feel pretty dark around the world these days. 

I felt my energy lift today with Mercury in Sagittarius. Be of good faith and good cheer. .

Speaking the truth: Mercury in Sagittarius and  SATURN SQUARE NEPTUNE – outing fake psychics

A young educated professional client came to me recently who has been shamelessly ripped off by a local psychic charlatan.  I just happened to be looking at their add on yelp last night wondering who had given them good reviews. This woman had been letting herself be manipulated for almost a year by this psychics who has a storefront  in Toronto. The story was that she was manipulated and told not to tell anyone else, or work with another psychic or the fake psychics “powers wouldn’t work.” The same tactics rapists, kidnappers, psychopaths and tyrants use.

The final straw was this psychic tried to extort her for $20,000 to help her [ the woman} do better financially. That was what finally woke her up and she refused to answer her calls or texts.

I hear so many stories like this. It really sickens me. These fakes give real authentic spiritual counsellors a bad name. I seem to always see people when they have already been taken and wasted hundreds and thousands of dollars. It is a crime to prey on desperate, deluded people and manipulate them. These fake psychics  are the Bernie Maddof’s of the spiritual world. I wish she could sue her and try to get her money back but it was all cash. This is black magic and extortion. It will come back to these phonies 9 times over. They usually have storefronts, lots of candles and advertise the “love spells” reunite lovers’ “change your luck.” It’s all about manipulation, control, and lies.

I can understand and empathise that your life can be very hard. I’ve had heard thousands of stories and have witnessed many horrific events from clients and in workshops. Many people simply have not taken responsibility {Saturn} for themselves for creating what exists in their own life. There is no quick fix. Only you, in truth have the power to change your life. No one can  manipulate anyone else either as they aren’t puppets. If you don’t take responsibility for yourself, then you are actually unconscious and like a puppet and allow yourself to be victimized by someone else who knows this simple psychological truth and takes advantage of you, in relationships, family, career and in the government and culture. It is rampant in the world. There is No hocus -pocus in that.

But it is time to wake up. It is the 21st Century. It is all spiritual and a physical illusion. Everything is energy. Psychological processes through Tarot and astrology and past life regression will help you understand yourself first. I always empower everyone I read for. 

Have you ever been ripped off by the fake psychics? have you tried that “free reading” over the net? there are hundreds of those to. Tara-Medium who i often get mixed up with is a major player. No real person only an astrology program and owned by a guy in China who also owns about 50 more under different pseudonyms. They phish. They have huge advertising budgets. 


As Mercury is never far from the Sun, mainly these are Sagittarius peeps too.

SCARLETT JOHANSSON- Sagittarius born Nov. 22 1984, with Sagittarius SUN and Ascendant, Mercury and Uranus in Sagittarius too.

BRITNEY SPEARS Sagittarius Dec 2, 1981 Sag. with Mercury in Sagittarius. 

Christina Aguilera Dec 18 1980 also Sag. 

Salman Khan, Bollywood actor, a Capricorn

Jay-Z, Beyonce’s better half, December 4, 1969  Sagittarius

Isaac Newton, Jan 4, 1643  English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, and alchemist.

Jude Law, December 29, 1972 Sagittarius Accendant too.

Nicki Minaj December 8, 1982 SAgittarius

Jimi Hendrix, November 27, 1942 Sun and Ascendant in Sagittarius too. 

BJORK, November 21, 1965 

Tina Turner, November 26, 1939 Sagittarius

Jared Leto December 26, 1971 

Jake Gyllenhaal, Dec 19,  1980  Sagittarius too 

Edith Piaf, December 19, 1915 Sagittarius , French songstress

Maria  Callas, December 3, 1923, Sagittarius famous American Opera Singer

Woody Allen, December 1, 1935 , Sagittarius

Beethoven, December 16, 1770 Sun Moon and Mercury in Sag. 

Frank Sinatra, December 12, 1915. 

Stephen Spielberg, December 18, 1946. 

Louis Tomlinson, December 24, 1991, One Direction singer 

Rachel McAdams, November 17, 1978 

Ricky Martin, December 24, 1971

Sai Baba, November 23, 1926

Please share widely 

all writing is copyright of Tara Greene


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