Day of the Dead,Dia de los Muertos,remembering our ancestors,there is no death

Nov.1 day of the dead ritual tara Greene

ALL SAINT”S DAY Dia Los Muertos

November 1st is a very ancient Mexican Festival to honor and celebrate their deceased ancestors. To the Native Indios in Mexico and throughout Central America death was never an end to Life but a beginning,a transition. Most indigenous people world-wide honor their departed relations, their ancestors and remember them not only on one or two days in the year but daily, setting plates of food for them at the table after they have  passed into the Spirit world.

In  China 3 oranges are usually left as an offering to feed the departed spirits, whose help from the other dimensions is of great value. Aborigines, shamans, ordinary people tap into the knowledge of their departed loved ones regularly who protect, watch over and guide them.

November 1st Dia de Los Muertos in Mexico is celebrated  by the wearing of wooden skull masks called calacas and dances in honor of their deceased relatives are held. Wooden skulls are placed on family alters dedicated to the dead. Sugar skulls, marked with the names of the deceased on the forehead are eaten by a relative or friend, It is  a kind of ritual cannibalism, the eating of an effigy of the dead means that person’s spirit is with in you,feeding you.

Ancient Aztec civilizations held the  festival on the 9th month of the Aztec solar calendar, approximately at the beginning of August and was celebrated for an entire month, ruled by Goddess Mictecacihuatyl. She is known as the Lady of the Dead and was believed to have died in childbirth. So the festival was traditionally in honor of children who also had died at birth. Rituals were also dedicated to Huitzilopochtli { Sinsiter Hummingbird} a war diety.

Christianized to coincide with All Saint’s Day or All Hallows Eve, in Spanish: “Día de Todos Santos, Mexicans now celebrate the day of the dead during the first two days of November.

There is also the Saint of Death.

Mictecacihuatl pronounced ‘Meek-teka-see-wahdl’  is Queen of Mictlan the Underworld, called Hades in Greek Mythology, ruled by PLUTO/ SCORPIO in modern Astrology, she rules the Afterlife.  Mictecacihuatl was represented as a skeleton with jaw agape to swallow the stars during the day.

SAint of Death like Pluto astrologyMictecacihuatl Lady/Saint of the Dead

On November 1st and 2nd Mexicans visit the cemetery where their loved ones are buried. They decorate gravesites with marigold flowers and candles. They bring toys for dead children and bottles of tequila to adults. They sit on picnic blankets next to gravesites and eat the favorite food of their loved ones. It is a time of celebration.

The ancient festival is also being honoured by Native and Afro- Americans. Incense is offered, the deceased favourite music and foods are cooked for them.

Honoring Your dead Ancestors

It is 10 month since my father passed away on Dec 14, 2011, I miss him terribly. I am an only child and my husband and I were care taking my mother up to three years ago until her death and my Dad as well even though he was in a nursing home for the last year of his life. My father Harry lived to be 98 years old. He always sang to me, he was a wonderful dancer, told jokes and old family history about Vaudeville and early Toronto cinema stories. I miss my mother too. I have tracked them since their passing. On these night I honor my parents, my aunts and uncles and friends who have passed on. Also those who inspired me, artists, musicians, poets, inventors.

Take time out to honor your ancestors,or those who have gifted Life and have now departed. On these days Light a candle, meditate on your loved departed, think of them with thanks gratitude and reverence. If you have had a miscarriage or abortion allow tears and the sadness to move through you. This is  a real grief that women are not allowed to honor. These days are specifically for children who died.

Frida Kahlo miscarriage Day of the Dead

When the veil between the world’s is thinnest, the departed will most naturally speak to you in dreams and leave signs. You just have to ask. Nothing to be afraid of. The modern, civilized religions, fear death,and  are cut off from the natural wisdom that the ancestors bring. Death is merely a transition to another dimension. In fact the dead are always very close at hand. To fear death is to fear life, sexuality, pleasure, embodiment.

That is all SATURN”S domain, Lord of death, bones, the Grim Reaper.
ALL of us will die and transition, as we already have.  You know this, you are cosmic star dust from the beginning of the Universe. YOU are all One with ALL THAT IS WAS and ever will be.

Grief assistance:

Need help to grieve and let go of a miscarriage,or an abortion?

I assist with psychic mediumship readings, and karmic chord cuttings.

Ed Sheeran song Small Bump

Read more about Mexican festival :


Mars Trine Neptune,10 days of Desire and Angel Messages, psychic Tara greene

Aug 25 11:53 pm PDT      8/26 @ 2:53 am EDT

 Mars- the warrior Trines-beneficial flow-  Neptune in Pisces

Neptune is spirit, bliss, Oneness, at 1 degrees of Pisces, Neptune ruler of  Pisces is conjunct to the Archangel GABRIEL the message bringer, the announcing angel. Just listen to Archangel Gabriel.

Another way of looking at this is Mars trine Neptune blends their energies and Mars as the warrior is more like the Archangel Michael the fiery Archangel of the East whose flaming sword protects.

Mars is desire, passion, life and Neptune is Spirit, Angels, bliss 

It’s WINGS of Desire / desire for wings.

I would use call upon and use both Angels energies.

Listen deeply to your Angels and carry a big sword of protection!

10 days INVOCATION of Angels -take action to invoke the highest energies and listen deeply with all of your soul.

Aspects begins Aug 25 Sept 3   10 day angelic invocation a step by step very simple guide.

 DAY 1  Aug 25PDT/26 EDT

Set the intention and  call in Angels Michael in the East and Gabriel  in the West.

If you are clubbing partying, etc. be very careful with drinkingthis night  as this aspect makes it easier to get plastered and fall for some drunken romantic illusions {Pisces.}

Better to go home early and save yourself  for the love of the angels.

Wings of Desire Mars trine Neptune

All you have to do is ask.

By Sacred Law the Angels must come and do your bidding.

Make a definite time to sit quietly, headphones to block out noise, soft meditational music, deep breathing, wear white, light a candle, ask for the protection and listen.

Day 2 Aug 26

Same thing, only this time bathe before you sit in mediation.

Offer food, cookies, oranges, chocolate.

 Relax sit breathe, light a candle, meditate. Ask the Archangels to come to you. Ask for Divine protection and ask what is the message Angel Gabriel has for you.

Day 3-10

The important thing is to repeat the actions every day. The body becomes accustomed to the routine. If nothing seems to be happening at first don’t give up. If you’ve never meditated before, your nose will itch, you will get distracted, your mind will race. You need to still the mind, the endless chatterand  yakkety  yak.

Why is it that there is more and more information and enldess  talking these day and less quiet time on the earth now than in the previous 30,000 years?

The plot is to keep you from being able to be still quiet reflect.

IT is tantamount to be able to get quiet,otherwise how else will you know what to do?

All the answers are with in. the angels are with in and without, all around you. You are the universe.

Keep doing the meditations evry day and notice you body start responding to healthier choices. If things don’t start flowing to you easier in synchronicity. That is also TRINE energy.

I will check in with you every day to see how you are doing.

I am doing this myself, and I am getting ready to go to Las Vegas to do 2 healing workshops with Stuart Wilde then on to Sedona for a week of serious meditations  in the famous red rocks vortexes.

 I will also be offering SEDONA spiritual psychic readings, tarot astrology and healing.

PLease book your Reading ahead of time so I can schedule you in around my other activities.

A rare opportunity to get enhanced spiritual vortex energy

Readings will be available Sept 4-10  from Sedona ONLY

book now

or email me

8/26 @ 2:53 am EDT

Numerology,Tarot, Angels,10 day Spiritual cleanse rituals by Tara Greene

August 7 adds up  8 + 7 + 2 + 00 + 1 + 2 = Number 20/#2  Vibration. The #2 day symbolizes the HIGH PRIESTESS { the MOON} Day.

The Number 20/2 is a very powerful number. All the other numerical equivalents like 29,38, 47, etc. reduce to 11 a Master number first.

This day begins a 10 day cleansing leading up to the August 17 New Moon .So come on along with me and I will guide you.

In the TAROT the number 20 is commonly called JUDGEMENT DAY,from the Book of Revelations. You know the Archangel Gabriel comes nad blows his trumpet and the dead rise again.

In the Thoth Tarot which I use the card #20 totally departs from tradition and is renamed the AEON, the NEW AGE, and shows Egyptian God symbol HORUS reborn,  from the sky Goddess NUIT and her consort HADIT.

Horus means  HRU The great angel set over the Tarot, or your personal Guardian angel.

Crowley Thoth Tarot deck The Aeon

The numbers 20 and 2 are my Personality and Soul numbers. So I am very familiar with their vibrations.

The # 2 in the Tarot is the HIGH PRIESTESS and she is on the Middle Pillar e4of the Tree of Life emanating from Kether, The Kingdom. The 2nd Sephiroth is called CHOKMAH, wisdom  in the Kabbalistic Tree of Life. She is the Moon the unconscious,the memories, the in utero experience, your mother, the karmic glue so to speak, security, nurturing, protection, the hidden, the shadows, twilight, reflection, meditation, water, all things dark and Feminine.

Thoth Tarot High Preistess

The #2 is the power of women to be in tune with the Moon’s natural cycles, with their psychic intuitive natural energy, especially when they are “on their Moon” during their menstrual cycle. Women are most psychic and powerful when they bleed and that is why there are “taboos” against men touching women during this time. It is the most sacred and HOLY time of the Month, so ladies do celebrate ad honour your sacred MOON time. TAke time out to rest reflect get into a bath and let it bleed, love your menstrual blood, it is sacred substance used in sexual Tantric and ancient priestess rituals for healing. It is fertile and was the original Fertilizer.

Read more about my High Priestess memories

Use this day to meditate to cleanse as VENUS has just entered Cancer for the Month and Cancer is ruled by the MOON.

The Merkabah is also associated with the # 7 The Chariot which is assocaited with the Astrology sign of CANCER.

The Power of #2 meditation for this special Day and join me in a 10 day riutual cleansing

The Moon will be void-of-course from 1:04 pm PDT/4:04 pm EDT until tomorrow 8/8 – more about that numerology in the next article,

till 12:28 am PDT/3:28 am EDT.

I will be meditating at 11:30 pm EDT so if you’d like to join me.

 Light a white candle, make sure it is in a safe place. have a notebook or paper near by, and a bowl of water.

Imagine or create a half a half-moon crescent on your 3rd eye.

Imagine a veil of moonlight or sacred shield around you resting on your crown chakra, atop your head and flowing around you in a circle protecting you. Sit and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. Slowly.

As you breathe in allow yourself to go back in time. to when you were a HIGH PRIESTESS connected directly to the Moon. Men can do this as well, integrating their own anima or Inner Feminine.

See the New Moon over your head, it is a shadow a black hole but you know the moon is there. August 17th is the next new moon, we are moving from the Fullness into rebirth at the Leo New MOON.

Call in your Holy Guardian angels, ask for their help. Ask for whatever it is you need to shed, to let go of, whatever physical spiritual, emotional mental shackles, bondage, limitations are  keeping you back from being true to your own SOUL, the Anima.

BE with this allow whatever images, sensations, feelings to come and be released, you are safe and very well protected.

Keep breathing, know you are always in control and you are being held and protected. Do as much as feels comfortable for you.

Ask for a symbol, image or sign that you can use to anchor this cleansing and renewal.

Then when you feel ready,give thanks to your guardian angels and slowly come back to your body and this time.

Write whatever happened. Wash your hands and face in the water, this is a ritual cleansing.

Your homework is to keep doing this for the next 10 days. Try to do this at the same time every day.

Do what works easiest for you. The point is the 10 days of cleansing.

Let me know how you are doing.

I can also lead you personally to a cleansing ritual by phone

Blessings TARA

Aquarius Full Moon,Aug 1,LAMMAS,Tarot, The Star, Merkabah spiritual Astrology by Tara Greene

Aquarius Full Moon 2012 click on chart to view larger

YEs I know it looks very complex

RARE 6 pointed star formation Merkaba on this AQUARIUS FULL MOON

This AQUARIUS FULL MOON is full of TAROT symbolism as well as planetary Merkaba formation, and on Pagan holiday LAMMAS, very  potent synchronous signs.

 The symbol for the sign of Aquarius in the 22 MAJOR TRUMPS of the TAROT is called the STAR.

I had looked at the chart and saw that there appeared two GRAND TRINES in FIRE  and AIR signs forming a rare 6 pointed star formation. Popularly known as a  JEWISH STAR, seen as the symbol of Israel, it is a symbol of the as above so below, Hermetic maxim. IT is also the symbol  of spiritual realization. The 6 pointed interlocking star is known of in Buddhist, Theosophical, Hindu and other world religions as a powerful symbol.

The 6 pointed star is the symbol of the number 6 TRUMP card in the MAjor Arcana, The LOVERS in the TAROT.

The formation in 3-d is also known as a MERKABA a spiritual energetic and meditation vehicle for elevating the soul to other dimensions. The Merkaba is also a CHARIOT, the symbol # 7 in the TAROT. Spiritual teacher Drunvalo Melchizedek speaks about learning to master the Merkaba ascension vehicle in meditations.

August 1 is known as LAMMAS in the wiccan/pagan calendar of the 8 rounds of the wheel of the year

Lughnasad is its other name. We are half way to the AUTUMN Equinox now. It is traditionally celebrated as the wake of the Sun KING, who is dying now in the waning of his own Light. cookie people figures and star cookies are baked in celebration.  It is time of anxious waiting, we are not yet assured of a harvest which will keep the people alive. It is  a time to free oneself from FEAR.  A snake dance is created going counter clock wise, bread figures are thrown into the bonfire to symbolize the burning up of one’s fears. Then one says what one hopes to harvest. Symbols of STARS are held up. The High Priestess would say,


The coveners would eat the star cookies and celebrate.

So i found it highly synchronistic to find the rare 6 pointed star formation in the aspects of the Full MOON/Lammas chart.

The 6 pointed Star is formed from The Moon at 10 degrees+ Aquarius, trine to Jupiter at 10 degrees+ of GEMINI trine to Mars at 16 degrees+of LIBRA. Yes i know it is officially over by one degree to qualify as an official TRINE angle of 5 degrees but the Moon is involved enlarging the specifics. I feelit is too powerful a sign to overlook. 

The Fiery GRAND TRINE is formed by the NOrth NOde at 2 degrees of Sagittarius, trine Uranus at 8 degrees Retrograde of Aries, {you could also include Asteroid Athena at 11 degrees of Aries} to the Sun at 10 degrees of Leo and includes Mercury Retrograde at 3 degrees of LEO.

Because both the SUN and the MOON  are involved the Trine angles are enlarged.

This is a very auspicious symbol. The lasts major Merkaba formations were way back in 2004 I believe.

This one is composed of 6 planets and the North Node.

The formation isnt visible in the sky but only when the geometric angles are seen on paper as below.

That’s a lot of fire and air power.

Aquarius wants us to leave the old outmoded laws, structures, belief systems  behind, notably Saturn at 23 degrees of Libra is not involve in the configuration. Although Venus at 25 degree of GEMINI is conjunct the NORTH STAR Polaris and trine to Saturn.

All over the world we are seeing the inflamed effects of the Uranus Pluto squares which have been active since 2011 in Egypt, Tunisia, in Syria still Iran and other places. The Age of Aquarius has just begun.. the next Uranus Pluto exact squares are September 19 at 6 degrees 57 minutes of Aries and Capricorn.

Merkaba Meditation

The effects of the Full MOON last till the next New Moon which will be in LEO on AUGust 17th

All full moon’s are time of completion. A time to be thankful. Sit in MEdiation and breathe deeply as the Full Moon is exact.

It’s at 8:28 pm PDT and tomorrow August 2nd at 3:28 am GMT. or do your best.

 The point is to tune in and use the ancient Lammas day celebration energy as well.

 Follow your breath in slow deep natural inbreaths through your nose, holding gently for a few seconds then breathing out through your mouth. Continue this for a few minutes until you sink deeper into relaxation.

Breathe through the bottom of your spine slowly opening the root chakra, then the 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th crown chakras.

Below you at the iron ore core of the earth imagine growing deep roots out of the bottom of your spine to that molten iron core deep within the heart flame of Mother earth. Send your intention down there first to anchor and ground yourself.

Above you there is an 8th chakra of golden light about a foot or two above the crown. After you connect with the root chakra in the earth bring up your attention through the root chakra and up the main channel and out the top of your head to this golden orb. Once you feel connected to the golden orb send your intention out further to the 9th chakra that is connected to the ALL THAT IS or AIN SOPH AUR.

Your intention is enough to take you there.

Then as you sit peacefully and centered ask your higher guides to build the Merkaba chamber around you in imperishable golden indigo light.

 See the merkabah form around you. the Triangle forming with its apex directly above your head  is a 3 Dimensional formation you are visualizing that you are sitting in a pyramid made of Golden- Indigo light.

Then imagine the 2nd triangle forming with the lower point below you root chakra in space below the earth, and the top flat horizon parallel to what you would normally consider a flat horizon to be but it is miles above you in the sky.

This becomes a 3 Dimensional formation comprised of the 2 interlocking golden -indigo radiating pyramids.

This is a space-time travel vehicle. Once you can really sense, or see or feel the Merkaba around you , you can travel anywhere you wish to go.

Th6si is a wishing star vehicle.

Make 10 wishes on the Full Moon. call upon your Guardian Angels to help you and go wherever your higher self deems necessary or choose for yourself.

Take as long a  journey as you wish, and remember to send some love and good will to  help other who are struggling.

when you feel ready, pull in your breath sharply , tuck your chin into your neck.

Give thanks for all the wonderful Light beings,helpers animals, ancestors, fairies, people you know or whoever  came to meet you.

See yourself arise from the Merkaba and shrink it so that it s very tiny and place it inside your heart.

 From this time forward you can always take out your merkaba and use it to travel safely wherever you wish to go.


 Please do let me know how you find the meditations… I am currently making mp3’s and CD’s of them.

 If you’d like Astrology Tarot and spiritual guidance please get a reading.


Mercury Retrograde, heat,Venus Recovers sweet spot,I feel so close to you Astrology from Tara Greene

yes it’s hot, climate change is upon us. Huge chunks of glaciers the size of Manhattan just fell off. Hey haul them over here. I’ll give you some keys to staying cool when its this hot if you aren’t ethnically connected to ancestors from hot climes. My husband’s ancestors are Irish,Swedish, French and Native Canadian so he doesn’t like the heat. In Toronto today it was 43 with the humidex.  I love the heat. It did feel hotter today than I have ever felt in here.

I have crossed the Sahara desert, many years ago travelling from Cote D’Ivoire Ivory Coast through Mali to Timbuktu and through the Sahara to Algiers in a 6 week trip. It was 55 degrees Celsius and this was in September-October.

Tuareg territory Algeria Mali

Ghardaia ALgeria

The key to staying cool in the heat is to raise your internal body heat by mentally visualizing it. Simply let your temperature rise.  What burns you up? Now is the time to dredge up all the things that make you HOPPING MAD!!!  Turn you on and make you feel hot.

Drink hot liquids. My Russian Grandfather swore by hot black tea with lemon and sugar to stay cool. Ice cream, gelato and such although super tasty, temporary cools you down but does the opposite of what you wantl. Eat spicy foods, chilies, garlic etc. make yu sweat and keeps yu cool.

MERCURY is retrograde and yes, since Saturday, I have had old and UNEXPECTED! – Uranus Retrograde news. The usual snafu’s clients can’t get PAYPAL to work, wrong messages, you say tomatoes and they hear pork bellies. ya know the usual. How’s it  going by you?


VENUS is Recovering her RETROGRADE tracks now. She will be at the SWEET SPOT of her Sundance from June 5/6  on Friday July 20th when she regains 15 degrees 44 minutes of GEMINI. Where she was at the center of the sun transit.

So celebrate! Throw a big backyard Venusian shindig. VENUS loves beauty, company, socializing, flirting, getting sexy. This degree marks the Goddess clothed with the Sun, the advance of love, the recovery of love, the what was lost then, may be recovered now.And a whole new cycle starts again

Moon will be in LEO July 20

so it will be super passionate as the magnetic sweet spot of VENUS/Sun’s tango which left a deep impression.

I just realised that all those sunspots and MCE’s that have cranked up since their Rendezvous are caused by the passion of their attraction..

venus Sun transit astrology

One of my teachers taught indigenous Twisted Hair society Sweet Medicine teachings. She spoke of the Sacred Marriage and that everything in the universe was a passionate eternal infinite lovemaking of the Goddess and the God joyous, united, inseparable, orgasmic, ecstatic, and their infinite love and union’s orgasmic energy is what was constantly creating everything! Hindu’s believe the same and Kabbalistic teachings also speak of the ultimate Ain Soph Aur, in a similar manner.


Feel the heat  of the weather as the Sacred Passion, SEXY HEAT, orgasmic, sweat your prayers, the passion felt as  Sacred Marriage Love feast is what it’s all about. “The as above so below” is a superb philosophy.

I have always felt that  mainstream music and films which are a product of the collective unconscious -PLUTO territory are spelling it out- so here is

 I FEEL SO CLOSE TO YOU RIGHT NOW- it’s a forcefield by Calvin Harris

Bring back your passion, let yourself get melted down, let your defenses down…. open your heart,dance, celebrate being ALIVE!!!!

The universe  is making love to you at every moment! Your nano molecules and the Heart of the universe is intimately connected according to Quantum physics. To feel cut off from that LOVE Light and Source of love is an illusion. It is our raison d’être for being in these human bodies. lot so people are talking about ASCENSION – that means raising your consciousness and vibration to 5th and higher level dimensions.feeling bathed in red hot swety love is what it feels like, immersed in a lava flow of joy. Just imagine that.

feeling stuck? Get a reading

how about this song? ALicia Keys – NO One

on of my faves is HOT CHOCOLATE -PUT YOUR LOVE IN ME with National Film Board of Canada’s Norman McLaren classic

what are your favourite Hotty LOVE SONGS?

OMG June already! Scorpio Moon pre-eclipse,another Golden ticket from Tara Greene psychic Astrologer

Yes I know we are all feeling OMG it’s June already.

we are in prep mode for the Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius @ 14 degrees 14′ on Monday 4:13 am PDT/7:13 am EDT/ 11:13 am GMT

Neptune goes Retro June 4 as well.  time to repackage your dreams till Nov 10/11.

and the big GODDESS RETURNS event JUNE 5/6 Venus transit of the sun

first SCORPIO MOON time is perfect pre-all these huge changes

June 1st@ 5:31 am PDT til- June 3 @ 5:32 am PDT add 3 hours for EDT

SCORPIO weekend means emotionally intense, dark, deep, obsessively compulsive, sexy, shadows come out time,

let all your shadows feelings out to air BEFORE the big CHANGES is totally right on

examine your deepest darkest parts, the power and control issues, the I need to be right and you wrong,

see we’re still dealing with duality and all that will soon be overhauled on the Venus transit in GEMINI June 5/6

Go within this weekend, prepare for the Sagittarius LUNAR ECLIPSE

All Sagittarius energy is ruled by Jupiter, Zeus, JOVE, and is always UPBEAT optimistic Good luck

Golden Ticket Astrology Tara Greene

the golden ticket like in Willy Wonka .. So sink deeply into your Soul on the Scorpio near to Full Moon pre-eclipse

the deeper down you sink, the higher you will fly

Moon trines Neptune in early afternoon that’s deeply spiritual inspirational flights of fantasy dreamy, cant wait to leave the office

Mercury conjuncts Venus JUNE 1 so mind and heart are in union 4:31 pm EDT

JUne 2

Scorpio Moon trines CHIRON-  so deeply iritually cleansing

say: I freely let die all of the wounded parts of myself,from all time, to make way for new soul growth

June 3

Moon is opposite JUPITER in late Taurus @ 2:29 am PDT/ 5:29 am EDT

More PLEIADIAN energies available= simply tune in ALCYONE and the Central Sun is the station

Very powerful and POSITIVE energy

Moon goes void of course  then

MOON enters Sagittarius June 3 @ 5:32 am PDT 8:32 am PDT

things start to fly on Sunday as Moon squares Neptune which is very powerful before it swims against the tide

Moon trines Uranus so open your mind fully

Mercury Trines Saturn  so  GEMINI/Libra put some structure on those new fangled ideas

Moon squares Chiron-  the old wounded healer  9:00 pm PDT 

exactly at the WITCHING HOURS E.D.T. where I live

go to bed with inspiring healing dreams

wake up in the middle of the night for the eclipse  PDT @ 4:12 am you will see it

RING OF FIRE Zero degrees Gemini Solar Eclipse May 20 Reboot the system, spiritual astrology Tara Greene

The SOUTH NODAL Solar Eclipse is not total but Annular, the moon will shadow 94% of the Sun, leaving a HALO or HALLOWED ring of sunlight showing around the moon’s dark disk. There will be a visible Ring of Fire around the blocked out light of the Sun. 

annular solar eclipse

The word Hallowed as in the Lord’s Prayer, “hallowed be they name.” means to make holy or sacred, to sanctify, consecrate, to venerate. 

The sacred always speaks in puns, so this is the first clue that something Sacred Holy and sanctified is happening for the earth, and the Galaxy on May 20. It is 7 months till that date…. 

The Moon is at apogee the day before and farthest away from the earth. According to NASA’s Fred Espenek Eclipse expert. Annular eclipses have a special charm all their own. During an annular eclipse, sunbeams turn into little rings of light, the best place to see this is on the sun- dappled ground beneath a leafy tree. Hundreds of circular shadows can be found there!” 

I will be leading a special ceremony during the Zero degree eclipse up at the beautiful Grail Springs Spa in Bancroft Ontario about 244 kms. North of Toronto. We will be sitting amongst the leafy trees to observe this phenomena if we can. 

All Solar eclipses are super powered New Moons, new heightened beginnings. They occur at the same degree every 19 years. The last one was May 21 1993. What were you doing then? What were your hopes for now? Whatever you began then needs to spiral to the next level or conclude. 

may 20 2012 solar eclipseSolar Eclipses change the electro-magnetic frequencies of the earth, everything in space around us, our own bodies and all life on earth in a very powerful way. According to dowsers as the shadow of the Eclipse passes overhead, the ley lines or Chi energy grid lines of the earth power down to almost zero. The eclipse clears or deletes the old programmes of energy that were stored in the earth WHEREVER IT TOUCHES THE EARTH and reboots the system.   Hold that thought… 

a SOUTH NODE ECLIPSE has to do with the PAST, where we have come from. THIS is a very powerful rebooting of the entire world and especially the ares on the earth that the eclipse shadow passes over.

This is the 33rd Eclipse- note numerology significance Master Number in Saros cycle 128. 

For the 3.5 hour period that the eclipse lasts for, as the Moon passes in front of the sun and temporarily blocks its light from us. We go into a deep collective initiation into the heart of stillness. A perfect time to meditate. 


Being directly in the shadow of the eclipse as the Sun passes overhead are the areas most strongly affected.  TOKYO, JAPAN, Mt. Fuji is one of the strongest cities being affected. The greatest eclipse max is reached on May 21 at 23:52:47 UT over the middle of the Pacific Ocean.

NASA eclipse site:

The eclipse starts in China and passes over 13,600 kilometres on the earth over 3 and a half hour period and covering 74% o f the earth’s surface.  The eclipse itself will look like a ring of fire and pass over the RING of Fire area of the earth; the most active and dangerous volcanic and tectonic plate area in the world. Volcanic erruption alerts.

about those puns- here’s the song with the same nomenclature


Love is a burning thing
And it makes a fiery ring
Bound by wild desire
I fell into a ring of fire

I fell into a burning ring of fire
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire
The ring of fire

I fell into a burning ring of fire
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire
The ring of fire

The taste of love is sweet
When hearts like ours meet

I fell for you like a child
Oh, but the fire went wild

I fell into a burning ring of fire
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire
The ring of fire

I fell into a burning ring of fire
I went down, down, down and the flames went higher
And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire
The ring of fire

And it burns, burns, burns, the ring of fire
The ring of fire
The ring of fire
The ring of fire

The answer is always to surrender to the fire, go into the heart of the fire, the mind of the fire, the fire purifies, metaphorically speaking.

 The shadow passes South of Alaska’s Aleutian islands, makes landfall in the U.S. at the northern most edge of the San Andreas Fault. [It passes over Mt. Shasta a very sacred place, reaches Redding California at) 1:26 UT. May 20 local time. Crosses evada, Utah, New Mexico and ends just inside Texas.

 5 degrees, 2 minutes of Gemini is the exact Eclipse degree.

spiritual astrology may 20 2012

click on the chart to enlarge

What does it all mean? GEMINI-twins, duality, the mind

SOUTH NODE SOLAR ECLIPSE @ ZERO DEGREES GEMINI MEANS a new {zero} start, a new LIGHT {solar consciousness}

beyond the new mind -of Gemini  duality.  

The Sun and Moon are with in 2 degrees of the Pleiades which serves as a linking back with our ancient ancestral memories of our starry ancester origins  The Pleiades, the very famous 7 sisters  located 28 degrees of TAURUS.

 The Pleiades are located at one of the points of intersection between the galactic and super-galactic planes. These planes are STAR GATES, inter-dimensional portals and pathways for accessing higher-dimensional realities.

 5 degrees, 2 minutes of Gemini is the exact Eclipse degree.  If you know your Astrology chart check out where this degree is. This will show what and where is being released from your life at this eclipse. The aspects this degree makes in your astrology chart points out how you can use this information. 

the effects of an eclipse last 6 months to  a year after the actual eclipse.

Schedule YOUR eclipse astrology reading NOW!

GEMINI is the sign of the twins,

Mutable air sign. Gemini represents choice to love or hate, to be in union or separation. Gemini is the sign of learning to explore duality. Gemini symbolizes the twin pairs in our bodies, eyes, ears, hands, legs, and the two sides of the brain, our two lungs, which it rules. 

Gemini the twins

Mercury, rules Gemini traditionally and during this eclipse The Sun and MOON are conjunct to Mercury with Asteroid Ceres, Sedna, and Jupiter in Taurus 6 degrees back. Mercury is firmly grounded at 22 degrees of that first “resources” earth sign.


The Sun and Moon are with in 2 degrees of the Pleiades which serves as a linking back with our ancient ancestral memories of our starry ancester origins The Pleiades, the very famous 7 sisters located 28 degrees of TAURUS.

 The Pleiades are a very powerful group of stars worshipped and honoured by many cultures worldwide. The Pleiades are also located at one of the points of intersection between the galactic and super-galactic planes. These planes are STAR GATES, inter-dimensional portals and pathways for accessing higher-dimensional realities.

ancient connection with the Pleiades

read more about the eclipse on my website:

According to Marcus Mason a U.K. based Soul-purpose astrologer and master AstroCartogrpaher talks about global planetary alignments during the eclipse with Specific sacred sights. The sun and moon’s shadow only touch a small area of the earth, The planets intersect in many areas on the earth. Each planet or asteroid carries its own specific energies in 4 ways of expression. 

astrocartography map for solar eclipse

Astrocartography map of the Eclipse showing planetary and sacred sites intersecting 


Where I presently reside and Bancroft Ontario where I will be leading the workshop is exactly on the NEPTUNE on the IC line, within 23 kms of 81 w 04, 41 n 34 mins. 

Neptune is on the IC where I will be leading ceremony and connecting with the eclipse is like being at the spiritual root chakra for the eclipse! All things rooted in NEPTUNE are dreamy spiritual unbounded foundation. Neptune on the IC represents the foundation or root of unconditional love rules telepathy, intuition, occultism, metaphysics, dreams, and communion, contact with angels, ET’s, other dimensions!

I consciously planned none of this. I have found out these details in the last week and am piecing it all together now. 

The other lines connecting Neptune are: 

Neptune on the Ascendant- opening to new manifestations of unconditional love

Temple of Poseidon, Sounio Greece- the original God Neptune’s temple

Delphi, Greece, the Ancient Oracle- I will be reconnecting with my past lives as a Delphic oracle snake priestess

Rimnicu Vilcea, Romania, {where my grandfather came from} 

Mount Olympus, Greece. – Home of the Gods and Goddesses

Sarmizegetusa, Romania {The Romanian Stonehenge}  

NEPTUNE On the MC – expressing unconditional love and faith

At Angkor Wat Cambodia  {a place I have always been drawn to} 

So all of these lines are like one continuous snake line. it is the cosmic energy grid or CHI of the earth as mirroring the heavens and connnecting us to our sacred ancestors.

so please connect with us in this powerful ceremony: send me an email:

need readings about how the eclipse will affect you?

 The 4 lines represent traditional directions

 Ascendant is East, the MC is North, the DS is West and the IC is south.

It represents a medicine wheel, the 4 humours in  ancient phenomenology, 4 elements.

This is so exciting….please connect where ever you are on the earth, find which planetary lines you connect with and anchor those energies.

we will reconvene after and share our experiences together

there are spiritual ceremonies going on at Mt. Shasta Hawaii and in the middle of the PAcific where the eclipse is strongest, Glastonbury, etc.

NEXT UP! in two weeks JUNE 4 Lunar eclipse at 14 degrees 14 minutes of Sagittarius –

do you see th ehidden message there?

Super Sunday, Mother’ day, Golden Goddess luckiest day of the year,astrology fromTara Greene

Mother’s Day

You should honor your Mother for giving birth to you, and Always honor our common mother the EARTH

We’ve seen many positive astrological aspects form lately, Mucho Grand Trines, the beautiful Venus Jupiter Moon alignments in April.

The fabulous May 5 Super mOon in Scorpio. Did you have huge blow outs BTW? just askin…

One of the best most positive LUCKY STRIKE blessings of the year is coming up on Mother’s day May 13

the Sun conjuncts Jupiter at 23 degrees of  Taurus @ 6:23 am PDT/ 9:23 am EDT

Lucky YOU

This is BIG Source,  a Super Luck  filled day. The Sun =GOLD, Jupiter expands whatever it touches, and in Taurus it wants to touch you a lot!

Remember 2012 is all about VENUS, She rules the sign of Taurus where most of the planets are lined up right now,

its standing room only.

Jupiter in Taurus is the Bull markets, now I know gold and silver have been having their ups n downs and that is the upcoming Uranus Pluto squares forming. later for that one….

really its  a GOLDEN opportunity: Golden Goddess of Luck

as good as it gets. Positive  optimistic  thumbs up  cue the applause  everybody loves you   in the right place at the right time

win the lottery! the best is yet to come, stairway to Paradise LAdy Luck  Blessings from the Source,

Golden means  Rise and SHINE! 

You are the SUN, the Source, you have the gold, So focus on your highest good, receiving the highest blessings,

breathe deeply in through your mouth out through your nose,

imagine the Sun and see it’s light expand and expand,

the universe will not have a heat melt down you control the temperature,

feel the Sun’s light streaming to you and filling your 8th chakra

about a foot above your head, secure the golden light above your head,

feel this golden honey light flow in to your crown chakra at the top of your head,

down into your brain, your eyes, you will see only golden opportunities you will see always the Light,

into your mouth where you will speak only Golden words with a golden tongue,

into your throat chakra also empowering your voice so you will sing with a golden voice

 into and filling up your heart chakra, feeling warmed with the Sun light  your heart is golden is all Light

 down to your solar plexus, your 3rd  chakra, enlightened your will, golden and radiating your warmth

 into your 2nd chakra, your creative womb source,this is a sexual chakra, all filled with potentiality birthing light

and down into your Root chakra grounding your self in golden warmth,

send th golden light down through your root chakra into the earth

feel the golden light descend into the eart h where it mixes with physical gold, crystals and gems,

and see the sun light reach Mother earth’s heart flame,

feel the alignment of solar Logos sun, with you and earth mother.

All is in perfect alignment, this is TOTAL UNCONDITIONAL MOTHER LIGHT LOVE healing energy.


These meditations are channelled to me spontaneously, I don’t know where they will take me until I stop channelling.


See Stuart Wilde 

and Rudolph Steiner for more info on the Solar Logos.



in all ways at all times. That is iT!

practise this, stay mindful, this is Alchemy turning Lead= matter, into GOLD

Nicholas Flammel was a real Alchemist, a  real person mentioned in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

alchemy Tarot cards

 In the Tarot deck that I use the THOTH Tarot A lchemy is  # 14 called The ArT

and remember re=member VENUS rules ART


If you require some good luck Golden advice, please call upon me it will be honor:

So auspicous and symchonis on Mother’s DAY  Golden goddess of Opportunity.

The Nodes Know, Triple Karmic 7 day Spring cleanse,Meditations, psychic, astrology, Tara Greene

This is a  very busy and powerful week April 25- May 1st -you won’t want tom iss this amazing opportunity. Super Spring cleaning!

Many magical cosmic designs in the sky above to work with down below, so let’s get down. It’s just what the Doctor ordered.

THERE is a very KARMIC cleansing energy being downloaded now and i can certainly feel it. Can you?

The Nodes of the Moon, called the Dragon’s Head- Rahu in Vedic Astrology and the South Node-always directly opposite ,called the Dragon’s Tail, or Rahu in Indian astrology govern KARMA.The North Node represents the future, the South node the past.  When reading an astrology chart the south node is where I see past life influences in the chart, habits, family imprinting,and th North Node the highest direction to aim for.

The Nodes are what form all Eclipses when the Sun and Moon or both align with the South or North nodes which they will do on May 20.

– Advert. Come join me at the Grail Springs Spa for May 18-21 weekend I will be doing workshops and leading a solar eclipse ceremony on the 20th

Presently the North Node is at 5 degrees of Sagittarius in Tropical Astrology and always moves backwards through the signs. The Nodes take about 18 months to move through any sign. North Node in Sagittarius is the flame of truth, inspiring, knowledge, positive, sacred law, the Galaxy itself.

The South node, at 5 degrees of Gemini  represents the past; in Gemini it is all mental, mind scramble, immature, yakkety, ambiguous, immature.

Mars in Virgo is aligned to square both Nodes right now which continues and is exact on May 1st MAY DAY.

That’s  when we dance around the May Pole, a wicca, pagan phallic worshipping fertility festival. Like in King Arthur’s Camelot, did you read the Mists of Avalon? It’s a great read.

Mars square the Nodes aligns our actions, drive, passions, discipline, analysis, organization in service to that Martial  hygiene freakin’ Virgo influence now. So its TIME to clean up our acts. All the old crap, baggage, excuses, irresponsibility, finally.

Are you ready to surrender and free your self?  Me too.

Its time to let it go, let all your baggage go, like in the U2 song BAD

It’s like Martha Stewart says, A good thing though

If you twist and turn away
If you tear yourself in two again
If I could, yes I would
If I could, I would
Let it go

If I could throw this
Lifeless lifeline to the wind
Leave this heart of clay
See you walk, walk away
Into the night
And through the rain
Into the half-light
And through the flame

If I could through myself
Set your spirit free
I’d lead your heart away
See you break, break away
Into the light
And to the day

To let it go
And so to fade away
To let it go
And so fade away

I’m wide awake
I’m wide awake
Wide awake
I’m not sleeping
Oh, no, no, no – Bono

Neptune at 2 degrees PISCES & Chiron the wounded healer at 8 degrees Pisces opposite Mars bring even more Karmic cleansing power to this aspect.  

It’s a Triple Karmic powered MARS-TINI!  3's karmic action

so use these V.I.  next 7 days to do this 7 day Karmic cleanse, I will be available to coach and spot you:

Everyday you must meditate:  Use the Martial Virgo energy, you must be disciplined and do this each day for at least a half hour. An hour is best. You need to set up a ritual space, light a candle, call in the directions,you will need lavender oil, which you will apply to each chakra after each day’s release. You can wear the colour that suits each chakra, flowers, candles etc.

Day 1.  Meditate on your root chakra – colour red- allow your fears around survival, groundedness, safety, security,being in your body to come up and state aloud: I let all these negative energies from the past go NOW, I release them from the past present and future. Use a drop of lavender oil on your root chakra, be careful,lavender is very potent. Take a bath or shower.

Day 2. Meditate on your 2nd sexual chakra-color orange, this is life force energy itself, creativity, passion, receptivity,intuition, any blockages or sludge here and trust me it will be filled like a memory cesspool for most women,from having sex with partners who haven’t honored you as the Goddess that you are. Put lavender on your private parts, Not internally. I specialize in karmic sexual cleansing and healing.  Get a phone reading:

Day 3. Meditate on your 3rd or Will chakra -colour Yellow- 2 inches below your navel- This is your power center, Vitality, the Light, This is where  you have given your power away to any and every outside authority, The list will be huge: your lovers, organized religions, your boss etc. Any time you act out of integrity, you lose energy here. Reallydump the lot from this one, you will feel the healing heat and power of the Sun shining through you after this.Keep the Sun radiating from this place always from now on. Apply the lavender oil. Bathe, add yellow food coloring to the water.

Day 4. The  Heart Chakra – colour green or pink- Examine where your heart is hurt, closed down, mistrustful. This is where your heartbreak and heartaches are. Cry as much as you need, the tears are healing. Let the old lovers and loved ones who hurt you go, gently. The heart is broken to allow the light in, that is the wounded healers way. Forgiveness, compassion allows your heart to open and be healed to receive  Divine love. Apply the lavender oil and rose oil if you have it here as well. Bathe in  roses petals.

Day 5. Meditate on the throat chakra- color blue- this is the speech and power of the word center. This is where your words have harmed others. It is also the words you should have spoken and didn’t. Your inability to speak your truth, righteous anger or love is blocked here. Make sounds, toning, wailing is always healing. Release, and state aloud only loving positive affirming words about yourself. Apply lavender. Bathe afterwards.

Day 6. Meditate on the 6th chakra, the third eye, between the eyebrows ,color is purple. Go deep into relaxation, trance medittaion.Yuor intent is to visualize all your past lives, allow whatever arises to simply be, yo will know if it is real and true by your emotional response to the scenes or the feelings. Let go, let it all go. be here now, in the present, open to the present magic. Apply a drop of lavender oil and in your bath afterwards.

Day 7. Meditate on your crown chakra, it is white, at the top of your head. See your crown chakra open like a whale’s sputing hole, allowing the infinite light to flow in. If there are blockages simply ask yoour Higher Self and Guardian Angels to remove it and let it go for you.Apply lavender oil to your crown chakra. Then bathe in epsom salts or Himalayan crystal salts.

Drink plenty of water during the 7 day cleanse, Its not necessary to day any dasting or diet. The emphasis is on emotional cleansing.

Create a group: do this alone but with a buddy system. I will be doing it to. I know that you will feel a googleplex lighter.

You will notice you will look Lighter,brighter, feel calmer, people will react differently to you. You won’t  be playing the same games.

Let me know how you feel at the end.



11:11:11 report from Sedona,Tara Greene psychic spiritual adviser

I journeyed to the magical red rock vortexes of Sedona Arizona along with many hundreds of other spritual seekers and other tourists who just happened to be here fot the event.

I arrived Nob. 8th which is the cross quarter day in the Amerindian sacred round of the year occupying the position of the North west on the wheel,

This is the place of karma and dharma the place of sacred magic ruled by the crow or raven, and in other teachings ve come across also symbolizes the Places of Power on the planet. Of which Sedona is well known, as well s the pyramids, Mt. Shasta, Lake Titicaca, Tibet etc.

It snowed the day before, and I heard the road up to Flagstaff was closed done. The 13 crystal skulls from Mayan legend, or facsimiles were brought to Sedona on the 7th and there were supposed to be ceremonies and 400 peopple showed up. But I heard that no ceremonies occurred. Drunvalo Melchizadek was on hand though.

There were many workshops,talks,lectures, info sessions,preparations going on by various and sundry spiritual groups and individuals: Chakra tours, DNA strand activations, ascention preparations, meditations, body work, vortex tours, weddings, chakra balancings, UFO sightings, crop circle info. exchanged, metaphysical music, sound healing performances, sweat lodges, horse back rides, clearings, past life channelings, Arcutrian, Lemurian, Atlantean, Sirian, Pleaidian, Zeta Reticuli, 10th dimensional, 9th Dimensional, walk-ins, NDE exchanges, Burning man devotees, John of God followers, Dahwn yoga,angelic messngers,deep trance, crystal healing beds, aromatherapy, hypnotherapy, rolfing,dancing, drumming,camping out, yoga, trance dancing,Kabbalah, Astrology, synchonicities, healings, searches for the Holy Grail, raw foodies, organic everything, arts and Mary Magdalen’s name bantered around everywhere. MM knows everyone in town here.

Nov. 8th I am a bit jet legged upon arriving. Check in at the Super 8. Symbolizes Super Infinity. My friend Jospeph-Mark a Kabbalistic Astrologer and scholar of many metaphysical mediums from Nelson british Columbia comes to fetch me as  I don’t drive due to an unusual visual perceptual issue.

11:11:11 goings on in Sedona

OUr 11:11:11 ceremony was on Shnebley Road, by the area called cow pies. We created a tree of Life. set alcohol on each Sephiroth to make elixers with after. Did prayers. Circumnabulated the Tree 33 times in Total, Prayed in Hebrew, English, Sanskrit Sang, danced, It was joyfull. A couple was getting married off in the distance.

Spirit flattens me  but angels save me

Our 2nd cermeony of the day occurred in Fay Canyon off of Boynton canyon. There is an arch or cave up a pretty steep climb. Some women came by to our ceremony where there was a natural mesa, we used herkimmer diamond crystals, and charged more alcohol for elixiers. Apparently this cave has Arcturian enegies. I had brought my Medicine Pipe and did an Native American Ceremony and prayers off to the side. After my cermeony as I was getting ready to walk down from the cave I suddenly fell, it was  so fast, I landed flat on my face. I couldnt believe it, There I was face down eating that famous red rock dust and praying that my teo front teeth didnt get knocked out. And of course i am wondering what the heck was that? I had broked my fall with my hand and there was a little bleeding and I had a fat lip but seemed miraculously to be relatively unharmed. I was helped down by a nice man with climbing poles.  I realized afterwards just how lucky I was and truly felt protected by the many many angels that are all around me now.

The woman who found the Holy Grail

Part 3 of my 11:11:11 involved a woman who had come to speak with my freind Jospeh MArk about his Kabbalistic and esoteric knowledge, We went to his freinds house and waited for peopple to show up for a talk he had intended to give. This lady claimed she had actually found the Holy Grail in Wales, it was an olive wood cup, traditionally used for wine in Sabbath ceremonies. She said it had been kept secret but that the crown of England had extensive documentation in secret of the healings that had been associated with people who touched it or who drank water form it. As hse told her story I could see and feel the energy as she told us about the miracle of the ever replenishing waters and how drinking from the Holy Grail made her a total lover and knower that there is only One Unity,no duality.

Well that is what the 11:11:11 energies are all about

She gave me a hug and I felt that christ like energy of enlightenment, divine love and acceptance come through her. It was excilerating.

NOv. 12

I go to have a special treatment on a chakra lazer bed. This is form the John of God healing center I believe. I had tried this treatment a few days ago and liked it. I immediately saw visions of the Goddess Isis as I lay on the bed.

This time I needed more time and was given an hour but was going so deep I asked for more time. I spent one and a half hours on that bed. It opens one;s chakra’s. Answers your intentions, I was given some specificinformtion.

Following a flyer we found at the Health Food Store,later we ended up at the Sedona High School where there was a special performance of dancing drumming and a Meditation Teacher who we didnt know anything about.

The teacher is a Korean breath teacher Ilchi Lee, a famous Dahn yoga instructir who has livedin Sedona for 15 years. He showed this amazing video which showed the  benefits of breathing techniques. Here is a sample of this awesome footage of russian freestyle diver with Beluga whales insub zero waters swimming naked.

There were 3 big busloads of Korean tourists i think who drove in to watch this famous unbeknownst to us, cultish leader, he was fun.

One ting after another, people would show up to lead me or to absolutely synchronize into the flow of the ocnversation.