Beirut explosion astrology

The shocking deadly Beirut explosion August 4th has killed at least 135 people and injured thousands and caused millions of dollars of damages as many buildings were destroyed in the ancient downtown port. The explosion was felt in Cypress,150 miles 240 kms. away.

While Israel and Hezbollah initially blamed each other for the blast it was caused by internal willful negligence. About 2,750 metric tons of Ammonium Nitrate, a common Fertilizer, which is also a highly explosive material, had been stored at the port for the past six years “without preventive measures.” Court documents obtained by CNN show that the ammonium nitrate came to Beirut on a Russian-owned ship in 2013. Badri Daher, the Director of Lebanese Customs, warned for years of the “extreme danger” of leaving the ammonium nitrate at the port.

Let us look at the Astrology and what the planets have to say about the explosion. Astrology was traditionally used to predict disasters.

Beirut is a very ancient city, inhabited for at least 5,000 years. The City was founded as the Capital of Lebanon on April 25, 1920. I have used Noon as I couldn’t find a recorded time.

Beirut Lebanon 2020 explosion astrology

Beirut Lebanon 2020 explosion astrology

Beirut Lebanon and explosion Aug. 4, 2020

CHIRON the WOUNDED HEALER at 9 degrees ARIES is exactly conjunct to Beirut’s Natal Chiron as the city is 100 years old this year and having its 2nd Chiron Return, a time characterized by vulnerability and wounding. Chiron in Aries symbolizes a sudden reckless spontaneous firey wounding.

CHIRON is in hard T-square aspect

Chiron squares Natal PLUTO at 8 Cancer, indicating death {Pluto} near water. Pluto rules Fertilizers which was the cause of the explosion. Chiron squares Natal MOON at 14 Capricorn, historical buildings. Pluto rules secrets and power struggles.

URANUS the planet of shocks, explosions, and chaos is at 10 degrees TAURUS

A shock that shakes foundations and tangible valuable assets. Uranus makes a hard T-Square conjunct the SOUTH NODE of Fate at 9 Taurus and opposes the North Node in SCORPIO, which is rebirth, death, destruction transformation, finances, other people’s money.

URANUS squares Natal NEPTUNE at 12 degrees LEO.

Neptune in LEO is a seafaring leader; also, hubris, a projection of power, control and ego which is an illusion. Neptune rules smoke and Leo is a fire sign. There was a distinguishing red smoke from the explosion. Neptune rules debt, and the unfortunate explosion could seriously bankrupt a country that has seen its share of war over many years.

The Transiting Sun is conjunct Natal NEPTUNE in LEO, ignition of a hidden substance.

NEPTUNE in PISCES is opposite Natal VENUS in VIRGO

Neptune is the planet of denial, illusion, self-sabotage, secret enemies, water, oil, drugs, gasses and debt. Venus in Virgo is a love of order and accountability. Someone did not pay attention to the danger of the ammonium nitrate despite being warned numerous times.


The North and South Nodes are Fated points in space. They are responsible for creating all eclipses. These Nodes square the Part of Fortune at 27 PISCES where we reap our rewards.


The MOON is the family, the safe harbour, tradition, nurturing and food. Fertilizers are used to grow more food. The effects of an eclipse last 6 months.


at 19 degrees, Mars is the planet associated with war and spontaneous fiery events. Mars squares Capricorn Moon and Trines Mercury the Messenger, Marketer and Trickster-thief in LEO and the M.C. the city’s highest reputation.


Venus at 27 Gemini is conjunct to the North Node at 28 GEMINI and conjunct the North Star.

VENUS in GEMINI is another valuable messenger. Venus in Gemini has two points of view going on at once. The NORTH NODE is a fated point. The N Node and Venus conjunct Beirut’s CERES the Great Mother of the Earth. Chemical Fertilizers though commonly used, destroy Gaia/Ceres naturally balanced ecosystem.

I cannot help but feel that as COVID-19 as deadly as it seems, may also be a very spiritual message that a HIGHER INTELLIGENCE may be using to get the overly busy and consuming Western world to slow down. We saw how because of the Great Lockdown in March how quickly the pollution cleared, and animals returned to empty streets. Many people found it very serene to get back to basics and become self-sufficient working from home, baking sourdough bread and experiencing the pleasure of slow living again.

This explosion as unfortunate as it is to those affected can also be seen in the same way. As a message from the Living Spirit of Mother Earth about the dangers of using toxic chemicals and leaving them sitting around. There are tons and tons of dangerous chemicals, nuclear dump sites and the like all over the world. Was Fukushima ever stopped? No. Is oil still leaking in the Gulf of Mexico? most certainly. I see this disaster as another warning and wake up call from our Higher Selves to clean up our acts.

I am sending prayers to those killed and injured and their families. It will take many months for the displaced to be able to return home and years to rebuild the damages. I hope that those responsible will pay their karmic debts for being so negligent.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

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2 thoughts on “Beirut explosion astrology

  1. I could not Repress that Chiron -post, I trashed it. I thought I can pick it up from the trash later. But it is not there anymore (??) I still try to find it. But this post I managed to Repress 👍


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