Mercury Retrograde, Emotional reset

June 17 astrology aspects today  with the moon in Bullish Taurus please watch Vlog.

Mercury turns Retrograde in PDT tonight at 14+ CANCER on SIRIUS and U.S. SUN June 18th at 12:59 am EDT until July 12.

Mercury is the card of the Magician in the tarot #1 and is the Egyptian God Thoth, the Sacred Scribe, who is considered to be one of the oldest of the Egyptian gods. Thoth taught language, he symbolizes consciousness. Mercury is the fleet-footed messenger of the Gods, Hermes to the Greeks.

Our consciousness is created through language, our experiences in time and taught constructs. Cancer is associated with our mothers and the womb, and our cellular memories when we were in our mother’s wombs pre-birth and she was in her mother’s womb as an egg cell. Our memories are projected in time to construct our experience of the now.  This Retrograde consciousness feeling is expressed through Cancerian themes of emotional security needs, women, your tummy, your mom, and childhood, your family or children, your intuition and dreams.

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer will be felt through communications of course but more in our emotions and in personal relationships. Expect many Deja Vu feelings, epiphanies and memories. Be aware of these “I’ve been here before, this feels so familiar” moments. They are your cues as to what needs to be felt through and talked about.
June 16/17-July 12 is emotional review time. This period will be intensified until June 25 while Venus, the planet of love and relationships is also Retrograde in Gemini, the sign Mercury Governs. This can be a very cleansing and rewarding time to clear up old stagnant water under the bridge.

NOTE the upcoming SOLAR ECLIPSE at 0 degrees CANCER on the 20/21st amplifying this theme at the WORLD POINT.

Its time for an emotional review, a rewind of your childhood issues and cleansing cleansing, cleansing.

If you’re born at mid-degree of ARIES, LIBRA and CAPRICORN you will experience this Retrograde the most. Cleanse your emotions, diet and home.

It’s an emotional re-set, revolution, review, reflection. What with the BLACK LIVES MATTER and revolution against status quo and police being racist. We need to find an emotionally stable place to look at what needs to go and what people need to feel emotionally safe,

please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me

PAINTING of Badwater in Death Valley, California by Napoleon Brousseau,

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