Sex, love and healing Venus, Chiron, Lilith

Lilith, Chiron and Venus in Aries square the Nodes Of Fate

The Amazon Warrioress Venus in the Armour Of Amor, wearing her infamous girdle which makes her irresistible, plus garters and stockings with holes, and bejeweled protections, joins forces with the fearless sexual, independent, all seeing owl-and snake bodied nature and 1st woman, death bringing half of the Divine Feminine, Lilith. Quite a duo. Chiron the Wounded centaur Healer is in the pack. I imagine he’s been staunching their hearts, minds and pussy wounds, as this is an archetypal initiation which requires walking on hot coals as a means of strengthening resolve, Will, and confidence in the battle of freedom,independence, and love for women as initiators, not passive victims waiting around for a man or someone to “complete them.” These three in fiery Aries are fearless. Feel their passionate championing of the most feminine of energies. They’re angry and righteously so. It’s time to open the anger and get below to the vulnerable wounds in your heart so they can be healed. Vulnerability is a strength. Women have always been strong. Just before Valentine’s Day its best for you to access your heart, to know If you see love as a battlefield or can you heal your heart and be willing to go out there on the fields unarmed, trusting?

Use this time wisely, remember Chiron travels through a sign in approximately 4 years and a bit. Venus transits a sign in over a year. Lilith takes 4 years for one transit. Lilith’s anger, resentment and defensiveness for being shamed for her essential sexuality and power has made her hide her true self from your own self and the world. If you felt safe, accepted and loved enough to embody your Lilith, what would she look and feel like to you?

Do the work now. The times are demanding it, there is no shame in your body, your sexuality, what your heart desires, or in being strong and vulnerable.

Please share widely all writing is copyright of Tara Greene

Get a reading with me https://www.taratarot.comTara Greene Tarot Astrology Psychic Consultant

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